Do Anything

Image result for houses in winter pictures

My Dear Retiree Friends
I never try to control
my diet

I go with the flow of my
Mind and my Body

The only thing I do on purpose
to get out and keep myself
busy to stay away from
Negative thoughts

I will definitely write one
Blog for Your Group
My Friends

Today I found a new venue
in the library to have my
quality time

It is a big quiet room like a
conference room I used to go
there for my Book Club Meetings

I came to know that we can use
it whenever we want as there is
nothing going on there

If we keep our eyes open
we always find something
wonderful to experience
and enjoy

I  am sitting by the area which
is facing Highway # 2 that is
Kingston road it is 12.40 pm 
so not so busy

In the front I can see the big
single story building on the
other side of the road

Here I used to come while I was
volunteering Election Canada
in the last election on my left I can
see Dodge cars Show Room

In this big quiet room of library
on the side wall I can see big
Logo " Do anything " with
bright blue background

It gave me a signal a direction
Sense of Freedom and Liberty
to do anything I want to live
my Life

Such a beautiful short Logo
and so much depth in it


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner

    1. I was in early today and posted the blog. Of course the SDs were already there. Plus one additional donut for the poster


    2. Sorry I meant to respond to Brenda but posted it here.


    3. It is ok. We also have customers who eat biscuits with the blog. It goes well together

  2. I lost the race to post the blog on our corporate notice boards. It was already posted when I got there. Of course, there was also a box of fresh SDs with a note from SA


  3. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You no diet but you eat less. You find new room in library to do anything. You big shot, you do election in Canada. You go government conference. You take care son sons. I write today like I wake up and then eat breakfast cereal. I go 1 job. I see bird. It big and fly fast. I go fast to my job too. I no talk Mr. Supervisor about blog and writing because my Madam tell so. I no big shot. I do 2 proud job and work hard

  4. I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D


    1. SWS was great. As usual there was a big group of people today. We went for the nature walk


    2. SWN was fun. There was a lot of discussion about Smile's blog


    3. Apparently Smile blog is equally popular with management. A no. of managers signed up for the Smile Forum and when I clarified to them that they are not required to attend, they responded that they are aware but attending to learn and have fun


  5. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome doer! She is an awesome advisor. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  6. Dear Advisor, the retirees appreciated your blog today. The retired nutritionist was particularly surprised that you are eating well without following any regimented programs. She is very much looking forward to your blog about that. Also, as indicated previously, we have some members with weight challenges, and they are also interested in the blog.

    The young college student did come for the reading today. He had to get up early due to the long commute and multiple bus changes. He also asked us for the address for your blog which we have shared with him, as you did not have an objection. We did ask him to please consider the names and conversations between you and your readers in strictest confidence.

    Thank you
    recent retiree

  7. Father say that he also work election but that long time ago. He say he went vote. He say he no work election now because he old, almost 67. He say you do so many thing, like reading book, playing, helping grandkid and watching Christmas light, but it very tiring. He say he no sure you 70+. He say you must be 30

    (Me tell blog nabor. Nabor very happy. He also happy that father no angry now. Me wife happy to. Hannah say he go library to get book for making new soup that father like. Father like that and talk Hannah more. Niklas play lot. Can you give advice to him. He listen you to)

    Kris (Germany)

  8. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing volunteer, She is an amazing therapist. She is an amazing writer. She has amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!


  9. Today's blog provided a great intro for our business meeting. The title made people realize the value of doing positive things, and the reference to Elections was a positive reference to public service. Based on what we are seeing in one of the world powers, I wont be surprised if the White House press briefings also start with these blogs in the future :-)

    Keith Walker

  10. I just wanted to give a shout out to the new student reader and wanted to welcome him to the readers family. I also wanted to give him a fair warning that these blogs are very addictive, once you start reading them then there is no turning back. You will keep coming back for more every day. Also, Smile thanks every reader every day. Who does that! As some of us say, Smile is amazing and awesome at the same time .

    Thanks Smile

  11. Oh Myyyy Gaud! This is no good. Every single day! Can someone help? I know, I know, I need to be kind

    Thank you mrizvi. This is a very brilliant comment

  12. Calm down Plunker. Dont be overly dramatic. At least these are not alternative facts :-)

    Thanks mrizvi. Appreciate you letting us know that this is a good blog

  13. Though these blogs are loved for their creativity and literary value, but Smile provides us with some profound and deep thoughts. Have a looks at this

    "If we keep our eyes open
    we always find something
    wonderful to experience
    and enjoy"

    What a positive perspective

    Thanks Smile

  14. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Boris Keith Karen Kris Plunker Batman mrizvi Jimmy Brenda Linda Dave
    Cleo Kim Jasmeet Tiara Marg Retiree Group Newbie Superwoman Happy Reader
    Xin Fellow Writer Literature Reader Thanks All My Anonymous and
    Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone


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