This Too Shall pass

Image result for Train crossing bridge pictures

It was 1960 I was dreaming through
all my life to be a doctor and in my
days seats in medical school not so
many specially for girls

Just one medical school with 8 seats
for girls in total I had no luck so I
tried in another one away like from
Toronto to Calgary

Result was same no luck there too
I was coming back via  train on the
way was a river my train was crossing
the bridge and for the first time in my
life I was feeling very devastated

I wanted to jump into the river for me
it was the end of my dream so end of
my life too at least I was thinking like that

Then with heavy heart I got my
admission in the university to do my
Honors in Microbiology

After that period so many ups and
downs were in my life like in everyone
 else's it happens

Specially when my healthy husband
died of heart attack just like that
leaving 5 small children behind
at that time I was 34 and living
in a big rented house in a city
thousand miles away from my
family and friends

I decided to fly with the dead body
to the city where family was waiting
for hist burial

I faced everything keeping in mind
that God is watching over me
and I am not alone

When I look back to the year 1960
and the idea of jumping into the river
I think I was just 18 very emotional
so reacting like any teenager might react

Now I realize there is nothing the
end of the world and also remember
This too shall pass so move on


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner

  2. I have posted the blog on the corporate notice boards A and B. Also posted in the Cafeteria


    1. Lots of tears and emotions in our organization today. Kim, Cleo and a few others are asking for a special meeting of the Toastmasters for this week to discuss Smile's life. I am in the process of setting one up


    2. We absolutely have to have the meeting. I mean we need to all get together and discuss this as a team. I cant handle it all by myself


    3. Thanks Tiara for planning the meeting. I suggest that we call our next Toastmasters meeting as Smile Forum or something like that.


    4. I completely agree with John. Smile has given a special message to us. This will come in really handy for all of us as we deal with our day to day stresses


    5. What an amazing lady! Too bad that her only son is not treating her as well as he should


  3. I like blog China. No good english

  4. Dear Madam Smile, I was so happy and sad to read today blog. I was happy that you did so much and sad that you had to go through lot. I do 2 job and I asked to time off to go offer some prayer for you.

    mrizvi: Please read Madam blog today

  5. After reading this blog, I am feeling more strong and probably ready to face my ups and downs having this in mind that this too shall pass.

  6. Dear Advisor,

    Your blog created a lot of discussion within the retiree community. The retirees did not realize that you have had such a difficult life until they read today's blog. We held an emergency meeting today and passed a unanimous resolution to show support for your bravery and courage in managing the various challenges in your life.

    Some of the retirees wanted to have a resolution asking your son to better take care of you, however we did not vote on that as we did not think that the timing is right.

    mrizvi: We also passed a unanimous resolution to condemn your actions of commenting without reading.

    thank you
    recent retiree

  7. I lost the race to post the blog on our corporate notice board today. When I went to the meeting room, half of the office was there in tears. They were talking about Smile


  8. We were shell shocked as we read this blog. We did realize that you have had some personal challenges, specially as it relates to your only son, but we were not prepared for this. To be candid, both of us were quite emotional as were reading it. I (Linda) was not able to go to work whereas Dave did though he informed me that he will be coming back early as he is not being able to focus.

    We realize that you did not want to share your stories other than to provide guidance to us and we commend you for that. Today's lesson in courage ie take everything on the chin and move forward, is easier said than done. We will try but we don't think we are as strong and courageous as yourself

    Dave and Linda

  9. This was one of the strongest statement of courage that I have seen

    Keith Walker

  10. I so sad that you tough life. You really good. You do so nice thing. You bad son. He no take care. I Italian and son suppose to take care of mommy daddy

  11. I going through your last blogs for retirees. I have found so many things. Thank you

    Kris (Germany)

  12. My Smile is so awesome!! She is the most courageous, strongest, most generous, most fantastic, most awesome, most intelligent, friendliest, most generous, most ....... person in the world!
    What an awesome person my Smile is!!

    mrizvi: You need to read my Smile's blogs


  13. I had tears streaming down as I was reading the blog. How is it possible that Smile has gone through to many disappointments, so much bad luck, so much of negativity and turned out to be the most positive person. I mean, when I am feeling bad and depressed, I read one of her blogs. And that is enough to cheer me up. She is like a positivity tonic for me

    Even thinking about the blighter, corporate darling, reminds me how much Smile is facing even today. She never complains about him, always try to defend him, even when he is indefensible.

    She even says nice things about mrizvi. Never for a single day has she complained about her not reading the blogs

    I have to stop now because I am getting blurry eyed again.

    Thank you Smile. Thank you

  14. You are not the only one Plunker who was emotional. I called in sick because I just could not go to work today. I must have read the blog 10 times today. I also thought of her son and how he has been juicing her, every chance that he gets. And she never complains!!

    mrizvi: You should at least read today's blog and not just write you inane comment

  15. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing scientist! An amazing writer. Would have been an amazing doctor. What an an amazing person my Smile is!!

    mrizvi: Please read my Smile's amazing blogs

  16. Replies
    1. I am so disappointed with you. Smile is talking about how she faced disappointments in her life, how brave she has been and how we all can learn from her to face adversity. Yet, all you can muster is a "good post"!

      What the heck! Common girl! You can do better than that!

      There are people who are going to their church to offer prayers for Smile. There are people (me included) who either did not go to work or came back early because Smile's blog affected them so much. There are people who had emergency meetings in corporate offices. There were people who were crying! And what did you do? Stop snacking on your Halloween stash of candies and grow up!

  17. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Karen Linda Dave mrizvi Keith Cleo Jimmy Sheema Xin Sasha Fellow Writer
    Tiara Hina Batman Superwoman Boris Plunker Retiree Group Newbie Kris Brenda John Kim Sam
    My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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