I Don't Drive

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My Multilingual Readers
I highly honor
your Language it is your
your Root

If you write comments
in English whole Readers
Family love to share

I don't know I am saying the right thing
Just a Suggestion
I trust you wont mind
Your Comments are valuable

Now My Today's Blog

I don't drive and somehow
I started thinking
it is a blessing for me

Most of my Blogs are generated
at my Driveway while waiting
for my Ride or at Bus Stops

While I wait I have to Do " Nothing "
have my own Time slot just to wait
and enjoy the scene

Scenes which go on changing
with a new look in every season
every day every moment

I watch leaves changing colors
Morning Dew --- Birds flying
Squirrels running around
Butterflies dancing -- whispering
hopping from flowers to flowers

While watching and enjoying
I think about Nature about
it's Creator about our Creator
it opens so many Windows for me

Precious moments to talk to my
Almighty in private
no disturbance no distraction

These Moments are my Spiritual 
Meditation and my Great teachers too
I started to figure out so many
things as Green is not only green

Every green has it's own color  
shade and shape and birds have
different tones at different time
in different seasons

They celebrate rain - sunshine and
scared of Tornado and Gusts
and extreme weathers

Believe me every time there is
so much to see and to learn
I don't drive so on my way
I am able to observe and enjoy
throughout my journey as
I am not in the driving seat

It gives me so much pleasure
so much joy and Peace
this all brings Calm in my Life
and gives a Great start to my Day

God is Great when he sees
something missing from your Plate
He tops it up so just relax and trust
God is watching over us

I thank God that I am not driving
otherwise could have missed all
these precious moments of my Life
I think it is a Blessing for me
that I don't Drive 


  1. Dear Madam Smile, You are so nice. You write so good blog. I do 2 job and don't drive but still cant think and write like you. You have lot talent.

    @mrizvi: Please learn from Madam

  2. I have posted the blog in our corporate notice boards in lobbies A and B


    1. There were a lot of joking around that we should sell our cars to start thinking like Smile. Samantha had the best one, "cars are bad for environment and bad for thinking. Get rid of it, so you can help environment and to think like Smile" :-)


    2. I like the quip that Peter made when he said " Lets check to see if mrizvi has a car. If she does then we can all confirm that cars are bad for you. Period"


  3. Dear Advisor,

    We enjoyed the blog today and were impressed with your imagination and creativity. Most of our members drive but based on your blog, one of the fellow members suggested that perhaps we should start taking short walks. We will discuss this in a meeting. I am trying to arrange one

    recent retiree

  4. My Smile is so awesome! She writes awesome blogs and can whip it up when she is waiting for a bus or for a ride! What an amazing person my Smile is!!

    @mrizvi: Please read these blogs


  5. I lost the race (again) to post the blog. There are a couple of environmentalists in our office and they are using today's blog and some of the previous ones (specially the ones about nature) as proof that Smile is also one of them :-)

    Good fun discussion taking place


  6. I have posted the blog in my shop at Smile Corner

    PS: I am posting the comment in English as you requested

    1. I am wondering what Smile Corner is?

    2. I have a small shop in a small town in Ireland. I started posting the blogs and it got the locals very interested. I have created a place in my shop, with a couple of sofas, a table, sort of a mini coffee shop where customers can come and enjoy the blog. I was thinking of calling it Coffee Corner but the customers suggested "Smile Corner". So that's what it is.

    3. Cool. This is a great idea. If someone opens a Smile Corner near my place, I would start living there

  7. We read and talked about the blog over coffee. In retrospect, we were not surprised at what you wrote today. We knew that inherently you have a capacity to look at the everyday things with a different lens. Please keep doing that and enlighten us and our day

    Thank you
    Dave and Linda

  8. What an amazing person my Smile is! She is an amazing senior microbiologist scientist! She has amazing friends! She does not drive but manages everything on her own! What an amazing person my Smile is!

    @mrizvi: Please read these blogs

  9. Enjoyed the blog. As always a new perspective

    Keith Walker

  10. You are determined to see everything positively. Small things on which people keep on moaning, you consider it as a blessing in some other way which makes you and us smile all the time.
    Keep on smiling.....

  11. I used to comment in German but am commenting in English as you asked.

    I like this blog because of the literary value. I mean just look at today's blog "Birds flying
    Squirrels running around
    Butterflies dancing -- whispering
    hopping from flowers to flowers"

    I mean can I say anything more?

    @mrizvi: This is why I keep asking you to read. It is good for your growth

  12. Hello Readers Family
    Karen Dave Linda Maheen Keith Sheema Cleo Newbie mrizvi Xin Fellow Writer
    Superwoman Jimmy Brenda Tiara Boris Batman Plunker
    My Anonymous Irish and German Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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