Pinkish Hue

Image result for front garden pictures

Dear Readers yesterday's Blog
was too much I should not
write that but you know It is Readers 
Family and Family is Family so
I wanted to share
Thanks for Everything I mean 
Comments and Sentiments

Just take it easy and now please read

My Today's Blog

It is looking so beautiful small grey
cloudy patches with pinkish hue
all over the sky in between pinkish
and light orange big shady patches like
pencil work very scenic

I see light pink and orange lining and
a dark pink borderline too where
sun trying to emerge is orange area
now grey shady patches are clearing up

It all changing into bluish cloudy patches
and into clear sky leaving some dark grey
cloud with dark orange borderline
I am happy that I had a chance
to watch all this

Every day we see so much a very
different painting on the sky canvas
how beautiful to start our day
what a beautiful morning
it is really we can say good morning

Weather is 14 for a surprise as it
is 1st of November I have to go
for a walk

I got ready after breakfast it is
quarter to 10 beautiful and now
I am on the street to roll

I am walking to my favorite spot
Tim Hortons coffee House on the
way is Dunbarton High School
I can enjoy the young faces
rushing to school and busy in

When we are young we don't
care about rules and such petty
matters the whole world is for us
to play around and enjoy

What a life and after that we
have to be ready for our exams
throughout our life I was joking

Never take life too seriously it
is not exam and world is a
playground only difference is
that afterwards we have to play
following the rules 
that's it so take it easy and relax


  1. I am happy to be the first one to comment on your blog today, again a good and refreshing one.

    1. Dear Sheema, good that you comment blog. You comment not clear if you read blog or not. It no matter if you rite good comment or not, you part of reader family. I do 2 job and English no good, but Madam still call me reader family. She is very nice.

  2. Dear Madam Smile, you so brave. You so nice you want us to forget about everything. You do walking to school. I do 2 job but no time but read you blog.

    @mrizvi: Read Madam blog. She nice blog

  3. I won the race to post the blog on our corporate notice board as I was in really early today. Could not get much done yesterday as the blog was too emotional


    1. Dear Brenda, you cant blame Madam blog if you did no work. I do 2 job, I very upset with blog too but I asked for break to do pray but also work late to finish my work.

    2. Anonymous friend, Brenda was not blaming Smile for not getting the work done. She was merely saying that she was so much consumed by the content of the blog that she did not finish all that she was hoping for.

      Actually, in our office we met for 1 hour to go through it. We are not blaming the blog for it, we love it. That's why we post it every day. In fact there is a race to see who will post it first. We are all big fans of hers. Hope this is helpful


    3. Dear Jessica and Brenda, I so sorry. I big Madam fan and sometime say bad things. I do 2 job and no good English. Please no mind

  4. Thank you Friend for your comment. No offense taken.

    It is great that you are such a loyal fan of Smile. Trust me, that we are all huge fans as well


  5. I read blog Italy. You do so many thing and write good blog.

  6. I posted the blog on the corporate noticeboards in lobbies A and B. Also posted them in the Cafeteria


    1. Smile made many of us smile. Her blog was very relaxing. Calmed everyone down


    2. Smile Walk was great. Good weather. Good turnout. Good that so many people are being influenced by Smile


    3. The Toastmasters meeting or Smile Forum as Cleo kept on calling it was a hoot as well


  7. You have a knack for influencing the mood through your writing. You successfully changed our demeanour from dark to bright in a matter of minutes. Before we read your blog, we were quite gloomy and after going through it, we were a happy lot.

    We did appreciate your consideration of taking a note of your readership and writing to make things pleasant for your readers.

    Thank you

    Dave and Linda

  8. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees appreciated your blog today. We postponed our meeting about walking and keeping your own company as we are hoping to have some additional guidance from you

    mrizvi: Retirees feel that you will benefit from reading these blogs

    recent retiree

  9. My Smile is so amazing! She is an amazing scientist! She is an amazing writer! She is an amazing carer for her readers family! What an amazing person my Smile is!!

    mrizvi: you are a rebellious girl

  10. I was able to breathe today. Thanks to Smile's blog, I was also able to smile as well. She switched the subject so nicely. Not just she switched the subject, she replaced the sad tone of yesterday's blog with talking about natural beauty. She described it so well also. It is like an artist drawing on her canvas!

    mrizvi: I would have asked you to read but I guess there is no point. Enjoy your soap operas or whatever tickles your fancy.

  11. So cool. What a nice way to change the tone, and the mood of her readers. Smile is the best!

    @mrizxvi: Absolutely childish behaviour from you.

  12. Loved it. Thank you Smile. Thank you for thinking of your readers :-)

    mrizvi: no comment about your comment

  13. I like you blog. You make me happy. I sad yesterday. I no like you son. He bad. No take care of you. Make you get money. Make you food for his babies. Very bad

    mrizvi: you bad also.

    I write China

  14. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Karen Jimmy Brenda Jessica Kim Cleo Tiara Dave Linda Superwoman Sheema Boris
    mrizvi Hina Xin Retiree Group Batman Fellow Writer Plunker Newbie
    All my Multilingual Anonymous Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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