All Creatures Big and Small

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I write the things I do as I love
to share that with my Readers
Family You people are family
to me 

No competition please we
are family I think that some 
of you started feeling low
because of my Blogs and feel
that you are not up to the Mark

We all have our own strengths
and weaknesses we all have
our inner beauty 

Do whatever you like if you
don't enjoy going outdoors
don't do it 

If you are enjoying your quite
time just do it this is perfect

All are equal in God eyes He
loves all his creatures equally

One request to my Readers 
just write to me please the
things you enjoyed today

If you enjoyed having a cup of
Hot Tea or Coffee don't consider
it as nothing to be mentioned

That moment is precious
don't underestimate yourself
also please start writing your
Daily Journal 

It will be your private time
we deserve time alone just
to be with ourselves

Please don't forget to thank God
for keeping us in good health
to think clearly and to keep
us mobile 

Thank You God


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. I will ask them what is the most fun thing that they enjoyed today

    1. Customers say that best part of the day is that they come here to read and talk. For me, the best part is all my customers. I used to be by myself most of the time before I started posting the blog but now always have customers. Sometimes people come from another village too. They come to chat, to socialize, to discuss so many things, and it all started when I accidentaly stumbled on the blog. I liked it and posted it. In a few days, my small shop is now a community corner.

  2. I won the race to post the blog on our corporate notice boards today. This was the most enjoyable thing for me :-)


    1. Hey Brenda, remember Smile does not want us to compete :-) For me the best part is the same that I have every day, discussions with the team on Smile blog


    2. I agree with you Jasmeet. I was just joking. I know that you were here earlier than me and allowed me to win the race just so that I can feel happy about it. That's very nice of you and Smile would like these gestures


  3. Dear Madam Smile, I do 2 job, so no time for fun but I read you blog and that is most fun for me

  4. gardening and reading this blog

  5. I have posted the blog in all noticeboards in lobbies A, B, C and D.


    1. The best part for me are the Smile Walks. I love the energy and discussion that it brings


    2. Same for me


  6. Father say best part is him watching tele. He say he old, almost 67, so like to rest

    Kris (Germany)

  7. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees met this morning to discuss the blog. We could not come to a consensus of what is the most enjoyable thing we do. Some like bird watching, they mentioned that his was the best thing that you introduced to them, for others it was watching sports, for some others it is sleeping or eating

    recent retiree

  8. The best part of my day is writing this comment for my awesome Smile as I hope it makes her smile :-)


  9. I don't think it was difficult for yourself to guess what our favorite part of the day is. We wake up in the morning to a fresh supply of our favorite reading material, and a fresh cup of home brewed coffee. Since we have our latest gadgets, we have the opportunity to keep coming back to it multiple times during the day to your inspirational words.

    Thank you for making our mornings bright and our days so much livelier

    Dave and Linda

  10. Replies
    1. The qs was: What is the best part of your day? And the answer: "good post". Not sure if I am missing something here

      As for me, the best part of my day is reading mrizvi's good post comment. Without this comment, I am not sure if I will know if Smile's blog is good or not. Really

    2. Plunker why are you surprised, we all know about mrizvi. We have tried so hard but not sure why mrizvi never reads

      My best part of the day is somewhat embarrassing to admit. Every day I try to live up to some of the words that Smile writes. I know I cant do all, but I try to do at least 50% of what she writes for us, but I always fail. The only one time when I succeeded was sometimes back, when Smile asked us to face the day bravely. I did that. I had a really bad day at work, but I just kept taking one step at a time and made through it. I still remember the blog, it was "It too shall pass". I dont want to go in details but that blog transformed my life as dramatically as the life of the daughter in law

  11. My Smile is amazing! The most fun thing I do is read Smile's blog and the interesting comment from mrizvi

  12. I enjoy blog in China. It so fun for family

  13. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Karen Linda Dave Beena Cleo Plunker Kris mrizvi Batman Tiara Jimmy
    Jasmeet Brenda Sheema Retiree Group Superwoman Kim Happy Reader Maheen Keith
    Fellow Writer Boris All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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