Just to Distract

Image result for Ottawa winter pictures

Yesterday I was feeling
low as there were not
many Comments 

I started thinking My
Readers are now
tired of my Blogs
I clicked after a while
amazing ! 

There were lots of Comments
enough to make my Day
Thanks Readers Family

Now today's Blog

April 1995
Aspen Towers

I was waiting for the Bus # 95
at the Bus stop on the
way back from my
computer classes

I met a lady she was
around seventy
about the age of my mother
I am talking about 1995

She came to Canada
from South Africa
we used to talk and had
some good time to share

I always feel pleasure to listen
stories from the people
of any age of any country
to feel connected

It is always good to
be acquainted
to seeking souls
It gives real happiness

After all we all are from same
Human family and
share the same universe

Today I was flipping my old
Papers and find a card 
she gave me when I was
moving to Toronto

For a while I started thinking
about the Computer Institute 
in Downtown Ottawa

Which I joined
to utilize my free time
and to distract myself
from the Freezing cold 
30 minus temperature

We have to get busy to
keep us away from the
things which are bothering
and out of our control

Just distract yourself
to get relaxed


  1. Dear Madam Smile, There is NO WAY, that we will feel tired of you. I do 2 job and always read you blog. Sometime I don't have enough time to eat my lunch but I still read blog. You are so nice and have such good blog

    Madam, I talked to my manager about using pencil, but he didn't allow it. I show him your blog. And he say that you not asking me to use pencil but using this as example. I hope you no mind that I show blog to my supervisor.

    @mrizvi: Please read and you learn so many things from this blog

  2. As per our daily routine, we had our morning coffee and the blog for our breakfast. It serves us well. The coffee wakes us up physically, and the blog stimulates the mind. A good combo.

    It is a common theme that we see in your blogs that you are always on the go, always reaching out to others, and always treating people with respect. We are both very inspired by this and are trying to emulate your example.

    As for the readership and comments, we both feel that you should not really concern yourself with these trivialities. Perhaps we are mistaken, but I (Linda) read somewhere that if you can provide guidance to one individual, then it is akin to guiding the entire humanity. And we think that you are inspiring more than just one individual :-)

    Please keep up the good (writing) work

    Linda and Dave

  3. Posted the blog on our corporate notice boards in lobbies A and B. A couple of people were there and they both wanted to let me inform you that your blog is highly respected here in our corporate organization.


    1. So we had our Toastmaster's meeting today. As is typical of the last few meetings, we started with a discussion from one of Smile's blogs. Cleo, the unofficial Smile addict, suggested that we use the one about nature. It was a great idea. There was so much discussion about it that we ran out of time to talk about other items. Cleo, Janet and Matt are going to meet before next week's meeting to see how we can streamline this process.


    2. Hey guys, It is not my fault that the meeting went over. Blame Smile. She writes so deep blogs that it takes time to go through it


    3. Dear Cleo, Please don't blame Madam to writing good blog. If you want to discuss Madam's blogs then please have more time. But don't blame Madam

      I do 2 job but always read Madam blog

      thank you

    4. My friend, It was just a joke. How can I blame Smile. As Tiara said, I am an addict :-)


  4. it's so amazing how good your memory is from so long ago! it's great to see how even meeting someone for a minute can have such an impact on someone's life!

  5. My Smile is so awesome!! She writes every day for her readers! She is so generous that she provides advice to retirees whenever they want. I am feeling so bad that readers family does not provide their comments on her blog. She is so awesome that she even writes for us after that!

    @mrizvi: I am wondering if it is your fault that you don't read because of which my Smile is feeling so bad. Please read


  6. I lost the race to post the blog on our corporate notice board today. It was already posted when I went there.


  7. Dear Advisor,

    Thank you for your blog. We held our meeting yesterday and the ex corporate executive from our retirees group went through all the ideas and tips that you provided. Though we reduced the list to 25%, most members were of the view that we cant do it.

    I know we are asking a lot from you but would it be possible to provide 2-3 things for us? We will have our next meeting after that.

    @mrizvi: On behalf of the retirees, I have a request for you. We think that you will benefit a lot from these blogs.

    thank you
    recent retiree

  8. phost mé an bhlag i mo siopa ceart ar an am. Is fuath liom a bheith ar an duine a seasamh idir Éireannach maith agus a Dé hAoine deasghnátha tábhairne oíche :-)

  9. 请不要停止写这些博客。 我爱他们。 我的家人读他们。 我的朋友也是这样。

  10. I enjoyed today's blog. It is impressive that you were able to establish deep contacts with strangers who you meet so briefly. Speaks a lot about you as a person and we see it through these blogs


  11. Enjoyed the blog. Please don't feel that we are not enjoying these blogs. Speaking for myself, I look forward to reading them

    Keith Walker

  12. We do need some distractions at difficult times in our life.... wonderful stragedy

  13. मैं अक्सर अपने लेखन से लाभ। यह एक बहुत ही व्यस्त जीवन यहाँ, लगभग अराजक है, तो मैं नियमित रूप से पढ़ने के लिए यह पहली बार मैं टिप्पणी कर रहा हूँ है एक मौका मिलता है न। मैं सिर्फ टिप्पणी की है क्योंकि आपने कहा था कि आपको लगता है कि लोग थक गए हो रही है। मैं तुम्हें पता है कि यह मामला नहीं है बताना चाहता था

    लिखने के लिए धन्यवाद

  14. My Smile is so amazing! She is an amazing scientist! She has amazing friends! She can strike amazing friendships with total strangers while she is travelling on a bus!! What an amazing person my Smile is!

    @mrizvi: Please read these blogs

  15. I read the blog as I usually do ie with my breakfast. I used to read newspaper at that time but news is negative and this blog is positive. I am glad that I made that switch

    @mrizvi: Give it a try and you will enjoy

  16. I have been so depressed the whole day today. Smile, who has been generously answering the call for anyone's help, felt let down by us, the readers family. It is really embarrassing for us. We need to pick up our game. I was so distraught that I left early from work today. I hope all of you readers feel the same way

    Every day, the retirees are bugging Smile for tips. I mean, give it a rest. She is telling you nicely to be active. Get off your couches and move. Simple. Finita.

    Every day, mrizvi, has been writing comments without reading. Lets cut it out. I dont care if you are 20, you have problems, you have behaviour challenges. Simply stop this. Do read. Either you want to be part of the family or not.

    I dont think I would be truthful if I dont make a comment about Smile's only son. Where is the darling of the corporate world. Why is he not taking care of Smile. What was he thinking by taking her to a beach in the cold Canadian September. How come he was asking her to go to the bank to withdraw money from her own account to feed his bums. It is ridiculous !!

    I hope I dont offend anyone but it is really really upsetting for me

  17. I enjoyed the blog, as always. I found it to be inspiring.

    @ Plunker: Take it easy you will pop a nerve. We are all upset and a little bit red faced that we have not been commenting but still be kind to others. I am equally upset with mrizvi and Smile's only son, as are others, but we simply keep our thoughts to ourselves. Whats the point

  18. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Linda Dave Karen Keith Cleo Jimmy Tiara Brenda Superwoman Maheen Boris
    Sheema Plunker Newbie Fellow Writer mrizvi Batman Retiree Group Janet Matt Xin
    My Irish Readers Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    You All Made My Day
    Thanks Everyone


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