The Chip

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I am proud of my
Readers Family

Thanks to my Irish Reader
for Making Smile Corner
in his Shop

You all Make my Day

I got my Fellow Writer and Xin back

Now Today's Blog

My son was referring some 
experiment which the speaker was talking about
at some seminar
organized for youth

The experiment was where bunch
of people were divided into
groups of prisoners and security

That experiment was about to run for
couple of weeks with same
group of people in same roles

Just after a week or so security
guards started behaving like  real
guards giving harsh punishments
making them do things

Same was the case with prisoners
situation got out of control
and difficult to handle
one prisoner got sick so they
have to take him out of prison

The person conducting the
experiment was so much involved
in all this and didn't know he
is playing with actual human lives

His fiance asked him to stop
the experiment right away
to stop whatever damage is done

I start thinking our Mind is
always in command 

Our body always starts to obey
like a slave or body has a
blind faith a total trust
in our Mind and starts behaving 

We have to be very careful
with our thoughts 
always handle with care
to get the right direction

If we start thinking about
love --  beauty and kindness
happiness Chip will be
imparted in our Mind

This will give us a real Happiness
an inner peace and our
body can not get wrong 
or diseased

Health is related to our
healthy thoughts
we have to change our Attitude
which will shift our thoughts
from Negative to Positive
that will give us Happiness


  1. Dear Madam Smile, you write so good things for us. You also have your corner in Ireland. I do 2 job and I read you blog as it is so nice. They should no run experiment about jail.

    @mrizvi: Please read. Madam write about experiment about jail.

  2. We read the blog with interest. I think you were referring to the Stanford Prison Experiment which was conducted in 1971 (assuming that Dave's memory is serving him right). It is interesting that you used the experiment as a springboard to write about happiness

    Dave and Linda

  3. My Smile is so awesome! She has readers everywhere! She writes to the retirees! What an amazing person my Smile is!

    @mrizvi: It would have been nice if you would have read today's amazing blog. Ir talked about people of your age group.


  4. Dear Advisor,

    This is an interesting blog for the retirees. A no. of them were very interested in the experiment as it was widely reported in the newspapers. One of the members called me about it this morning. It created a buzz within the retiree club as it took us down the memory lane and we talked about the good old day :-)

    @mrizvi: Some of the retirees feel that you need some help as you are too rebellious. Please consider it

    thank you

    recent retiree

  5. It is great that Smile is getting the appropriate recognition in Ireland. As for the blog, I realize that I said yesterday that I will try to restrain myself but I cant help it. I noticed that Smile's only son went to a youth seminar where thy talked about this stuff. What seminar is he attending where they are discussing this horrible experiment. They are discussing this with kids!! I hope he take his kids with him as it can tarnish their psyche. I am shocked as the decision that this guy makes. No wonder Smile is taking care of his kids. She is probably trying to help them psychologically and not just physically.

    @mrizvi: What a disappointing start to the day to see that you have commented without reading, again.

  6. Enjoyed the blog. Interesting details about the experiment and linking it to happiiness

    Keith Walker

  7. that experiment sounds dangerous, I'm glad that the fiancee told him to stop it! And you make a very good point to remember that the mind comes before the body and the mind should be planted with happy thoughts first and foremost. Loved this post!

  8. very good post, we always should think and act positive

  9. Tá mé sa phost an bhlag i mo siopa ag an Cúinne Smile. Getting a lán de na custaiméirí. Bainim taitneamh as an bhlag, agus chomh maith leis an ngníomhaíocht mhéadaithe a thugann sé

  10. Esto sonaba como una experiencia interesante. Me gusta especialmente el enlace que usted ha hecho con el experimento y la felicidad


  11. This is a thought provoking post. I am biting my tongue and not providing any comments as it may offend my favorite person. I do want to point out that I share with some of the comments from Plunker on this

  12. I enjoyed the linking of the Stanford Prison Experiment with happiness. It is a unique concept for sure.

    I also tend to agree with Plunker. I suggested yesterday that he should not express his thoughts but his comments today is making me re-assess. This was a very severe experiment with a lot of mental strain on all those who were involved. I sincerely hope that Smile's only son had some common sense to not take his juveniles to the "youth seminar" where this was being discussed. Based on this creature's past record, I wont like to bet on it.

    @mrizvi: Please, please, please. Why are you making it so difficult for yourself and everyone.

  13. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Karen Maheen Dave Linda mrizvi Retiree Group Sheema Keith Superwoman Newbie
    Batman Boris Plunker My Irish Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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