I am Rich

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I really admire and
thanks to my Multilingual
Readers for sharing 
Comments with Readers Family

Today's Blog

It is 18th of October we are
still waiting for Fall in Toronto
weather is great perfect for a walk

It is 22 today slight windy no gust
Sun not too hot just to warm us up
last week we had to use light jackets
and sweaters

Today I am in my light shirt
I was with my friend at someone's
place she picked me up at 11.30
I was back at 1 pm 

Thinking to have my lunch 
switched on my computer
got your comments on my
Today's Blog

Looked through my room
window it was all beautiful
a scenic view 

yellow leaves in the air were
like God is showering gold
for everyone

I changed my mind to have lunch
at home changed my clothes
to roll on street

There was so much gold 
everywhere for everyone
then I realized I don't need gold

I need Peace and Happiness
which God is providing me
at every step of my Life
through His Guidance

I am already Rich 
sitting in my favorite Tim Hortons
with my favorite menu 
small Double Double and toasted
Raisin tea biscuit

Thank you God for being with me
all the times and for making me rich
I don't deserve anything
it is all because of your Kindness
My Lord


  1. I have posted the blog on our corporate notice boards in lobbies A and B


    1. I would have loved to go as well. Next time you guys are going then please count me in


    2. I will bring the camera for tomorrow. Also Cleo is taking this to heart and planning a weekend trip with his family


  2. My Smile is so awesome! She is amazingly positive. She writes amazing blogs. She is so generous to her readers that she thanks them every day, even though it should be the readers who should be thanking her. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

    @mrizvi: Please read the blog before commenting


  3. I won the race to post the blog on our corporate notice board. Yippee!!


  4. Dear Madam Smile, It is so nice that you so positive. You write so good. You say nature is gold. I do 2 job and I try to be positive by reading you blog. Thank you

    @mrizvi: You read Madam's blog to be positive. It will help in your studies too

  5. We cherish the fall colours, so it was with delightful pleasure that we went through the blog. As usual, a cup of coffee accompanied the blog. We prefer the blog with coffee, as it adds some extra colour (and stimulant) :-)

    We appreciate you writing daily. More so, we appreciate you being such an inspiration to us. We had some company over the weekend and we talked about the blogs at length.

    Please take care,
    Dave and Linda

  6. Dear Advisor,

    Thank you for your blog. We enjoyed it, specially the reference of the yellow leafs to gold. One of our members is an ex investment banker who also does trading in commodities including gold, he was specially enthused by this reference as he never thought of gold in this context.

    We also met yesterday in an emergency meeting to discuss your suggestion about walking. If you can provide some tips to us as to how to plan the route, the duration, attire as well as anything else that we need to consider.

    @mrizvi: We retirees again wanted to stress to you that this blog is helpful to your growth

    recent retiree

  7. I have posted the blog in the Smile Corner. Lots of discussion today about nature in this Irish town

    Also, please don't thank me for posting my comments in English. There were a no. of customers who were a little upset with me that I have been posting them in Irish and you had to specifically asked me to post them in English. I apologize for using Irish before. I was posting them in Irish to let you know that you have readers in Ireland too and was not trying to make it difficult. Again I am sorry. My customers are upset and I want to say sorry to them as well

  8. I enjoyed today's blog. It is nice that you admire nature and appreciate it throroughly

    Keith Walker

  9. My Smile is so amazing! She is am amazing scientist! She has an amazing observation! She is amazingly positive! What an amazing person my Smile is !!

    @mrizvi: Please, please pretty please. Start reading.

  10. This is a very humbling blog. I cant imagine that Smile is thanking us! I mean, think about it guys. Let me say it again, Smile is thanking us.

    Thank you Smile. Thank you for thanking us (Even though we dont deserve it). Thank you for writing for us. Thank you for trying to inspire us. Thank you for so many different things

    @mrizvi: I think you should should thank Smile for putting up with you for so long and not complaining even once. Really!!

  11. God has given everybody a lot but most of us do not take out time to realize or appreciate it. This blog is reminding us once again to say thanks to our lord.
    Thank you God....

  12. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Karen Jimmy Maheen Keith mrizvi Cleo Sheema Xin Brenda Linda Dave Brenda
    Superwoman Boris Plunker Batman Retiree Group Newbie My Irish Anonymous and Multilingual
    Readers Thanks Everyone

  13. This blog made me speechless. Smile has so much to give. Smile always is thankful. She takes buses to go to clubs, she takes care of his grand kids, take them to hockey practices, get money for his son (even though he does not take any care of her), in fact even takes her to senior housing for dinners, she is just a fantastic person and a true inspiration. If you ever wanted to see a giver, then it is her

    @mrizvi: It is so, so disappointing to see you with your inane comments. At least, change the comment

    Thank you


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