Kid Inside

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To My New Member of 
Readers Family 
it is good you are not using Miserable anymore 

One more request please don't use daughter in law
it is not that it is not good
to use but it was bracket with 
the word Miserable

I wish you change your
individual Self your identity
Like A Happy Reader
Ring out the old and
Ring in the New
Thank You

Please Read Blog Tomorrow
you might get some Tips

It is 13 and Sunny I was home
on computer as it was Tuesday
and I have day off from my Club 
free to make my own plans

We are human not Robot so I am
feeling sleepy though Sun is giving
signal to switch off computer and
get out of home

In my Blog " Kid Inside " which
I posted moths back I tried to give
a picture of our inside kid who never
listens to us so we have to tackle 
that kid promising Treats and
sometimes have to bribe too

Same case was with me the kid
inside feeling sleepy and was
not listening to me first thing
I switched off my computer

After that I had shower to wake
my body up then I started getting
ready to give a clear Message to
my inside kid  to get out

I was happy it was 11.30 am
lunch time so children were coming
out from Dunbartons High school
All the young bright happy faces

It was amazing to watch them talking
no worries rushing to their favorite
Eating places with the company of
their choice

Now I am sitting at TimHortons 
giving treat to my inside kid of
toasted raisin biscuit with a hot
cup of small Double Double
I think he is happy enough now


  1. You can do it with your strength but it is really very difficult to tackle the kid inside and we, most of the time, is listening to him and let him control us.

  2. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner

  3. I wont the race to post the blog on our corporate notice boards. I had to come in really early to do that


  4. Dear Madam Smile, you so active. You so much will power. You so nice to give advice to Madam Miserable Daughter in Law and ask her to change name to Happy Reader. I do 2 job and I happy when read you blog

  5. I have posted the blog on the corporate notice boards in lobbies A and B. Also posted it in the cafeteria


    1. We are going to discuss that today in our Smile Walk.


    2. We will need to reschedule Smile Forum to next week as the meeting room is too small. We are getting flooded with requests from many. We only had the room for 20 people and we are close to 32. The other option is to break the meeting in 2 shifts. We can discuss it tomorrow during our Smile Walk


  6. Father like you blog. He say that the daughter in law say sorry to you. He still angry with her

    Kris (Germany)

  7. My Smile is so awesome! She has an awesome family! She is an awesome writer! She is an awesome scientist! What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  8. I read you blog in Russia with family. You give us lot inspiration

  9. I am crying today not because of unhappiness but because of the kindness you have shown to me. You are the best. I wish all mother in laws are like you. You are so understanding, so kind, so smart, so energetic, so so so good. Thank you so much.

    A Happy Reader

    1. Dear Madam A Happy Reader, I no happy that you sill cry. Madam did so much to you. You write that she so nice then why you cry. See I told you that she good. She big shot. I do 2 job but read Madam blog.

    2. These are tears for joy and not sadness

    3. I am so sorry that I doubted Smile and also for being harsh to her.

      A Happy Reader

  10. Dear Advisor,

    We had our meeting today and we passed a resolution to nullify our resolutions against your son. We also approved a unanimous motion to express our sincere apologies to any offence and hurt we caused you or him because of our insensitive commentary.

    We also decided that we will start a Smile Walk program to get us started on the walking program. We will be starting this program from tomorrow as our retiree members were tired today due to the meeting and could not take part in any further activities.

    We also request you for some advice about social issues and keeping us upbeat as some of our members feel a little low at times and some are having some difficulties with their in law children as well as biological children

    thank you

    recent retiree

  11. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing advisor to the retirees and to daughter in laws. She is an amazing writer! She has an amazing family! What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  12. Thank you very much. I am not saying anything because Smile has asked us to be nice and pleasant.

  13. I also want to take this opportunity to thank mrizvi for her high quality comment.

    Thank you

  14. Today we say the power of kindness and symbolic writing from Smile. She did not even write the entire blog for the lady but simply pointed her in the right direction and then moved on to talk about other things. No wonder people are flocking to meeting rooms to talk about blogs. This is just the opposite that typically what happens. People avoid meetings and run away from meeting rooms. Not when it comes to Smile Forum though.

    Quite impressive!

  15. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Karen Linda Dave Keith Cleo Kim Kris mrizvi Xin Maheen Batman Boris Plunker Fellow Writer
    Jimmy Brenda Retiree Group Newbie Superwoman Happy Reader and My Anonymous and
    Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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