Follow the Path

Kris I am Happy that Niklas is now in His Room
But He is Living with
Animals all around
Please don't Give Him Cigarette
He is Great Kid don't spoil Him Please
Happy Reader and Mother in Law
My Dear Friends Please
Read My Blog Tomorrow
I will write for You
Literature Fellow My Dear Friend
I will write for You
will give some Ideas for
Encyclopedia Project
My Dear Retirees asking about Nutrition
I started thinking what is the Force
Behind My active Living
What is the Motivating Factor which
Keeps Me pushing to do My Things
What is there which never stops
Me from My Walk from keeping
Me busy with Kitchen to do Things
for My Grand Kids
Nothing doing with My Nutrition or My
Healthy Living All Credit goes to
My Mom and to My Dad
I still Remember My Mom used to say
Never take Your Illness Seriously
If You Feel it more You will
Never be out of it
I Religiously Follow My Mom's saying
I never take My Illness seriously
It is working with Me
My Dad was very Punctual He used to make
His Plans and strictly followed at any cost
I inherited the same from Him
I am really Proud of That it is working
Very well and keeping Me Busy and
Active even at this Age of Mine
Thinking is the Force behind Everything
It makes Things to Happen
Our Thoughts Chalk out Plans for us
We only have to follow the Path
To Think Positive is the Key Behind
Our active Living Nutrition comes Last
I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being Sunday, almost all customers go to the church. There are also out of town people who come for church in our small town. In the sermon, the priest talked about parents and teachers to be kinder to kids as this can have a big impact on them. The locals in the congregation were smiling. The out of towners did not understand but when they came to Smile Corner and read the blogs, they understood and also enjoyed. These out of towners read blogs from the past week
ReplyDeleteMy Smile is awesome! She is an awesome nutritionist. She is an awesome grandmother. She is an awesome councillor. She is an an awesome psychiatrist. She is an awesome friend. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
I like you blog in China.
ReplyDeleteI enjoy your blog in Russia. I read with family
DeleteThis is good blog. I read France. No comment but read all time
DeleteI like blog and also read in France. I like to read alone because it is good English literature
DeleteI enjoy blog. I no good English but good Spanish
DeleteI enjoy blog Ukraine
DeleteThank you for writing blog for me. This blog is my lifeline
Dear Madam Smile, You so good. You write very good to. One job worker became sick with lot head hurt and start vomit. Mr. Supervisor tell him that he need go home and get bed. I go sick job worker and say him you no need go home but keep work. He say what you say. I say my Madam tell me trick that will make you better. He say what trick. I say are you asking. He say yes but why you happy. I say because now I can tell you blog. He say I sick and no want blog I just want know how fix sick. Mr. Supervisor come and say him why you no go home. I say I come to tell him how no sick because my Madam mother tell that no take illness seriously. Mr. Supervisor got angry and say him you go but he say I feel better because vomit and medicine so need go. I say I so happy that my Madam blog fix you. Mr. Supervisor no happy and say me you no suppose tell blog and no suppose take brake. I say but he ask blog and it fix him. I tell him I need go back work because I need punctual. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteYou should write for my lazy and disrespectful daughter in law. She reads your blog every day and listens to you. She does not listen to me.
ReplyDeleteMother in law of the Happy reader
Dear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees did not go for our long walk today. We are still very tired from the walk from yesterday. Some of the retirees are still suffering from cramps also. This walk, though very long for us, is nothing compared to the walks that you have. The retirees instead went straight to the reading of your blog.
The retired health care professionals led the reading of the blog today. They were very surprised that there are links to punctuality and healthy living To be very honest we have not been able to completely understand it and are going to be forming a subcommittee to understand this blog further. We have included mental health professionals as well as behavioral scientists for this subcommittee. We are also thinking of asking the university professors as well as practicing health care experts for help as this is a very complicated area.
The retired nutritionist who is leading the subcommittee is a seasoned expert in this field. She has over 70 publications in the last 10 years alone. There has been a no. of PhD thesis completed under her supervision. She also used to be consulted by various international agencies for her expertise. She pointed out that this is ground breaking research area. She wanted to thank you for highlighting it. She asked if you are currently involved in any research activities in this field.
Thank you
recent retiree
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteThe students read your blog at the SRC today. Though it is Sunday, the Dean also came. He is very much interested in the Smile Encyclopedia and when he saw that we are actually working on that, he was very pleased. H also joined us in the reading of the Smile blog.
Your today's blog was very complicated for us. The Dean tried to explain it to us but as he was doing it, he also confessed that even he is struggling to understand it completely. He will be asking the Heath Sciences department to help out and research this.
We went to the Smile Garden later on as the Smile army arranged a surprise brunch for us. Dean did not join us because he had to go for a family event. He said he only came to help provide moral support as we are working on Sunday on the Encylopedia
thank you
Literature Fellow
Dear Literature Fellow, it good that you read Madam blog but you no suppose to discuss with Dean or anyone else. We no suppose to show blog if they no ask. Madam blog very complicate but if you need help you ask me. I will tell you if you ask because I no tell if you no ask. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
DeleteMy Smile is amazing! She is an amazing writer. She has amazing mother. She has amazing father. She is an amazing advisor. What an amazing person my Smile is!!
ReplyDeleteFather say you yell father little. Father say he yes mind. Father say Niklas luck that he live with animal because he can see birds and see rabit and see buterfly all time. Father say it good that he smoke because Niklas will become big boy. He small boy now. Father say he yell Hannah because bird no say anything. Father say he yell Hannah because she no give food on time. Father say bird and rabit eat before sun but she give food late. Father say he tell Kris (me) that he need take father see see because father get bore if father only see rabit and birds and butterfly. Father say he talk Niklas to. Father say he say he old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say father angry because she give food to birds and rabit late. She say she leave them food at night and also leave water but father want her to give fresh food in morning. She say father right that animal no move much but it probably because they no use stay in box room in small cage. She say she sleep late like till 7 because she get tire every day. She say she feel bad Niklas. Niklas say that he no able sleep night because birds get up before sun and make lot noise. Niklas say rabit make lot mess and room bad smell. Me yell Niklas because he smoke and it no good for him. He tell me that I give him but me take it back because you no like. Me explain him that you no like and he give me back smoke. Me need take father to see see but need go office to. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
Well well well. Here we go again. Another day, same thing. Smile is talking about what she has learnt from her parents and how her readers can also benefit from that but does it make any difference?? I wish Smile has not asked us to be so civil.
ReplyDeleteThanks mrizvi. Fantastic comment
Caaaaalllmmmmm down Plunker. Kids today dont read. They look for shortcuts. Yes Smile has asked us to be nice, so be considerate
ReplyDeleteGreat comment mrizvi. Good job
Smile is brilliant. As someone said, she is Gibran + Herriot packaged in a folksy style. I mean look at the thought today
ReplyDelete"Thinking is the Force behind Everything
It makes Things to Happen
Our Thoughts Chalk out Plans for us
We only have to follow the Path"
That is very deep!
thanks Smile
Hello Readers Family
ReplyDeleteThanks Boris Linda Dave Batman Plunker mrizvi Karen Keith Kim Superwoman Jimmy
Literature Fellow Retiree Group Brenda Craig Marg Jasmeet Kris Happy Reader
Tiara N Kyle Newbie Mother in Law Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone