Ink Your Thoughts

Image result for Front yard pictures

My Dear Retiree Friends
I am proud of You

You did it
I salute You 
but please don't push it
Do it once a week
or twice a week

Kris My Dear
stay calm and relaxed

Put some books large print
which Father likes to read
of His interest

Some cross word books
Sudoku book pencil
pen and Tablet + charger
in His room

Please give Him time
set these things in His room
on table set a chair
it will be like His working area

It is plus 1 degree for a change
yesterday lot of rain

Today I decided to write
a full Blog on writing
it is such a powerful and
vast subject

It has so much depth it is a
wrong concept that to write
we have to be a Writer
Not at all

Writing is like talking to yourself
it is your time alone it is like

It is the reflection of our personality
we draw a picture of our own
of our inside on a piece of paper

It is very relaxing and Daily Journal
is like our private thing

We write something without being
conscious no one is watching

We freely jot down our thoughts
the only thing we have to take
into account to write positive

Not because someone watching
it is because when we jot down
something on paper

We ink our inner thoughts
it will be like a print in black
and white will stick to our Mind

We have to be very careful while
writing our thoughts it doesn't 
mean we skip writing

It is a beautiful experience
in our Life analyse your Day
and collect only the positive
moments to write

All the things which brightened
your day which put some smile
on your face

Write it down to ink and print
to fax to your Mind 
your Mind will forward this
message to your Body

This will beautify your Day
and you will have a good
night sleep

Think about it and start writing
any message to yourself
keep in mind the most important
person is " You "

Acknowledge yourself reward
yourself and keep thanking God 
who gave us power to think
power to move around

Thank You God


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner

  2. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome writer! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome author. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  3. I lost the race to post the blog on our corporate notice boards. It was already posted when I got there. Of course, there was also a box of fresh SDs with a note from SA


    1. I was in early today and posted the blog. The box of fresh SDs was already there. There was one additional donut for the poster.


  4. Dear Madam Smile, you write so good. You do good advice too. I try writing after read you blog and show Mr. Supervisor when he came to give work. He say I write good but I do more practice. I write 3 line only like I came work, I work hard and I saw cat on way which run hard. Mr. Supervisor still no finish blog. He still interested. I do 2 proud job and work hard and also write too

  5. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees appreciate your call out to them and would like to thank you for your kind words to them. We have been planning the walking for a while but it was only through your encouragement and efforts that we were able to accomplish it. We did not go for the walk today as a no. of retirees have cramps because of the very long walk that we did. We are hoping to start again when people have had a chance to catch their breath.

    The retirees appreciate your tips about writing. The retired author indicated that this is bang on.

    The subcommittee for the joint family living is closely following your advice to Mr. Kris regarding his father. We are learning from this. The retired social scientist is particularly interested as this is a unique social experience for him

    Thank You
    recent retiree

  6. I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D


    1. SWS was fun. We talked about Smile's blog and specially her comments about writing. Some of the participants are planning to start writing


    2. SWN was interesting. One of the managers joined the walk and when she heard the discussion about Smile's blog, she got curious. She went back and read the blog from one of the noticeboard in lobby B. She was so impressed that she sent out an email to her team asking them to follow Smile's advice when writing corporate status reports. She also pointed out the blog. Since it is available from the noticeboard, most have already read it


    3. I guess this the reason why I have getting so many requests for setting up a Smile Forum today. Most of the requests are from folks in lobby B :-)


  7. This is a very educational blog for me. I have been trying to do some writing but not with any luck. I will try now with this approach

    thanks Smile


  8. I read you blog in Russia. I also share with kid so they learn write

    1. I like you blog China. I talk with family too

    2. I enjoy reading your writing in France. This is my first comment. Thank you for writing

    3. This is a cool blog. I read Spanish and like you writing.

  9. My Smile is amazing . She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing author. She is an amazing blogger. She is an amazing scientist. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  10. Father say that you blog good for Hannah (ie me wife) and Niklas (me son) but no good me. He say it take his tele time and his tablet. He say he old but he say me no write only 67 because you no like age.

    (Father no read book, he just stay bed in room. He no soup and no blog. He say I no use in house. I no no what do. Can you help )

    Kris (Germany)

  11. Oh My God!! This stuff is simply crazzzy! I mean every day - same thing. All readers family have tried to explain but is not being able to get the message in the little mind. And Smile is so kind, she wants us all to be nice and gentle to everyone! EVERYONE!!

    Thanks mrizvi. What a brilliant comment this is! Way to go

  12. Caaallmmm down Plunker. We already know that some of the kids are rebellious. No point in trying to explain anything to them. Remember what Smile teaches everyone ie You need to just REEEEELAAX. And yes, we need to be polite and kind

    Thank you so much mrizvi. Much appreciated for your kind comment

  13. I am not a regular writer but love your blog. This is my first comment


  14. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Keith Karen Kris Linda Dave Plunker Boris Batman Superwoman
    Newbie Brenda Betty Jimmy Cleo Jasmeet Tiara Kim Maheen Sheema Happy Reader
    Hina Xin Retiree Group Fellow Writer Marg mrizvi Thanks All My Anonymous
    and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone


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