Fire Place

Image result for Petticoat library with fireplace pictures

It is 9.30 morning 4 degrees
below Zero in Toronto 
I am sitting in the library
for a while as my Darts
start at 10 am 

I am sitting by the fire place
it is so cozy I am enjoying the
warmth and glow of burning
logs my sofa is like my home

Mostly I take this seat whenever
I have chance I am going to this
place for years so most of the
staff know me

We exchange Hello hugs and
smile whatever is the situation
what a beautiful start of my Day
10 am I will go to the
next room to do the numbers
to make teams for Darts game

After Darts at 12 Noon I will
be back in the library to do
my things till 1 pm then
carpet bowling will start
I will be busy till 3 pm

After 3 pm when I be home
my grand kids will be back
from school I will be busy
with them

My evenings are busy with my
Family Dinner preparation
with my daughter in law

At Dinner time I feel happy
I am eating not alone
I am enjoying with my family

I am thankful to You God
to make things possible
for me and keeping me mobile
How lucky I am


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner.

  2. My Smile is so awesome! She is an awesome writer! She is an awesome poet! She has an awesome family! What an awesome person my Smile is !!


  3. Dear Madam Smile, you so busy schedule. You go library, sit fireplace, hug friends, read books, play game, give food to son sons, make dinner for family, and eat. I do 2 job but no busy schedule like you.

  4. good post

    1. Dear beena, why you rite good post. We no think that this good because mrizvi only rite good post comment. You read first and then comment. I do 2 job but always read Madam blog. She so knowledge person. Madam go government conference. She big shot.

  5. Father say you too busy schedule. He say you do too many thing.Father no play. He say he old, almost 67 so watch tele. He no go library as it tiring for him. He sometime go car drive with me like 1 time in 1 week for 15 to 20 mins. He also spend some time on computer to learn Anglais so he read you blog and dont wait me

    Kris (Germany)

  6. I am so embarrassed that I did not write for some time. I have been reading your blogs but I read on my phone and it is not easy to write comment. I wanted to write yesterday to tell you that my favorite time now is to have a cup of coffee with my mother in law. I asked her and surprisingly she said that the same thing. We usually talk about your blog or gossip.

    For my father in law, he is saying that he has started Smile Walk and that is his favorite time. He has asked my mother in law to come but she is not interested in physical activity

    In the future also, if I dont write then please dont think that I am not reading . How can I not, this blog changed my life and the lives of everyone in my extended family. We go to church regularly, and we always pray for your well being

    A Happy Reader (on behalf of my entire family)

  7. I am sorry I have been missing in action. I have had problems with my laptop and ended up getting a data plan for my phone so I can read the blog on the phone. It has been great. I love reading it on the phone as it is very convenient. I am even thinking of upgrading my phone as I enjoy the photos too.

    I just came to a library to borrow a computer for a few minutes to write comment as you may be wondering what happened

    I do read all the blogs. As for my best time that you asked yesterday, it is to read the blogs on the phone


  8. I read blog China. I read family

  9. Your blog very cool. We read in Italy

  10. My Smile is so amazing! She is an amazing parent! She has an amazing family! She has amazing friends! She is an amazing scientist! She is an amazing writer! What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  11. Your blog is inspiring. I read to my English class students in Russia

    1. I do the same. I also share that with my class in South Africa. I am a teacher

  12. I did not get a chance to write my fun moment yesterday as I did not have access to wifi. I did read the blog on my phone though. I enjoy waking up early and read the brand new blog every day. To me this is a quiet moment where I can be alone with my favorite blog. I read it for fun but I have also learnt a lot from it

  13. Replies
    1. Oh my God! It is so difficult for me to say nice things about this but I am not speaking my mind because Smile has asked me to be polite.

      Thank you mrizvi. It is so kind of you to comment. We would not have know if you would not have told us that this is a good post. Very kind of you

    2. Plunker, calm down or you will pop an artery :-) We are all doing what Smile is telling us but we should do it with a Smile

      Thanks mrizvi. At least you did not respond to a qs with good post today

  14. you blog nice. I like lot in Spain

  15. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Keith Karen Linda Dave mrizvi Plunker Batman Boris Beena Happy Reader Sheema
    Retiree Group Kris Cleo Jimmy Brenda Kim Tiara Jasmeet Superwoman Fellow Writer
    I know you are reading thanks My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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