
Image result for Front yard garden with fall trees picture

It is 7 in the morning I am watching
from my Bedroom window
Mist everywhere I see three trees
lined up by the side of my front yard

One very tall green tree I think
more than 20 feet the other green
tree not so tall the center one lost most
of the leaves just a skeleton like an
old member of the house

In the center is Solo tree with bright
yellow leaves some orange too
standing with great confidence
with strong roots it's branches and
leaves spreading and covering nearly
the whole of the front yard area

This solo tree looks to me a highly
educated member of my front yard
family a very cultured and stylish
 well composed who is living an
artistic and polished life style

It's body is very strong but slender
I think he is strongly following the
Diet plan and goes to Gym to build
muscles and to keep body in shape

Anyhow I am very much impressed
and try to behave myself while passing
by this tree who doesn't care I think
living his own life

Sky is like an sketch that someone
used lead pencil to draw with perfection
all shades of black and gray
no color still such a beauty to watch
and have an eternal feel

In just couple of minutes the mist
started clearing up very quickly
everything awake
the vivid picture of houses now clear
still so quiet everything still in bed
waiting for their bed tea

Traffic not much still enough to break the
silence like alarm going off trying to
give a wake up call birds not
flying I think all departed to South
will be back in March

How beautiful everything enveloped
in a gray packing which started
opening up peeping through and inviting us
to have a look inside and enjoy
the Gift our Dear God delivered
in an early morning Mail Delivery

Gift of joy and Happiness to live
one more day one more life
Thank You God I got your delivery
and signed up with my Smile
please keep watching over me
thanks again


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. Lots of customers have been requesting that I post these blogs earlier. I try to but since I am the only one at the shop, sometimes cant do it right away

  2. Replies
    1. My customers are very upset that instead of us thanking you that you are the one thanking me. All I am doing is posting your blog. You are the ones writing it. Please don't thank me.

  3. This was a super read. We love reading your colleagues from the past, referring to James Herriot, Thomas Hardy, William Somerset Maugham and others like that, and this one reads like that. It made our morning so much brighter. We are expecting company this weekend and we are planning to read this with them as well.

    Thank you for a very entertaining and pleasant literary piece

    Linda and Dave

  4. Posted the blog in the corporate notice boards in lobbies A and B. Also posted it in the cafeteria


    1. This is absolutely fantastic. Smile's work can be compared to any of the literary great. Of course, I am a little biased here :-)


    2. Actually you are not that far off the mark, Cleo. I like English literature and this one fits right into one of the books that I have read


    3. Absolutely loved it!


  5. My Smile is so awesome! She writes awesome blogs! She is an awesome parent! She is an awesome advisor to the retirees! What an awesome person my Smile is!!

    @mrizvi: Please read this awesome blog

  6. I lost the race to post the blog on our corporate notice boards (again). It was already there when I went to post it. Sarah and Tommy are going gaga over it


  7. Dear Advisor,

    Thank you for your blog. Today's blog was very beautiful. One of our members is an author and has provided outstanding comments. Based on her suggestion, instead of talking about walking in our next meeting, we will talk about this blog. As there is a change in focus for the meeting, instead of the ex corporate executive, the author will facilitate the meeting

    @mrizvi: Our author member suggested that I make a special request to you on her behalf to read today's blog. She mentioned that it very enlightening and also entertaining. You will relish it and will also help in your growth

    recent retiree

  8. A very entertaining blog. You painted a very exciting picture with your words

    Keith Walker

  9. My Smile is so amazing! She is an amazing Scientist! She is an amazing parent! She has amazing friends! She is an amazing writer! What an amazing person my Smile is!

    @mrizvi: Read this amazing blog. You must

  10. I read your blog. It is fun read. Though I read French more often but I love English too. I am commenting in English because you asked

  11. This blog has got it all. An unending supply of advice for our retirees, fun travelogues, multiple tips and so much more


  12. I loved reading this!

  13. What a pleasant start to the day! I woke up very early in the morning to read this blog, and it was worth it. I will also read it again after dinner. I felt like I am looking at the entire scene with Smile. She writes so well

    @mrizvi: Please read

  14. Smile made my day today (just like she did yesterday, and the day before and the one before that and the one ....) . I dont read literature but because of this blog, I went to the library to get one. The librarian appeared to be surprised by me borrowing the book. The expression on her face was "you, getting a book!. I showed her Smile's blog and told her that Smile is my inspiration, the librarian spent a few minutes reading it and completely agreed with me. She asked me for a printout so she can also read it. I mean, can you imagine, a librarian who is living among books, is now impressed by Smile's writing

    @mrizvi: I hope you start reading this. It will help with improving your grades too

  15. I rite China. I read you blog. It so nice. Thank

    mrizvi bad girl

  16. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Karen Boris Linda Dave Maheen Plunker Jimmy Newbie mrizvi Retiree Group
    Batman Sheema Keith Cleo Brenda Superwoman Tiara Peter Sam My Irish French Chinese German Anonymous
    Readers Thanks Everyone


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