In Full Swing

Image result for Kingston intersection pictures

I was waiting for my second
Bus # 900 Pulse at Kingston
Highway I was going to
play Darts and Carpet
Bowling after 2 weeks

I was with family -- friends and
Community things I was very busy
so didn't miss my Senior Club
though I love my Club it is
like a second Home for me

I am at the Bus stop taking
refuge inside the Glass shelter
it is 4 degrees now at 9.25 am
my bus will be coming in 5 minutes

This is an intersection of
Kingston and Whites Road
on either side are Gas stations
one side is Shell and near that
is Tim Hortons drive through

On the other side is Petro Canada
and just at 5 minutes walk is
Tim Hortons and Wendy a Proper
Eating Place

Tim Hortons is very popular
in Canada like Costa in England

It was long summer so it is not
Fall yet Colors started changing
but not completely

I see birds flying in groups
and all in the same direction
may be signed up with the same
Tour Bus Company so all going to
gather at some Meeting point
to be picked up

Dump truck busy collecting
garbage from the Tim Hortons
Drive Through

It is good to see Life in full swing
it gives energy and elevates Mood 
to start your Day

My Bus # 900 is here I will show
my transfer which I got from my
first Bus # 120 at the start of my
journey at Whites and Bayfield

After 2 stops I will be at Library
My Home Sweet Home
Play Darts and Carpet Bowling
busy till 3 pm

Thank you Dear God for giving me
strength to keep myself get going
Thank You Dear Lord


  1. Dear Madam Smile,

    You are so busy and active. Most people like sleep late and do nothing. You going for your club. You go pub. You go play sport. You watch baseball. I do 2 job so no time. I read you blog and learn so much. I hope you don't take 2 bus and your son drop you but you don't complain.

    @mrizvi: Please read Madam blog. They so nice

  2. This blog was perfectly timed for the start of the work week. You highlighted various activities (eg garbage collection, waiting for bus etC) which are typically associated with "chores, "work",or "boredom", and made them sound just the opposite. You have a way with words and are using them to the fullest advantage.

    Thank you so much for writing. We both love your endeavours.

    Dave and Linda

  3. I have posted the blog from today on our corporate notice boards in lobbies A and B.


    1. Hi Jimmy, would it be possible to also post the blogs from the weekend. Cleo, Tom, Sandra and some others were asking for it


    2. No worries. I have a meeting till 11 but will post them right after the meeting


    3. I have posted the previous blogs as well. Again in both places. Enjoy


    4. Thanks. These blogs are simply awesome. I specially enjoyed the one from the prison experiment. The comments from the readers were interesting. I tend to agree with some that hope Smile's grand kids didn't attend the event


  4. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees had the emergency meeting this morning. The meeting was to go through your advice to us last week. As they were required to do so, all members read your blog before coming to the meeting. Our ex corporate executive member facilitated the meeting. Bottom line, we thank you for your advice to us.

    The challenge that we face is that we are not as active as you (and this is an understatement). As an example, we go to a hockey game for our grand kids, once a year ie only in playoff or final, we don't go for walks, we socialize with friends once every other week at best, we don't interact with our grand kids let alone feeding them every day, we travel once a year and that is to go to a beach or cottage to lie down (and not sight seeing). I can go on and on, but I think you get the idea.

    So after all this, we are wondering if there is one to two things that you can share with us. As some of the more vocal members of the readers family have commented, we have indeed taken up a lot of your time in asking for the advice.

    We also noted that your only son is not really taking care as much care of you as he should. There was a lot of debate about that as this is a personal matter but a lot of retirees felt that you are part of their family too. It is due to this, and not any malicious intent that they discussed this issue.

    Thank you again for writing so regularly

    recent retiree

  5. I lost the race to post the blog today. Not only today's blog but the ones from last weekend were posted there.

    The blogs have caused a lot of discussion in the office today


  6. My Smile is so awesome! She writes awesome blogs! She takes 2 buses but does not rely on his son to take him anywhere. She enjoys active life. What an awesome person my Smile is!!

    @mrizvi: Please read these blogs.


  7. This blog provides a good start to the work week. It is interesting that Smile is very observant.


    1. I agree about the timing of the blog.

      Smile is not only observant but very efficient too. She put together the blog during her journey ie while she was waiting for a bus.

      Keith Walker

  8. I loved this post, your senior club sounds like so much fun! I wish we had Tim Hortons here!

  9. Dear Smile,

    As usual your blog got me up this morning. Reading your post, I forced myself to go outside and get fresh air, I wish I had the scenic views of nature that you have. My view is very much busy, polluted China.

    Thanks always

  10. Ich genoss Ihren Blog. Es ist eine positive Beschreibung der täglichen Aktivitäten

    Vielen Dank

  11. Beaux détails sur les événements qui ont lieu un lundi matin. Comme d'autres, je souhaite également que votre fils prend mieux soin de vous

    Nous vous remercions de l'écriture

    @mrizvi: s'il vous plaît lire avant de commenter

  12. अच्छा ब्लॉग। यह एक सकारात्मक रास्ते में जानकारी का एक बहुत प्रदान करता है।


  13. My Smile is so amazing! She is an amazing scientist! Takes 2 buses to go to the club! Writes amazing blogs! What an amazing person my Smile is!!

    @mrizvi: When will you start reading these fantastic blogs!

  14. It's amazing to read your blog, we can visualize the whole morning bus trip with you.
    Good post

  15. I enjoyed the writing but I will not be telling the truth if I dont let the readers family know that I have been really depressed since them. How can we see Smile going to her club on not 1 but 2 buses. I googled the directions and the club and it appears that it is only 10 mins drive from her place. As a corporate guy, can her only son not adjust his schedule to drop her off. IT is ridiculous that he is making her take the buses. It is simply ridiculous

  16. I like the blog. I am lying. I absolutely love it. Smile is my favorite writer. She has the art of making small, insignificant everyday things into something spectacular. Today is an (another) example of her master class.

    I am not going to talk about her only son, as my views on this subject are well known.

    @mrizvi: I know you are 20. I know that you are rebellious. I think that you are probably a party girl type. But please, please, pleas, start reading.

  17. What a nice blog! And all this while waiting for the 2nd bus!

  18. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Karen Batman Maheen Plunker Linda Dave Sheema Boris Superwoman Newbie Retiree Group
    Xin Jimmy Brenda mrizvi Cleo Keith Tiara Tom Sandara Fellow Writer My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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