Movie of Our Life

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To My Dear New Happy
Reader I wont use the word Miserable I can not God is Great
He can never leave anyone
without help

We have to keep our utmost
trust in Him and that
He is watching over us
This is not a lecture

First thing believe in Yourself
and Trust in God the Almighty

Happiness is cultivated from
around from Self which is 
part of God Reflection

Never give up this Trust
this trust is everything 
your strength to face the 

I lived my whole Life 
with this Trust which 
gives me power to live

My Dear Readers
I am not 60 I am 70 Plus
please don't count your age
go with your Heart 

Try to keep it young and
keep oiling your Body by
doing simple exercise
like walking

You can do it at home
you don't have to go out

Cultivate your hobbies 
do whatever you enjoy

In connection with my earlier
Blog " A Movie Theater "

We all are actors playing our
part in the Movie of Life 
God is writing the script and He
is producer too but He is not
Directing the Movie

He gave us free hand providing
tools of Mind and Body and
the full landscape of this
beautiful enchanted world
which he created for us to
discover and wander 

He is watching over us giving
signals whenever we are stuck
and need help 

Our roles go on changing He is
fully aware of our capabilities
so it never goes beyond as He is
the Greatest Judge

Our work will be reviewed on
the Day of Judgement at that time
we will be awarded and will
get our grades

Till that time He left everything
in our hands in the hands of
His children whom He trust and
loves the most He gave us free hand
God You are Great


  1. God is great and speaking with my personal experience, he has never left me alone in difficult times.

    1. Dear Sheema, you so right in thanking God. Madam write one full blog for you. You should thank God everyday. This is big thing. She big shot. I do 2 job but always read Madam blog. I learn so much. My English no good, but she no make fun of me. She so kind. She thank all readers every day.

  2. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. Many customers are surprised that Smile is 70+ and not 60. Some were thinking that she is actually 40

  3. I lost the race to post the blog on our corporate noticeboards. It was already posted when I went to post it


  4. Dear Smile, you are exactly as your are exactly as your readers call you. I posted a very nasty comment yesterday and how did you respond, with kindness and generousness. You are the best. I am so embarrassed. I wish all mother in laws are like you. You are a model for all of them. Please accept my sorry for doubting you. I will read your blog again today and see if I can gain something from it

    Happy (and not miserable) daughter in law

    1. Dear Madam Happy Daughter in Law, It is good that you got what you looking for. We all know that Madam is the best. She advise to retirees too. She so good that she write for everyone. Madam big shot. She big scientist and big writer. I do 2 job and she call me family also.

  5. Father no believe that you 70, he say you do thing for 40 old. He say he not know how you do so much. He say you good that you told the daughter in law nice thing even after she say bad to you. Father say he would not have talked to her. She bad. Not know how to talk to big people

    Kris (Germany)

  6. I have posted the blog in the corporate notice boards in lobbies A and B. Also posted in the cafeteria


    1. Today's Smile Walk was simply amazing. Gave us a chance to discuss the blog and also plan for this week's Smile Forum. Good participation from senior managers in today's Smile Walk made it easier to get their inputs directly. Smile is having so much influence on so many people


    2. Absolutely agree with you Kim. It is great to see senior managers participating in these walks. I think we will see a positive transformation of our corporate culture because of Smile's blogs


  7. My Smile is so awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She has an awesome family! She is an awesome writer! What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  8. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees appreciated your blog and your advice to the "daughter in law". Some of our readers thought that today's blog may be applicable to us as well as some of our members are in the "in law" roles. We are hoping that you can provide some comments about social issues in one of your blogs. We are still meeting this week to discuss how to organize ourselves to do walking trips as some of your other readers seem to have done. I am referring to the Smile Walks which are taking place in some organizations

    Our members want to thank you for your priceless advice to us on numerous occasions.

    recent retiree

  9. You blog so nice. I read with family and sometimes friend in Russia

  10. Your today's blog provided a good "bird's eye" depiction of how nature works. You have the art of presenting complex issues quite well. We have been trying to analyze it and have not concluded yet. I (Linda) think that you uses your judgement and the power of your expressive language to present these issues, whereas Dave thinks that you break down complexities. Both of us agree that you know how to not dwell on unnecessary details. Because you pack a lot for us readers, we do end up going to these blogs for referencing and comprehension.

    As always, thank you for enriching our lives with some powerful messaging.

    Linda and Dave

  11. My Smile is amazing! She has an amazing family! She is amazing scientist! She is an amazing writer! She is an amazing poet! What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  12. Replies
    1. Thank you very much for your comment

    2. It is great that you read before you comment

  13. Smile is setting a bar really high for us. For those who have not been following, this is what happened.

    Someone asked for advice. Instead of asking politely she was rude to Smile. What did Smile do? Responded with kindness!! Yes she responded with kindness!! And that's not it. She wrote a nice blog for her!!

    Absolutely astounding!!

  14. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks to Sheema Linda Dave Plunker Boris Batman Cleo Kim Tiara Superwoman
    Jimmy mrizvi Brenda Retiree Group Newbie Kris Xin Hina Happy Reader
    I miss Fellow Writer Xin Keith Newbie
    Thanks to My Anonymous Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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