The Driving Force

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On my Blog about the Conference
on participation of women in science
and Technology in 1980
there was comment from Sheema
for my piece of poetry

Here is my piece of poetry

When a girl is a pearl
as a mother is a lull
as a sister is a grace
as a wife is a praise

All this pearl all this lull
all this grace all this praise

All this treasure all this pleasure
all this glow will be Darn
without the company of a man

Here is the comment from Sheema

"I agree but this is the other way round also that 
without the company of a woman life is dull for man".

Now My Today's Blog

I totally agree with Sheema's comment 
but I have to give the full picture
of that week long Conference 

All the papers and scripts
discussions were to me like all against
men I mean they were saying that
Men force women to make things to do

I don't agree with that 
we don't have  to label anything
with anyone's cast creed gender
color or race 

Human nature is very complicated 
the same person will act very differently
with different personalities and in 
different circumstances it all changes
with the scenario

We can not bracket anything and label
them on the basis of their origin and
for being man or woman
this is not simple very complex

In my opinion Love and Trust 
are two driving forces to handle
anyone in any situation in any 
circumstances and also we will 
get pay back too may be later

We have to be open minded
and open our heart ready to 
accept Love from anyone
from anywhere

Please don't forget to forgive
and forget too 
this is all for our own benefit
we are eating fruits out of that

It will change everything and 
make our Life beautiful


  1. Dear Madam Smile, you so big shot and yet you so kind. You write poetry to help men and help women. I do 2 job so no time to write poetry

    mrizvi: You read Madam blog, it will help

  2. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner today. Since I started posting the blogs, I have doubled my supply of cakes and coffee as a lot of customers stay here to read blog and discuss. My small shop is starting to be like a community center for this small place

  3. I won the race to post the blog on our corporate notice board today - yay!!


    1. Thank Brenda. You beat Cathy and Scott by a minute :-) They were at the printer to pick up Smile's blogs from the weekend. They have posted those blogs on the corporate notice boards.


    2. Thanks Frank and Cathy.


  4. We have a more appreciative view of your esteem based on today's blog. Though we were not surprised by your stance of taking a balanced approach in the conference, we did think that this is indicative of your level headedness and forthrightedness. Couple that with your courage and the powers of expressive writing, it is quite a potent mixture.

    thank you again for being able to share these insights with your readers

    Dave and Linad

  5. I have posted the blog on our corporate notice boards in Lobbies A and B. Also posted it in the cafeteria


    1. I have also posted the blogs from the weekends. I know that the team would be looking for them as well


    2. What an amazing and brave lady she is. Instead of going with the flow in the conference, she actually did what she thought was right


    3. Kim and I spoke about this today. We are thinking that we broaden the focus of Toastmasters Meeting this week and talk about this. What Smile did at the conference is just the opposite of Group Think that we are asked to watch out for. It will be great for our organization and we will try to get as many people invited to this meeting as possible.

      As an FYI, we talked about it with others at the Smile Walk today and all liked it.


  6. Again , I agree with today's blog. In this age and time, we are living in a society of mixed cultures, people from different backgrounds, different languages and different color and race and we should except all of them with open heart and mind.

  7. Dear Advisor,

    Retirees were impressed by the stance that you took during the conference. I received a no. of calls from retirees expressing this comment.

    Also, an update for the meeting that I informed you about previously. We met yesterday to review the advise that you provided to the retirees. We appreciated it and also voted on a resolution to formally appreciate the advise that you provided to us. The resolution was unanimously approved.

    We also voted to condemn the actions of your only son. Retirees strongly feel that he is not taking care of you and instead mistreating you. We defined him asking you to get your money from the bank, not arranging transportation for you for your weekly activities, asking you to take care of the nourishment and dietary requirements of his children on a regular basis, not arranging for medical check up after the fire accident, as some of the main consideration for this mistreatment. As part of the resolution, we offered our support to you in dealing with this menace. The resolution was drafted previously but we held off on voting until yesterday.

    Both motions were carried unanimously

    We are also wondering if you can provide some additional guidance to us as we still cant go through all the ones that you suggested us to do. In short, it is too difficult for us. We understand that we have been asking for a lot, and do want to thank you for your time

    mrizvi: We also passed a resolution to condemn your comments and attitude. The resolution was passed unanimously. We strongly encourage you to read the blogs

    recent retirees

  8. I like blog. You do right in conference. I read blog with family China

    mrizvi: you bad. You no read

  9. I father hooked on your blog. His Germany good but his English not good. My English better. I tell your blog to father in Germany

    mrizvi: father also ask that you read first


  10. Your French readers like what you did in conference. Your poetry very good

    mrizvi: please read

  11. My Smile is awesome! She writes awesome poetry! she takes awesome stand! She goes to awesome conferences! What an awesome person my Smile is!!

    mrizvi: read this awesome blog


  12. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing scientist! She is an amazing adviser! She is not just an amazing poet but an amazingly brave! What an amazing person my Smile is!!

    @mrizvi: what a disappointing comment from you after all the advice that Plunker provided to you

  13. Smile is absolutely an iron lady! She went to a high powered conference, she saw unfair treatment and she didnt wait to tow the company line instead showed everyone the light. Thats very impressive! Lots and lots of people can blog, but very few can do all that Smile is doing and has done

    mrizvi: I wont even say anything to you. Just read my comment from yesterday

  14. I agree with all comments that Plunker has said. Iron lady no doubt

    mrizvi: no comment

  15. I woke up to my favourite blog with a cup of coffee and was not disappointed at all. It was absolutely worth it!

    Thank you Smile

    mrizvi: You need to read these inspiring blogs

  16. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Jimmy Cleo Keith Brenda Frank Cathy Karen Superwoman Sheema Boris Xin mrizvi
    Plunker Batman Linda Dave Retire Group Newbie Fellow Writer Kris Tiara Kim Hina
    Thanks to Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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