Life ?

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It is night time 7 pm I am going
with my son to drop my eldest
Grand kid to Hockey Arena 
he has to go for a Coaches meeting
to reshuffle the teams as season
has started

I can see the confidence the hidden
sense of glory and accomplishment
he is 17 and I think he is taking this
as one of his big achievement to be
a Coach

Our joy and happiness everything
is relative and changes
at every step of our Life we feel
something very important but at our
later stage of Life not looks so

Something we push so hard to get
at any cost looses it's value after
a while it doesn't mean anything
and we get surprised of ourselves
that why we were after this

Life is a change every step every
moment we see different targets
to achieve we see change in our
interest in our goals

When we are kid our focus is
winning every game every sport
then our studies after that our career
and at later stage our objectives
are divided between self and 
our family

When we are retired everything
gone our Family our Career
we are sitting by the Empty Nest
thinking about our achievements
of our life which is all past

We want to talk about that to feel
good but no one ready to listen
we start feeling low with our
weak bodies and our low self esteem

Our parents and kids all gone
leaving us alone with our golden Past
we have to find hobbies and start
sharing with our Communities
the people around us 

Everyone is in the same boat we
all need sharing open up to share
especially in the last leg of our life
we have to find our hobbies and trust
in God this is our shelter our refuge
keep us away from complaining
and always bring joy and happiness


  1. Dear Madam Smile, this blog so nice. You help your son son with hockey coaching. I do 2 job and no time for play hockey.

    @mrizvi: Please read Madam blog

  2. Posted the blog in Smile Corner. Generating a lot of discussions among customers

  3. I won the race to post the blog today. Yay. I came early to do so. Was able to beat Hannah and Sue by 2 mins. They were right behind me

    A lot of discussion is taking place in the office based on this blog


  4. My Smile is so awesome! She is an awesome writer ! She is an awesome adviser to the retirees! She is an awesome philosopher! What an awesome person my Smile is!!

    @mrizvi: Please read this awesome blog!!

  5. I write China. You blog so different every day. Thank you

    mrizvi: read blog

  6. I have posed the blog on our corporate notice boards in lobbies A and B. Plus the cafeteria


    1. Smile is a professor, philosopher, writer and who knows what. Every day there is a new topic. Today's write up is very deep. Lots of serious discussion taking place


    2. Lots of people loved this blog and are suggesting that we use this one for discussion in the toastmasters meeting.


    3. I am chairing this week's Toastmasters and to be honest, I am ok to use any of the blogs that Smile has written for Toastmasters. They all have been high quality blogs. Kim and I will go through the blogs to shortlist them. I have asked Kim to help out with this as she won the Smile addict title last time


  7. Dear Advisor,

    A no of retirees called to discuss today's blog. One of our member is a retired professor of philosophy in a local college. He was very appreciative of the blog and raving on and on about it. Thank you for writing this. Definitely different from yesterday

    @mrizvi: Please read

    recent retiree

  8. This is a thought provoking blog. Thank you

    Keith Walker

  9. My Smile is amazing! She is amazing scientist! She is an amazing philosopher! She is an amazing writer! She is an amazing traveller! What an amazing person my Smile is!!

    mrizvi: Please read this blog!

  10. This blog is completely different from yesterday. It is like reading James Herriot one day and Confucius the next day!

    mrizvi: To be honest, you can skip this blog. It may be too complex for you to understand


  11. I am enjoying your blog from Latvia. Thank you for writing. Not just me and my family, there are other fans that you have here

  12. We write from China. You blog nice. Yu write good thing

    mrizvi: you read blog. you comment, no read

  13. Hello Readers Family
    Tiara Kim Maheen Jimmy Keith mrizvi Boris Cleo Batman Retiree Group Brenda
    Karen Newbie Plunker Sheema Sarah Dave and Linda Superwoman All of my Multilingual and Anonymous
    Readers Thanks Everyone

  14. I read the blog multiple times today and to be honest it is beyond my depth. I am not giving up though and will keep going at it until I have a better understanding. Smile is pretty cool. So many different aspects to her personality.

    mrizvi: I think even if you would have tried to read the blog today, it would not have helped. You would have read the words but would not have got the meaning. Sorry girl

  15. Hey Plunker, thanks for fessing up. I though I am the only one who did not completely understand Smile's blog today. I also felt that it was very deep. I do have a post graduate degree so it is not that i am fresh out of school. I agree with you that Smile is pretty cool

    mrizvi: you should still try to read

  16. Please dont thank us Smile. We should be the one thanking YOU.

    You write amazing blogs and also take the time to thank us. Very generous of you

    mrizvi: I am not sure if you have noticed but you are usually the first ones that she thanks. Just saying


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