Art Gallery

Image result for backyard garden pictures

To My friends who have
to stay home not going to
work includes All my Senior Readers like Me
also for People going to

To My New Friend -- Change your name please choose
any bright name like a Happy
Reader it will reflect in  your
Life I will pray for your Happiness

Now  My Today's Blog

I start my Day watching Sky
Canvas every morning it is
very different scenery painted
to enjoy so beautiful

Wake up just one hour before
going to work don't open your
lights and have a look 

I switch on my computer
do my short light stretching
exercise and lie down on the
carpet to have a feel for Earth
after that I watch how the clear
sky starts giving colors

Sun starts emerging giving
all the pink and orange colors
and shades mixing with blue
of sky you will enjoy before starting
your Day it is amazing

If your bedroom is upstairs as it is
mostly in Europe and North America
it will be like an Observation Desk
You can start your day after
visiting Art Gallery

It will give color to your day too
don't miss that
today is my Senior's Club day
I am ready to go for Darts
and Carpet Bowling ready to
work full time till 3 PM

It is 2 Degrees here so now my
friend started picking me up
I wont take buses in winter
she will pick at 9.30 in the morning

Sun is peeping through behind
the tree top giving me signal
to have breakfast and get
ready to start my day 

I am going downstairs from
my observation desk to my
kitchen to have oatmeal cereal
stir fry egg and orange juice
with a hot cup of tea

How beautiful to start a Day
Thank you God for
making my Day


  1. I am privileged to be the first one to comment on your blog.
    Again a wonderful description of some of nature's scenery enjoyed reading it.

    1. Dear Sheema, It is so good that you start day reading Madam blog. Madam no like competition, so if you first to write comment, please no say that. You so lucky that Madam write one blog for you. She big shot. She go government conferences, she leather science person, she big science person, she teach hockey to son sons, she give food to son sons, she get money for son and so many things. I do 2 job but I read blog every day. She is kind.

  2. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner

  3. My Smile is awesome!! She is an awesome parent! She is an awesome writer! She is an awesome poet! She is an awesome scientist! What an awesome person my Smile is!!

    mrizvi: Read this awesome blog


  4. Dear Madam Smile, You write so good. You wake early to see sun rise and to to give breakfast food to son sons. You work so much and you no complain. You also ask everyone to change name. I talk to my parent today and tell them that I change my name to Happy. They no like it. They say it stay like what they name me. My supervisor say, it no easy to change name. I need to go to lawyer. I do 2 job and no money lawyer. Is it ok if I no change name

    mrizvi: you read the blog. It good for you

  5. Father happy to listen you blog. He wake late so no sun rise. He say you work lot. He say I wrong translation, you are 30 years and no 70

    mrizvi: Father ask why no read

    Kris (Germany)

  6. I read you blog China

  7. I have been reading the blog on my phone. It is very convenient as I can refer to the blog often. The challenge is that I cant comment with the phone

    mrizvi: You can try reading the blog on your phone. It is real easy

    1. Dear Batman, I know that reading blog on phone is easy but how will Madam know that you have read blog? She wants her reader family to comment. I do 2 job but read as Madam is so nice

  8. My Smile is so amazing. She is an amazing parent. She is an amazing poet. She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing scientist. What an amazing person she is!!

    mrizvi: Please read the amazing blog

  9. I like you writing. My English not good as French. I read for beautiful description and beautiful messages

  10. I know I ask you for lot but I do need your advice very badly. My mother in law is bad. I have gone through some of your last few blogs when I had time. I think she is as bad as your son. I cant write more because I have to go as she is calling

    A miserable Daughter in Law

  11. We read the blog before sunrise on our mobile however were not able to post the comment. Frankly we didnt even try as writing on a 3x3 screen is not really our forte.

    A for your today's prosaic composition, it is a picturesque description of fall. It got us so interested in nature that we were outside for most of the day. That is one of the reason for our delayed commentary. We have commented previously that your writing will make your other colleagues proud and today's blog is yet another illustration of that.

    Thank you for writing

    Dave and Linda

  12. Loved the blog. It is good that Smile is enjoying her time when the menace is not there at home. She does not need him to enjoy herself. She loves nature and has a gift of looking at things with a unique perspective

    mrizvi: Start reading. No point in just saying "good post"

  13. Like some other readers, I have been reading on my cellphone and therefore not being able to comment.

    I just grabbed a computer to write a couple of lines to let Smile know that her efforts are being appreciated

    mrizvi: wish you can also be reading the blogs

  14. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Boris Keith Karen mrizvi Batman Sheema Cleo Linda Dave Xin Fellow Writer
    Retiree Group Newbie Superwoman Jimmy Brenda Tiara Hina Kim Brandon Plunker
    Thanks to My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone

  15. Sorry Kris I missed your name


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