Mixed Plate

Image result for small village congested  houses  picture

To my Dear Readers Linda
and Dave who asked me 
to write about the stress 
and anxiety we have to deal
due to our advancement
in the field of Technology

I am sitting in my cozy bedroom
beside my computer on
and going through the comments
from my Readers Family 

On my face book reading
Messages from my childhood 
school friend who now lives
in Sydney Australia 

Messages from my daughters
who live in Europe 8 hours 
air travel from Toronto 

I am enjoying everything getting
all the happiness from around 
the world just sitting on my
comfortable chair with my hot
Cup of tea 

Time to time I also have a look
from my window to enjoy the
beauty of Nature 

I have so many windows all open
to enjoy my time and get entertained

When I compare my Life with that of
my Mom more than half a century 
back with no internet no TV
it looked she was totally cut off 
from the world outside

Now the question 

was she missing anything ?

I don't think so

She was living in her own
Small world inside her small
home with her family

Another question

Was she happy ?

this is a big question

I think she was 

like any other
human being like us 
we all have mixed plate in our life
with all Ups and Downs

May be she had her own ways
of distracting herself from
the bitter hard realities of life

What I remember she was never 
complaining always contended
with Smiley face

Though in my opinion she had
nothing to enjoy in her life
her married life was also Nuts

Not my Father's fault what you
expect from a person with limited
income and large family 
of eight to feed

This all added to the bitterness
of his personality which was
reflected in his marital life 

He was pulling the cart anyway
to take his family somewhere

My Mom was like an extra piece
with the Baggage 

Sitting in the very small kitchen
of small 3 rooms house with a
central small open space 
I think it was to have a breathe

I think we human can adopt
very easily find our ways to

What I remember my Mom
used to walk to a nearby Church
like holy Place to spend some
time there

I think that was her only escape
from the reality of life to her
Dream Land or may be she
used to go to have a talk to God
was her private quality time

I will continue My Blog 
it needs so much to compare
the life with and without
all this advancement
in our Lives


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. Even though it is Monday, customers are starting to stream in as the word is getting out

  2. I lost the race to post the blog on our corporate notice boards. It was already posted when I went to post it


    1. I posted the blog today as I was in early. I think Jasmeet or Cathy posted the ones from the weekend


    2. Actually Jasmeet let me post them. He already had them ready for posting but he let me post them as I have not posted it yet, he let me post it. He said that Smile does not like competition and would prefer kindness

      It was really nice of him. Another small way, that Smile is changing how we are living our lives for better


  3. My Smile is awesome! She has an awesome family ! She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome poet. She is an awesome scientist. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  4. I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D.


    1. Thanks. Can you also post the blogs from the weekend too. Lots of people want to read that too


    2. I already posted the blogs from the weekend. I was late by about 5 mins and there already was a small crowed waiting for me. Felt a little embarrassed


    3. Today's blog is very philosophical and is generating a lot of discussion. Also, grumblings from the weekend blogs that Smile is being asked to rake leaves. Stacey commented that we should start commenting about him again, otherwise the next thing he is going to ask her to do is rake coals!

      We will discuss both these topics during our Smile Walk today


  5. Dear Madam Smile, you so knowledge person. You like nature and also like computer. You have friend all over the world. I do 2 job and no time for nature or computer but I read blog

  6. Father say you blog like pizza with different topping every day. It is always fresh and new topic. Sometimes happy, sometimes make him think, sometimes inspire, sometimes make him active, but always good and new. He say you write good. And good idea.

    Kris (Germany)

  7. We are more well connected nowadays because of the technology and it is really a blessing for me.

  8. I read blog in Russian Federation because internet. I happy too because I read blog and learn

  9. My Smile is so amazing! She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing philosopher. She is an amazing poet. She has amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  10. We were very humbled and grateful for today's blog. Though we were nor surprised at your generosity for you often write for your readers and neither were we surprised by the quality of the thoughts, for we see it every day. It was still a very humbling experience for us to read your considered dissertation for our musings.

    As for your transcription, we thought that you provided a good balance of technology and happiness. We specially found your correlation of happiness with comfort interesting. If we understood you correctly, you indicated that there is not much of a correlation between the two. We notice that in your suggestions as well when you encourage your readership to engage in physical activity. These are thoughtful suggestions, and also backed by some of the research that we have reflected on. We did this research as were intrigued by your thoughtful writings.

    Again, thank you for writing so regularly. We are continuing to enjoy the blogs on our handheld devices. We are finding that these gizmos, if used correctly, can definitely brighten the day.

    Dave and Linda

    1. Dear Dave and Linda,

      It good that you write comment on Madam blog and you also buy phone to read Madam blog. She big shot but write you. And you write too.I do 2 job but always read Madam blog

  11. You blog good. Technology no good. Too much waste time on tv and net in Poland

    1. I like you blog China. I read with family. Technology and comfort good. We read you blog because this

  12. Oh no. Not again. My blood pressure goes up when I see it. I am being asked by Smile to do something very difficult. I will like to be transparent and open.

    Yes mrizvi. Thank you for letting us know ..... again. Much obliged

  13. Plunker you should make sure that a doctor is readily available. You are going to burst an artery :-)

    We all know that mrizvi has some magic powers - who else can comment like that

  14. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Plunker Batman mrizvi Karen Linda Dave Sheema Retiree Group
    Boris Keith Superwoman Happy Reader Jimmy Brenda Jasmeet Tiara Kris
    Margaret Cathy Peter Cleo Fellow Writer Xin
    All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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