Not to Worry

Image result for house in snow pictures

My Dear Kris Father
My Friend

I think I was not able to
deliver my message 
loud and clear

My message was that Tablet
is for you only

I was thinking it will be
easy for you to take it
to your room with you 
light and handy

Please watch all your favorite
shows on Tablet 
also please read My Blog
and write Comment

Make everyone Happy
Thank You

It is a clear beautiful morning
no snow no rain not cloudy
I had my oatmeal cereal stir
fry egg with a hot cup of tea

I am planning to make fresh
pancakes for my grand kids

My son put  " Tour de France "
on TV which I already watched but
enjoying the scenic program
while making pancakes

Pancakes was my weekend target
I make small targets to meet
to get Happiness 

Try not to put the Bar high 
by meeting small targets
happiness will be handy

Last night my son was going
to pick my youngest grandson
from his friend's birthday party
in Whitby a town nearby

Whitby is 20 minutes away from
Pickering the party was at Sky Zone
after dinner I went with my son 

It was a beautiful Drive the
most amazing thing I watched
was the Copper Moon

It was like a big circular Platter
just in front of my car at
my eye level

It was unique so different between
all the man made lights this was
from God has to be unique

Sky Zone the party place was
of orange theme full of kids of
all ages in different zones to enjoy
comfortable couches all around for us
to have a seat

It has Toddles Court - Foam Zone
Slam Zone full of happy faces

Giving assurance that world is 
still beautiful nothing to
worry about


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner

  2. I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D. I will post the blog from the weekend later today


    1. I was running into issues posting the weekend blogs as people were coming to get the blogs from my desk as I was printing them out.

      I have now posted the blogs in all noticeboards


    2. I was one of the person who bugged you. In lobby C, there are a whole bunch of people waiting for the blog so that's why I took a no. of copies from you. Sorry about that.


    3. SWN was fantastic. We walked on the nature trail today.


    4. SWS was great also. We talked about the weekend blogs during the walk. There is also a lot of interest in the upcoming Smile Forum

    5. Smile Forum will be a high profile event. Lots of management presence expected. Managers are pushing the team to read the blog about walking and make this a center piece of their status reporting.


  3. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You take care Dear Kris and teach him what do with Dear Father. You also teach me to. You also take care son and son son. You see good moon too when you take son and son to happy birthday. I no go happy birthday because no time. I no ask Mr. Supervisor about blog. He say he happy about that because he busy. He say your Madam very smart. I say him I know. I also no tell him about writing. I do 2 proud job and work harder.

  4. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome psychiatrist. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  5. I lost the race to post the blog on our corporate notice boards. It was already posted when I got there. Of course, there was also a box of fresh SDs with a note from SA


    1. I was in early today and posted the blog. Of course the SDs were already there. Plus one additional donut for the poster


    2. And I posted the blog from the weekend. So we should be all good :-)


  6. I'm sorry I haven't commented recently, please don't think I haven't been reading as I have. You making sure Kris got the message reminded me I should make sure you always get the message that I'm a fan and an avid reader :)

  7. Dear Advisor, the retirees were very tired today due to our long walk yesterday so we postponed our version of Smile Walk. Instead of walking, we drove to the coffee shop and did a joint reading of the blog. The retired author led the reading. Though all appreciated the blog, she continued to go gaga on almost every sentence. She indicated that we are not being able to appreciate the literary value in this blog

    The retired environmentalist was also pleased that you are continuing to enthral us with nature themed stories

    The subcommittee for joint family living did not meet today as they were too tired.

    recent retiree

  8. Father say that he no want blog and he no want tele and no want soup. He say that he old but say no write almost 67. He say he no want go mall and no want tablet.

    (Father feeling low. Me took tablet his room but father say it too loud so me leave room. Niklas no go school today but father no talk him. Hannah make special dish for him and he eat that. She say she sorry and say she promise that you no Hannah friend but he say he no believe. He still like you blog though as he wants me nabor to read blog to him. He say nabor that he addict to you blog. He say you nice person but he think you 30 and Hannah friend. He say no way you 70+ and no old.)

    Kris (Germany)

  9. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing environmentalist. She is an amazing naturalist. She is an amazing advisor. She has an amazing grandson. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  10. I am just banging my head against the wall. There is absolutely nothing which is working. I have tried to be kind, I have tried to be harsh, I have tried to be reasonable but it just is not working. And yet Smile wants us to be nice to everyone in this forum

    good job mrizvi. Great to let us know that this is a good blog. I dont know what we would have done if you would not have told us

  11. Just caaaaaallllmmm down Plunker. Reeeeellaaax. Take a deep breath. Go for a walk. Or better still just read the blog again

    Thank you mrizvi. This is a good comment. You are doing an amazing job

  12. I read you blog China. I no read alone. I read family

    1. I like blog in Russia

    2. You write good blog. I love them. I English no good but French good

  13. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Karen Kris Kim Keith Linda Dave Jimmy Jasmeet Brian Maheen Cleo
    mrizvi John Tiara Brenda Marg Plunker Batman Sheema Boris Newbie
    Retiree Group Superwoman Xin Happy Reader Fellow Writer
    Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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