Barter Pact

Image result for garden pictures

I am contributing to my Family
pitching in this all gives me
inner peace and Happiness

Keep in mind there is nothing
one way remember 3rd Law of 
Motion what goes comes back
I am not sure this theory is still
valid but I believe in that

I don't want to be an invalid
member of my family an extra
like a piece of useless item

I want to earn respect and love
for myself and when you earn
something you have to give
something back

You have to make contributions
in some way to live with family
it is a barter pact no one will say
this to you but we have to think
and believe this way

On top of that they don't need us
it is the other way round we
need them their love we need
them to stay away from our

To be with them makes possible
to do things keeps us mobile
there are always two sides of 

It is the way you look at it that makes
all the difference so glass is not
half empty it is half full my Dear
just relax and pitch in and also
be thankful to God that you have a
family to live with


  1. I have posted the blog in the Smile Corner.

  2. My Smile is awesome!! She is an awesome parent! She is an awesome writer! She is awesome Scientist! She is an awesome poet! What an awesome person my Smile is!!

    mrizvi: Please read the awesome blog


  3. I father laughing when he read today blog. He say that in his case it is opposite than you. He say that he got good son who take care him and he no help with family. He say you bad son and you help family. He no happy with your son and mrizvi. He say they both very bad

    mrizvi: I father no happy with you as you no read blog. Only comment. He say that's bad. I say that too

    Kris (Germany)

  4. I won the race to post today's blog. I came in very early to do that as I have been losing all the time :-)


  5. I have posted the blog in the corporate notice boards in lobbies A and B. Also posted in the cafeteria


    1. The Smile Forum went really well today. Lots of senior leaders also attended the meeting. Some of them are planning to start joining the Smile Walk also


    2. Smile is the best!! What a champion lady


  6. I like you blog China. I read family. We like you blog lot

    mrizvi: you bad girl

  7. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You help son. You buy petrol for him, you buy grocery, you give food to son sons. He bad. He no take care of you. He no clean leaf. He no take you to doctor after fire.

    mrizvi: You no read. You bad girl. I do 2 job but read Madam blog

  8. We were so impressed as we were going through your blog this morning. We mentioned previously that it is difficult to emulate you and this blog confirms our belief. We had some company last night and as is usual, we discussed your blog and the different ways you have enriched our lives. Thank you so much for doing that

    Dave and Linda

  9. Your blog very good. Lot people in Italy read you blog.

  10. What a class act, Smile is. She is changing all the rules for elderly care. The rule is elders need care and when it comes to Smile - it is the other way around ie Smile PROVIDES care

    mrizvi (aka good post): if you read these blogs, you will know what I mean


  11. I am a new reader. My colleague introduce me to the blog because I am having problems in my family. I come from immigrant family. We have joint family system and I live with my in;laws My mother-in-law specially is very difficult. I try to do my best to avoid her, agree with her, do things for her but she is never happy, always demand more. I am wondering if you can help provide some advice to me as I am having a very heard time.

    I have heard that you helped a lot of people and it will be so nice of you if you can help me too

    A miserable daughter in law

    1. Dear Madam miserable daughter in law, I so feel sad to read you comment. But you come to right place. Madam Smile is very nice. She give so good advice. She big shot. Her son no good. He no take care of her. Madam also take care of son sons. Her daughter in law bad too. She ask Madam for advice on grocery and what to cook. Madam so good. Dont worry she will give good advice and help I do 2 job and no time but always read Madam blog

  12. My Smile is amazing!! She is an amazing poet! She is an amazing scientist! She is an amazing writer! She is an amazing traveler ! What an amazing person my Smile is!!

    mrizvi: Please read amazing blog

  13. How much does the menace want from Smile! I mean enough is enough! It it not enough that he asks her to walk to the bank to get her money for him, it is not enough that Smile takes buses to go to her club, it is not enough that kids get fed by groceries from her bank account, no none of this is enough. Even Smile's daughter in law is against her. She asks her to come to get groceries so Smile can pay for it. Smart girl. And now they want Smile to do more. I mean stop this. You guys are starting to sound like Trump

    mrizvi: Learn from these blogs

  14. Your comment are starting to be really annoying

  15. It is disappointing what Smile's biological family is making her go through. I wish they can understand how much her readers' family appreciate her. She is a real talent and yet is being treated like a nobody. Imagine, Smile doing all the chores as if it is a trade. Very sad.

    Though I bit my tongue the other day but I also felt disappointed that her daughters are not calling her. She gave so much to them. Took care of them. Yet now, they choose to get busy with their own lives. Very sad.

    Plunker is right. Smile's son is a menace. He is the cause of the fire. He is the cause of the bus accident. He needs to grow up and start taking care of Smile.

    I wish Smile's family can be just a little kind

    1. Dear Plunker, Please remember we Smile family too. She call us Readers family. She very kind but her daugter and son and son sons and son wife bad. His only son very bad. They no take care. I do 2 job but I always pray for her at night before sleep.

  16. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks to Kris Cleo Kim Jimmy Brenda Sheema Brandon Boris mrizvi Karen Linda Dave
    Superwoman Newbie Retiree Group Plunker Batman Fellow Writer Xin Keith Hina
    Welcome to My New Readers to Readers Family
    Thanks to My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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