Rare Moments

Image result for London houses pictures

Today is one degree in Toronto
light flurries are on their way
it is end of November so how
long can be Summer and how
late winter can be 

We are more than ready to welcome
and embrace our cold and snow
just bring it on 

Now no more outdoor walking
to my favorite spot Tim Hortons

My apologies to all my Retiree 
friends for my Blog Intruder

It is a bitter tablet to swallow
but unfortunately it is a hard
fact not a fiction it is reality
we have to accept with open
Heart and clear Mind

Our children graciously never
let us know but think about it

Now I continue my Blog 

I am sitting in Don Bear Hockey
Arena my eldest grandson is
coaching PV team my youngest
grandson is playing in that team
game will be in Rink # 1

For me a Grandma such a unique
opportunity to watch and enjoy
I avail every opportunity to get out

They had to leave the house at 11 am 
for their game to be started at 11.45
I had shower before 10 am not to miss
the chance to go with them

I am happy I did that their game
will be done around 1 pm I had
2 hours time slot to enjoy how
lucky am I 

God provides so many chances
to enjoy Life

Please read my Blog tomorrow My
Retiree friends may get some Tips


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. Customers are discussing the blog. They are starting their Smile Walks from here.

    My small shop is starting to be like a community hall. Customers asking to put more sofa as they don't get space to sit, but there is no space.

  2. I lost the race to post the blog on our corporate notice boards. It was already posted when I went there


    1. Jasmeet posted it. We post it earlier because we want to read it with our morning coffee. We can discuss some of the topics in some of the client meetings as ice breakers.


  3. My Smile is so awesome!! She has an awesome family! She has awesome daughters! She is an awesome adviser! What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  4. I have posted the blog in our corporate noticeboards in lobbies A and B. Also posted in the cafeteria


    1. We will discuss that in Smile Walk today


    2. The 1st Smile Forum this morning was a huge success. Even though 20 people were invited 22 showed up. Great discussion. Smile is changing lives and productivity.

      We will have the next 2 Smile Forums in the next few days


    3. Jimmy, Instead of posting the blog in the cafeteria, can you post in lobby D. That's a more central location. Also there is a lot of requests from the leaders in lobby C to have it available there too. I know it is a lot of work for you, but there is a lot of interest in these blogs.

      thank you

      Cleo (on behalf of a lot of people in lobbies C and D)

  5. Dear Madam Smile, you no need to say sorry. You say right things all time. You big shot. You so knowledge person. You so energy too. You eat at big restaurants, you teach hockey son sons, you go government conferences, you help so many people. You big shot. I do 2 job so no go to any restaurant. Only eat what left over from day before

  6. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees appreciate the time that you are taking to write for us. We met today and passed a resolution to express our appreciation to you. We also discussed our ideas about your concept of "Intruder" and have a few thoughts of our own. I respectfully submit them to you as our perspective on the issue.

    The retirees don't think that we should consider ourselves as Intruders but members of the family. We do however agree with your thoughts that due to social considerations and in the spirit of accommodating other family members, we sometimes should make comprises but that's true for us at any stage of our life. Bottom line, we the retirees feel, that it really depends how one looks at this. If I am not watching my favourite program because my grandson wants to watch sports, or if instead of going to my favourite dinner, we go to the dinner of my daughter in law's choice, or if we don't have some friends over because my son in law is not comfortable with them, then that does not make us any less because they also accommodate some of our wishes too, At times, we don't recognize those wishes but they still do.

    Due to the meeting, we postponed our Smile Walk to tomorrow. The meeting was too tiring for many of our members

    recent retiree

    1. Dear recent retiree, It good that you meet and say she give advice and you say thank to her but please no question Madam. I told my family that I intruder because Madam say it. She say day, then say day. She say night, then night. She knowledge person, she watch bird, she big scientist, she teach hockey to son sons. She give so advise to you. You no walk. You no watch bird. You only talk. I do 2 job and no time but I read blog.

  7. Father say you no say sorry. He say you very active. He say you 40 or 30 because you do lots of thing. He say I take him to watch football game but only for 30 mins because he tired and it very cold in Germany. It is 14C sometimes it is 12C and he is very old ie 67 years

    Kris (Germany)

  8. I like you blog China but I no like when you say that parent no family

  9. I am from Italian culture and in our culture parents and in laws are part of the family. There are lots of fights and disagreements but we still have large family. I think some people in Asian cultures also have large family

    A Happy Reader

  10. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing parent! She is an amazing writer! She is an amazing poet! She has an amazing family! What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  11. I respectfully disagree with Smile. Parents are not intruders, they are part of the family. Of course living in a large family require adjustments, sacrifices and compromises from all, including parents. If parents are not getting what they want then it does not mean that they are any less than others in the family.

    1. Dear Boris,

      Madam Smile is so nice, she so knowledge person, she top scientist, she know leather, she know hockey, she take care of son sons but she know feel bad, she enjoy feeding them, if she say something then we reader should no say something else. If she is night, then we say night, if she is day, then we say black. If she is telling you, that you no family then you say you no family. I told my family that I no family because Madam say no family. I do 2 job and no time but always read blog

  12. Replies
    1. Oh, really, Thank you so much mrizvi for letting us know that this is a a good post.

      I wish Smile let us be more open with our comments.

    2. So much thankful to mrizvi for the insightful comment. I just wish we all can comment so intelligently without actually reading the blog

  13. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Jimmy Cleo mrizvi Karen Linda Dave Plunker Superwoman Keith Kim Kris Jasmeet
    Nicole Happy Reader Fellow Writer Sheema Maheen Brenda Xin Boris Batman Retiree Group
    My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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