The Beauty

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My Retiree Group Readers
were asking me for some advice 
some tips for  walking like how far
the pace the frequency and so on

Believe me I never take anything
like a project the basic point
is to enjoy and to have a feel of that

My Husband died of heart attack
when he was 38 and I was 34
so I am used to live
my whole life alone

God is Great when he takes away
something He always tops up
our Plate with something else

I am used to enjoy my own company
I walk alone at my own Pace
in my own time to watch the beauty
of Nature and enjoy 

I believe this is a Great gift from God
I don't need anyone to give me company
I love people to talk and to be around
still I walk alone and enjoy

Chalk out your own program
your own time table whatever
suits your health your nature
don't take any pressure

Just relax and be yourself
don't push yourself to run
a race or a Marathon
no competition please we don't
have to prove ourselves 

We have to prove ourselves
only to God to our Creator
watch the Beauty around 
every season every moment
is worth to enjoy and praise 
the Almighty


  1. We usually take strong coffee in the morning as we need a strong stimulant to jolt us into our day. Today's blog was stronger stimulant than that strong coffee. It made us have a significantly enhanced appreciation of your achievements.

    As a single mother, you provided for your family, nurtured and nourished them. This is no mean feat. However you did not stop there, you also had some significant achievements of your own.

    No wonder our retiree friends are finding you a tough act to follow. To be candid, we feel the same way.

    Linda and Dave

  2. Dear Madam Smile, I so impress with you. You so nice. You raise kids by you. You provide advise about company. I do 2 job and no time for company. I read you blog for company. Thank you writing every day

    @mrizvi: Please read Madam's nice blog

  3. I lost the race to post the blog yet again. It was already posted there on our notice boards


    1. I posted the blog but forgot to post the blog from the weekend. Kate has now posted those blogs as well.

      Sorry, we are not being kind to you and Smile will not be happy. We were thinking of not posting the blog today so you can win but all 4 of us want to read Smile's blog to start our day ie before our first client meeting. We love it as it provides real life insights and is also a fun read. Hope you will understand.

      Kate (on behalf of Justin, David and Sarah also)

  4. I have posted the blog in the Smile Corner

  5. I posted the blog on our corporate notice boards in lobbies A and B. Cleo or Kim requested on Friday for the blog to be posted in the Cafeteria as well. I will do that later today. Hopefully before lunch


    1. Can you also post the ones from the weekend as well. I would have done that but I don't have posting access to the corporate notice boards.


    2. Done. Blogs posted from the weekend too.


    3. Lots of discussion in the company about Smile's achievements. She impressed a no. of colleagues


    4. I knew it all along that Smile is the best. She is simply outstanding. You can get a sense from her writings that she is special.


  6. Dear Advisor,

    We wanted to thank you for your blog and your advice to us. We will be meeting this week to go through them. Our ex Corporate executive is going to facilitate that meeting.

    On a personal note, we were flabbergasted to see your achievements. All by yourself, you accomplished a lot and are continuing to do so. We are very thankful to you for agreeing to be our adviser. We are learning a lot from you

    thank you
    recent retiree

  7. Your today's blog was mind blowing. I do know that single mothers have a tough life but did not realize that you also had one. Looks like you are doing quite well


  8. Today's blog was quite enlightening. I enjoyed the messaging ie don't compete but take it easy

    Keith Walker

  9. My Smile is so awesome! She is an awesome writer! She provides awesome advice to the retirees! She did an awesome job in raising kids! What an awesome person my Smile is!!

    @mrizvi: Please read this awesome blog!


  10. This is a very "deep" blog from Smile. I was able to see several messages to us. They are:

    1- The message about positive energy and how to create it

    2- The message about maintaining physical well being

    3- The message of hope

    4- The message about how to lead a successful life

    5- The message about discipline

    6- And the message about inspiration

    I am going to read the blog again as there probably are a few other items that I have not been able to figure out as yet.

    @mrizvi: This blog is good for your education

  11. My Smile is so amazing! She is am amazing scientist! She is an amazing writer! She is an amazing person! And she is an amazing parent!!

    @mrizvi: Please read this amazing blog

  12. Today's blog made me re-read some of Smile's previous blogs. She should be interviewed on CNN, BBC or something like that.I am not kidding. I mean who ca n do all these things as a person, let alone as single parent

    Her only son should be embarrased that he does not take care of her

  13. I like you blog. Sorry not good English in China

    @mrizvi: you read blog

  14. Ok. I had to take a deep breath as I was going through the blog. Smile is everything that we, the readers family, have been calling her but she is so much more than that. I also think that her only son needs to take care of her more than that he takes care of his career. It is simply wrong. The corporate boy needs to tidy up his act. The buses, fire, taking money, helping Smile to feed his kids, and beach in cold September should all go.

    @mrizvi: Please stop this insanity. Read the blog or dont comment. Show respect

  15. I wish I can disagree with Plunker but I cant. Smile is such a fantastic person. She deserves better

    mrizvi: She deserves better from you also

  16. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Retiree Group Linda Dave Keith Maheen Boris Karen mrizvi Plunker Jimmy Tiara
    Cleo Newbie Brenda Superwoman Sheema Batman Kate Sara My Irish German French Chinese and
    Anonymous Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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