Not a Cage

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To My Readers Family

In my Blog  "Driving Seat" 
I mentioned about
my raking of leaves 
it gave lots of stir in my
Readers Family

Please keep in mind
no one is pushing me
to do anything

I am happy that no one is
stopping me from doing anything
which I like to do and I want to do
to have fun and to give color
to my Day to day Life

It was 8 at night my eldest
grandson had a hockey game
at Don Bear Arena 

I was done with my dinner
enjoying my hot cup of tea
and getting ready to get out

It was 6 degrees below zero
I can't resist going out if I had
any chance I don't care where

I avail any chance which in my
opinion is a signal from God
to get out and to defy my age

As I mentioned in my earlier
Blog that age is a number
don't go with that

I am sitting now in Hockey Arena
moving around and having
a feel of the buzzing atmosphere
the young happy faces the
music around 

To be with my family in such
a festive atmosphere I have
every right to feel myself
as one of the Lucky ones at
my age to enjoy everything

I don't want to be in my cage
with iron curtain drawn

To be cut out from the outside
world and from the activities
just by putting a label of old age
like stigma 

Being old is not a curse to stick
with me for the rest of my life
I can't do that

I am ready to defy my age and
will celebrate with whatever
I could to me my golden age
is like my golden Era

I will chalk out big plans for
my golden time with no pressure 
of work and family life

I am like a Project manager 
in full control for the rest of my
enchanted years in hand I am
looking forward and doing
everything to make it a success

Never take life too seriously
just go with the flow like
a Butterfly like a Musical Node
like a Smile 

Just do it and move around
that's it God will take care of
the rest we don't have to worry


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner

  2. I lost the race to post the blog on our corporate noticeboards. It was already posted there when I got there


    1. Hey Brenda, I posted it as I came in early today. The first person in the office posts it as all of us are looking for it


  3. My Smile is so awesome! She has an awesome family. She is an awesome poet. She is an awesome writer. What an amazing person my Smile is!!


  4. Dear Madam, you so active and energy. You play hockey at night with son sons. You rake leaves and do many things for you family. I do 2 job and no time but read blog

  5. I have posted the blog on all our corporate notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D


    1. Great discussion at Smile Walk. Lots of interest and requests in setting up another Smile Forum. Kim will be driving that as well


    2. There will need to be multiple sessions as Smile Forums are always full and very well attended


  6. I really like the background scenery , and the blog is again reminding us to avail every chance to come out of the house and enjoy. Good one.

  7. Father say that it is 16 and very cold so he no like to go out. He no like rake leaves. He say he want sit and watch tele. In summer he will watch bird. He no want to go to my son's game. It too tiring for him as he say that he old, almost 67

    Kris (Germany)

  8. you blog good. Like in China with family and some co worker

  9. My Smile is so amazing! She is an amazing poet. She is an amazing scientist. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  10. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees had a long meeting today to review your blog from today. The meeting was requested by a no. of retirees as they wanted to discuss some of the points you made in today's blog. We wanted to see if we can incorporate some of the activities that you do, in our routine. As an example, you talked about going to a game at night on a weekday at -6 temp. We dont go out at night even during a weekend. Also we dont go out if the temp is below +18C. Some of the young retirees (ie in mid fifties) do go out at +12 C or so but those are the adventurers. We concluded that you are too active for us and we cant do all the things that you do in 1 year, let alone in 1 week or 1 day. We are wounding if you can give us some additional advice.

    We also did not go for a Smile Walk as we could not get to a consensus on the route to take or the duration of the walk. We were thinking of 10 mins but some were finding it to be too much. We are hoping to start the walk tomorrow

    recent retiree

    1. We no like you Russia. You only talk no walk

  11. You do lot of walk and hockey. We like you write Spain

  12. You always seems to be on the go. What an inspiration you are for all - not just retirees and seniors but for the younger crowd too


  13. My mother in law was completely in awe after reading your today's blog. She mentioned it to my father in law and he said (and I quote) " I never even did these things when I was 30, you cant expect that I will do this now". Afterwards they had a big argument. My father in law said that my mother in law does not take care of our kids, let alone giving them snacks, whereas my mother in law retorted that my father in law does not rake leaves or go with kids to their games.

    A Happy Reader

  14. Replies
    1. Oh My God!! Please throw either me or mrizvi in a cage! I cant take it

      Thank you mrizvi. What a great comment!

    2. Chill Plunker Chill. You are rattling the cage! Remember Smile has said that we need to be polite.

      Thank you mrizvi. What an insightful comment. The best one today

  15. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Keith Karen Jimmy Cleo mrizvi Brenda Linda Dave Brian Jasmeet
    Tiara Kim Kris Retiree Group Newbie Boris Plunker Sheema Batman
    Superwoman Happy Reader Fellow Writer
    All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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