Black Coffee or Double Double

Image result for Maple fall leaves pictures

Today temperature is 14 it is Monday so only playing
Darts at my Seniors Club
no Carpet Bowling

I was off from work at noon
Yes from Work I consider
it working like still going to
office to work not retired

I was back home and it was
only 12.30 it was sunny so
beautiful from my bedroom

I switched my computer on to go
through Readers Comments on my
Blog which always make my day
It doesn't matter rain or shine

I had my lunch I couldn't resist
the beautiful weather the sunshine
giving me call to get out

I quickly changed and was walking
on Whites Road within no time
to where ? of course to my
favorite spot Tim Hortons

While I was walking I had to
watch my steps for all the
brown Maple which were all over
the place

So many shades of brown
I never realized before from
Colombian black coffee color
to the color of Double Double
I mean with 2 cream

Fawn to Beige you name any
shade of brown and it was there
it is so amazing to walk in Fall
I was watching my steps not to
crumble any of these beautiful

Keep in mind there were all the
fall colors too I was enjoying on
tree tops from deep red to
orange and Gold

There was beauty everywhere
to enjoy Thank You God for
making my day and keeping me
in good health to walk around


  1. I have posted the blog on Smile Corner. As usual, customers are streaming in as the word got out

  2. My Smile is so awesome! She is an awesome parent! She is an awesome writer! She is an awesome scientist! She is an awesome poet!! What an awesome person my Smile is!!

    mrizvi: Please read the awesome blog


  3. I read you blog. It very nice. I read friends in China. English no good but 1 friend English better.

    mrizvi: we know you no read blog. You bad

  4. Dear Madam Smile, you so active. You go office, you walk, you like nature. It is bad that you only son and son sons no clean leafs. They should take care you, if you fall then that no good. How will you write blog. So many people read your blog. I do 2 job and no time to walk.

    mrizvi: Read Madam blog

  5. Your blog got us thinking about nature. There is a small wooded area near our place which we hardly ever go to. Your writing inspired us to act. Both of us planned to come early from work to trek on the nature trail.

    Thank you for your inspirational words

    Dave and Linda

  6. I have posted the blog on our corporate notice boards in lobbies A and B. Also posted it in the cafeteria


    1. Smile Walks are becoming very useful. We not only walk but also get a chance to discuss Smile's blog as we are walking.

      There were a no. of participants who were still talking about her blog from yesterday. We all thought that she has a very generous personality. Even though she knows that her only son is not taking care of her and probably using her, she still chooses to say nice things about him.


    2. All prep is completed for Smile Forum. 27 people are attending, whereas 7 have said tentative. Will be a fun meeting


  7. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees went through your blog. We did find some tips about walking but are still waiting to hear from you about additional insights about walking and keeping ones own company.

    mrizvi: Retirees feel that you will benefit from reading these blogs

    recent retiree

    1. Dear Sir, Please don't bother Madam. You people ask so many thing and she told you so many. But you always ask more. Tell me this, Tell me that. Please know that she no time. She go work, she teach hockey to son sons, she go club, she write poetry, she go friends, she go get grocery, she give food to son sons, she do lot things. I do 2 job and no time. You do job too.

      Please no mind but we should help her. Her only son bad and no take care. Reader family no bad, only mrizvi bad

    2. Dear friend, You are correct that we have been asking for a lot of advise. The challenge that we have is that we are trying to be half as active as her. She is living a very good life and we are hoping that her advice will make it half as good. I do agree with you though, that we may be over burdening her with our issues

      Smile, please don't feel that you have to provide additional advice. It will be good if you do, but we wont insist on it

      thank you
      recent retiree

  8. Father like you blog. He want walk too but he cant go alone. He wait for me to take him

    mrizvi: Father asking why you no read blog.

    Kris (Germany)

  9. I lost the race to post the blog today. It was already posted when I went to post it on the noticeboards


  10. Dear Smile,

    I was reading your past posts, catching up etc. It is of of great distress that I am having wifi problems, I will probably have them for the next few months until my package ends. It is with a heavy heart that I can't always read your posts straight away, but it is now a weekly treat to sit back and go through your blog posts. I know you wrote this a while ago but Smile, your blog post 'This too shall pass' has touched me in such a way I don't know how to tell you. I have read over and over it again, and I think I can establish two conclusions from your blog post. 1) You are an accomplished woman. 2) You have been through great hardships. It makes me think of who I was when I first discovered your blog months ago, very depressed, sad, empty. I feel full of life now, so I thank you. You mention your grandkids a lot and how they are teenagers, you should tell them these personal stories of how you got through disappointment. I am sure they would love to hear your backstory, and yours is so interesting and inspiring it would be a pity to not share it with your kindred.

    As for today's post, you proved that you don't need material things such as flashy cars etc to be happy.


    1. No fancy stuff. Just adjust to present life. Accept the changes, admire nature and live with it. The BEST present life offer.
      retired 3 yrs. never lonely...

  11. We can learn a lot from you especially how to find happiness, how to enjoy and appreciate nature and always keep on thanking God for everything he has given to us.

    1. Dear Sheema , I also think that you very lucky as Madam write one whole blog for you.She so big shot! She do leather science. She teach hockey to son sons. She do advise to lot retirees. She go government conference. She really nice too. Her only son bad and no take care, but she say very nice thing about him. He ask her to come to go grocery and to get petrol for his car, but she still dont mind. He also no clean leafs when she walk. I do 2 job but always read blog

      mrizvi: you read Madam blog too. Sheema no read before but now she like a lot. She so lucky that Madam writer one full blog for her

  12. My Smile is amazing!! She is an amazing Scientist! She is an amazing writer! She is am amazing parent! She provides amazing inspiration to all of her readers!! What an amazing person my Smile is!!

    @mrizvi: Please start reading the amazing blogs

  13. The blog made me a little angry at Smile's only son. I dont understand what he is trying to do to Smile. And why? Why is he not cleaning the leaves. It is dangerous and Smile can fall. He already has been involved in a fire "accident" . What more he wants to do to her

    Smile is fantastic that she does not really care about him and can easily take care of herself.

    mrizvi: I have not seen your comment so far so there is hope that you will read today's blog. Good job

  14. Today's blog was very inspirational. Thank you Smile

    mrizvi: please read today's blog

  15. Replies
    1. Here we go again. Another day, another brilliant comment! (In case you dont understand this is a sarcasm)

      Will you ever read. Your actions are being ridiculed all over the world. Stop this silliness now. Be a good girl and start reading

  16. Another masterpiece from Smile


  17. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Keith Kris mrizvi Boris Sheema Jimmy Karen Cleo Brenda Superwoman Newbie
    Linda Dave Batman Plunker Retiree Group Xin Fellow Writer Kim Tiara Hina
    Thanks to my Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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