Family First

Kris My Dear Friend
Animals Cages must go to
Back Garden
In Room not Healthy
For Anyone
They will get Fresh air
Don't Need Fresh Food
You give at Night or in the
Evening My Daughter in
England does the same
Kris Please don't Skip
Father can go on any
It is Monday Morning a Rainy Day
with 14 Degrees not a good Day for My
Walk but I find My Ways to get Busy
One of My Grandson in Grade 10
is going for His Driving Test at
Port Union Location
I got My Opportunity to get out
I am sitting at Driving School Office
Enjoying writing My Blog it is like
Talking to My Readers Family
I see Birds walking on Grass also calling
Each other from Different Locations
Today I am Happy as there was some
Activity going on in Twin Trees
Not all Apartments are rented out still
Office was open and Booking was in progress
I think Building issues are now resolved
This whole week I will not be going to My
Work Place it doesn't mean I wont be doing
anything I will be helping My Daughter in
Law as Her Parents are coming on Tuesday
For couple of days
Wednesday will be Graduation Ceremony of
My Eldest Grandson on Friday We will be having
Get together for some Families
Saturday is Canada Day We go to watch the
Day Time Festival and at Night go for
This whole week will be very Busy for Me
Don't You worry I will manage to write
My Daily Blogs and wait for Your Comments
to Brighten My Days
I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. The town is still buzzing about Smile's talented grandson that she mentioned yesterday
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D
SWN was fantastic. We took the nature trail today. Lots of discussion about Smile's blog from yesterday about her grandson
SWS was fun too. We talked about the Smile blog. She writes so flowery blogs
I held a Toastmasters meeting today about Smile's blog. It was literally house full. I was sure that we are violating many fire code violations.
I attended the session. Smile is the best.
DeletePS: It will be helpful if we can have more printouts next time. Some people were taking more than 1 copies of her blog. I asked one person and she said that she is taking extras for her neighbour too
My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome blogger! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
This blog is my lifeline. Why don't you write for me. Dean, retired consultants, retired athlete and other big people know you and you write for them
I lost the race to post the blog on our corporate notice boards. It was already posted when I got there. Of course, there was also a box of fresh SDs with a note from SA
I was in early today and posted the blog. Of course the SDs were already there. Plus one additional donut for the poster
Dear Madam Smile,
ReplyDeleteYou so good. You write good too. Mr Supervisor come and say why you tell blog all people. Remember you Madam told you no tell blog. I say I only tell blog if they ask. Sick job worker is now fix because of Madam and I want warn video kid job worker not open bank account because video kid can be like Madam son and I tell fat job worker that she lose wait if she try think right. Mr. Supervisor say but job worker son is only 4 year old and it no good to call someone fat and the sick job worker get better because vomit and because medicine. I say but how you know advice from my Madam. He say he need go urgent. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
Dear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees went for our long walk today. This walk, though very long for us, is nothing compared to the walks that you have. We had our lollipop after that
The retirees could not believe that you went to so many different activities in a single day. As we have indicated to you before, we cannot even imagine going to all these places in a month let alone in 1 day. Your blog inspired the retired athlete and he wanted to go for a longer walk than we normally take but we reminded him of the ordeal a few weeks ago. Based on our reminder he refrained from going further.
The retired social scientist and Smile with Smile program subcommittee are asking your for your guidance. Also, we have temporarily slowed down on Smile Encyclopedia project as you are going to be providing us with additional details
thank you
recent retiree
This blog was very useful for me in my business meeting. Participants were inspired by Smile's ability to handle and manage change. The meeting was about change management so she inspired her through her blog to help the various corporates executives to be able to better handle change
ReplyDeletethank you Smile
Keith Walker
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteThe students and the professors read you blog at the Smile Garden today. The Dean suggested that as he brought coffee and cup cakes. He called it Smile fun feast. The weather was nice and also the Smile bird feeder was attracting a lot of birds. It was a very good setting for the reading of your blog. After the blog we went to the SRC as the students dont want to slow down on the Smile Encyclopedia. The Dean advised us to take a day off but we want to get going. Also many students used to smoke but based on your comments about smoking, a no. of them have quit and others are under a lot of pressure to do so. One senior Economist professor who was a chain smoker for life also quit. He said that his wife and kids could not believe it because they have been insisting that he quit after his second heart attack but he never listened to anyone.
thank you
Literature Fellow
Father say you yell father little today. Father say he yes mind. Father say someone take yellow butterfly because he no able find in cage. Father say he yell Hannah and Niklas because they last see bird and buterfly. Father say he yell Kris (me) becasue he no able find cane sugar. Father say bird no able sleep night because they yell as they no get fresh food. Father say it no good idea to leave bird out in back garden because it very cold in Germany at night like 25 C. Father say he will wait one more day and if bird yell today then will leave bird in Niklas room because Niklas yong. Father say he say he old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say that she tell father no put buterfly in cage with bird because bird can eat buterfly but father say they will play together. Hannah say that she think bird eat buterfly. Niklas say grandpapa yell father lot today but it no his fault that buterfly go away from cage. Niklas say that bird cage has big hole so buterfly can fly out or bird can eat buterfly. Me very tire. Buterfly was very expense. We need pay extra for buterfly museum and I take buterfly for special price because they no sell buterfly. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
My Smile is amazing. She has an amazing author. She is an amazing active person. She is an amazing counsellor. What an amazing person my Smile !!
ReplyDeleteHo Ho Ho. I guess this is la la land. Will this ever going to stop. My blood pressure shoots up and temp rises. It is absolutely crazy stuff
ReplyDeleteGood job mrizvi. Way to go. Simply brilliant comment
Just reeelllax. Watch a movie. Just chill. The kids today are rebellious.
ReplyDeletemrizvi's comment is spot on. It is absolutely a good comment. Amazing how mrizvi was able to guess so accurately every day
Your blogs have been very didactic. We have been reading them so often that our compeer poke fun at our expense and inculpate us of memorizing it. This is a charge which we gladly accept. Taking a page out of the book of the retried ladies and gentlemen as well as young scholars, we have also started to categorize your journals. As we are doing that, we have been amazed at the artistry via which you produce day in and day out. The interesting thing about your writing is, that unlike your other esteemed colleagues such as Herriot, Chaucer, Bronte, Rowling, Gibran and others, you have the panache to articulate your profound message in a cinch, easy to understand, layman terms. This has aided in enhancing the quality of our lives cabalistically
ReplyDeleteThank you for making our lives brighter
Dave and Linda
Hello Readers Family
ReplyDeleteThanks Linda Dave Boris Literature Fellow Retiree Group Batman Plunker mrizvi
Superwoman Karen N Kyle Newbie Kim Keith Tiara Jimmy Cynthia Brenda Marg
Craig Kris Happy Reader and Mother in Law Cleo Thanks All My Anonymous and
Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone