All This Pearl

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It was 1980 October there was a
conference on Participation of
women in science and technology

The  conference was for all the
first women in their fields like
first pilot first engineer and so on

I was also invited being the first
leather microbiologist 
it was inaugurated by the minister
of science and technology who was
a woman it was all women thing

1980 was women Lib in full swing
so everyone in the conference was
reflecting that in their papers in the
week long seminar and workshops

It was nothing with science just
exchange of views on various aspects
I was of a different point of view
I circulated there my own piece of poetry

I share some part of that with
my Readers Family

When a girl is a pearl
as a mother is a lull
as a sister is a grace
as a wife is a praise

All this pearl all this lull
all this grace all this praise
all this treasure all this pleasure
all this glow will be Darn
without the company of a man

No one was happy with me
I still stand by my point of view


  1. My Smile is awesome!! She is a microbiologist who is also an awesome poet too!! What an awesome person my Smile is!!

    @mrizvi: IF you like poetry then read this awesome post


  2. I like you poetry in China. You go confrence too. You big shot

  3. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner

    1. Lots of customers today and going through the blog. Some suggesting that BBC should make a documentary or play just like they did for James Herriott's books

  4. Dear Madam Smile, you so powerful you talk to ministers and government, you so intelligent you leather specialist and micro specialist, you poet and writer, you so talent and you so kind. I do 2 job and no talk minister, no leather. I read you blog for poetry

    mrizvi: read Madam blog she real big shot

  5. You treated us to a good dose of poetry this morning. Thank you. We also get to find out the other talents and achievements that you have had in your quite an accomplished life. There were some readers who suggested that it will be Hollywood's gain if they have a cinemascope on yourself, we tend to agree with that.

    Dave and Linda

  6. Dear Advisor,

    Retirees enjoyed the blog. We have a retired poet and he was very appreciative of the poetry. Based on his suggestion we are are having a coffee meeting today to read this poetry as a group. Our retired poet was insisting that we wont enjoy it as much if we read it alone.

    Thank you for making our Saturday so much better

    recent retiree

  7. What an amazing set of talents that you have. What a career. No wonder that retirees dont have a clue what to do with your advice. You are in a different league. It is like you are playing in Championship League and they are playing in kids league

    mrizvi: you are wasting your time by going to halloween and things like that. Grow up


  8. Blog very good. Read Italy. You VIP ,scientist and pet in once. Son no good

    mrizvi: you nauty girl.

  9. I still going through your blog for retirees. You writed so much for them. I dont know why they keep asking for more tips. I found so many tips for my dad. I take care of my father, your son should take care you also. He very bad

    Kris (Germany)

  10. Your position about Women Lib is in contrast to what the contemporary thinking is but I think it makes sense. IMHO, modernist are starting to pay the price of their folly. It must have taken a lot of courage to say all this at that time and in that place, however sorry I forgot, courage is your middle name

    mrizvi: Start to be serious. You are a big girl now

  11. My Smile is so amazing!! She is am amazing poet! She is an amazing leather scientist! She has amazing friends who are government officials, cleaning ladies, librarians, retirees and so many more! What an amazing person my Smile is !!

    mrizvi: Please stop this madness. Be a good girl

  12. I agree but this is the other way round also that without the company of a woman life is dull for man

    1. Dear Sheema, it is good that you read Madam blog. Madam is big shot. She knows lot things. She knows leather science. she knows poetry, she big minister friend too, if she saying something then that is true. She advises lot people too. She very humble. She got bad son but she no complain, always try defend him. She takes care son sons too. She teach them hockey. I do 2 job, I no good English. I no hockey play. She write so good that learned people in reader family call he big writer. Please listen Madam and not say other thing.

      I hope you no mind. It is very good that you read when comment. mrizvi never read. Comment but no read

  13. Smile is a trooper. She says it as she sees it. What a super lady she is. What experiences she has had. I mean just look a this blog only. A government sponsored conference, not on arts but on Science and Tech, poetry on womens lib, and another amazing write up. All in a days work for Smile :-)

    I am wondering if she also helped her only son get a decent job. All the more reason that he should be treating her with respect and not thinking of her as her bank account

    mrizvi: I think this could be an inspiring post for you, so please read it

  14. mrizvi you no good. We no like you in Russia. Beautiful poetry and no read. You bad girl

  15. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Karen Dave Linda Kris Sheema Boris mrizvi Plunker Retiree Group Batman Fellow Writer
    Newbie Jimmy Brenda Cleo Tiara Sam Superwoman Hina Xin and All My Multilingual Anonymous
    Readers Thanks Everyone


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