Fingers Crossed

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My Retiree Group Members
first thing don't make it
official keep everything
simple just get relaxed

Get involved in family or with the people you live with
involve yourself in simple cooking
talking or meeting just for
Chit Chat 

We have to get busy to
keep ourselves away
from Loneliness which results
in Negative Thinking
and move us away from Happiness

For My Reader doing 2 Jobs 
You can share My Blogs
with Anyone this is for

Now Today's Blog

I was walking to Tim Hortons
everything looking so fresh
it was rain early morning and
all the Greens had a shower

A contagious Smile all around
wild yellow and purple flowers
were inviting Butterflies for a
Dance with Twinkle in their Eyes
Squirrels sneaking for Date

Rain drops still on the grass and leaves
birds playing music and hopping
from plants to plants
giving color to the festive 

Everyone in a different mood
a party atmosphere
Elders were also carried away
and not ready to play
their parental responsibilities

Sort of rushing and gushing
to get ready for the party 
and making arrangements

Everyone trying to pick and
setting their eyes on their to
be Groom and to be Bride

Parents with smiling faces
praying and hoping
Kids will make the right
choice for their Life Partner 

Right now keeping their
fingers crossed


  1. Dear Madam Smile, I enjoy this blog lot. I read classic when back home. I do 2 job so no time now. I read your blog and enjoy. It is so nice

    @ mrizvi: This is classic. If you read you will enjoy

  2. Starting our weekend with this blog is perhaps the most exquisite way that's possible. We enjoyed reading it with a cup of coffee in our hands. It reminded us of some of our cherished authors from the past, like Thomas Hardy and Dickens.

    Please accept our gratitude for making our weekend a little richer and brighter with your entertaining writing

    Dave and Linda

  3. My Smile is so awesome! She writes for the retirees! She goes for walks and observe the beautiful surroundings. What an amazing person my Smile is!


  4. Dear Advisor,

    Thank you for your advice for us. Some of our members called me today asking me to thank you for this blog. We will be meeting early next week to go through it in more detail. As is our norm, our ex corporate executive will be going through the initial assessment and the rest of the members are required to read it prior to the meeting. I will share the results of the meeting with you as well

    Thank you very much

    recent retiree

  5. This blog is a masterpiece. I feel like I am enjoying a classic English literature class.

    @ recent retiree: I hope you guys got what you were looking for, now leave Smile alone

    @mrizvi: start reading girl. Enough of the behavior issues


  6. My Smile is so amazing! She is an amazing scientist! She provides amazing advice to the retirees! She goes for amazing walks! What an amazing person my Smile is!!!

    @mrizvi: Please start reading this amazing blog

  7. I thoroughly enjoyed the tone of the blog. Like some others in the readers family, I enjoy reading classic English literature myself, and I found this blog to have a lot of similarities. I think I may have mentioned that I am a big fan of James Herriot and this blog reminded me of him

    Thank you Smile

  8. Enjoyed the blog today. Very vivid imagery of the scenery.

    @mrizvi: I hope you read and enjoy today


  9. phost mé an bhlag i mo siopa. Bhí go leor de na custaiméirí sásta. Bunaithe ar an t-ús ar an bhlag a ghiniúint, tá mé ar bun cúinne caife beag. Tá tábla beag agus couch beag. Glaoch mé é an "Smile Cúinne"

  10. Fantastic read. Thanks Smile. It provided a pleasant start to the Saturday

    Keith Walker

  11. Dear Smile,

    I have not been well and I have missed your blogs dearly. I was feeling down last week about being sick, but it clicked in my mind you said to never be lonely and keep ourselves busy. So I called an old friend and we talked for hours. Even when I cannot come to you, your words are always in the back of my mind.
    Your post today reminded me of my daughter Jane's wedding. It was one of the happiest days of my life and your blog reminded me of just that.

    Thank you Smile,
    Xin Miller
    PS: I do not know you but I feel like I have made a life long friend.

  12. Smile,

    Greetings from India today! I read yesterdays blog on my phone and it made me so upset that you were feeling down. I thought to myself I must find a computer with wifi to comment today. Today I must do, can't have my favorite writer feeling down Loved your post today, I'm a parent who is worried about my own children's life parter and you captured that in words.

    Thank you,
    Fellow Writer

    @Xin, I don't mean to blame you but because you stopped commenting for such a long time, our Smile felt down. You're lucky she didn't stop writing. I have noticed you didn't even say sorry, I think it's actually selfish you just use Smile's words when it's convenient for her and don't appreciate her. I think you need to say sorry.

    1. @Fellow Writer I am deeply offended by this. How dare you say this to me? Do you not know I was ill? And I do not see you comment at all on Smile's blog, I think it is fair to say I am much more of a loyal reader than you. And I believe you are the reason Smile was down not me.


    2. @Xin You still haven't apologized, my dear lady. And Smile know's my work commitments and she know's I'm always reading, so I guess I don't even need to comment. I'm her most loyal follower I'd say, and I always know when to apologise. I think you need to check your behavior and take some time out, and then you'll know I'm right.

      Fellow Writer

    3. @Fellow Writer I believe you are in the wrong right now, sir. You're putting all your negativity and viciousness all over Smile's beautiful post which is so much in touch with nature. And do not tell me to take some time out, I think you need an ego check if you think you're her most loyal follower, I have been reading long before you showed up in the equation. But why are we being so petty? What would Smile think of us? Smile, I am sorry you've had to read this negativity, your posts are so positive and we should all take a lesson from you and your peacefulness.


    4. @Xin Madam, you still don't think you're in the wrong. But, I will let this go. I'm sorry Smile, please don't let our petty conflict take away an amazing post.


    5. @F.W I am glad you lowered your ego enough to apologise.


  13. Aimer la description de la nature, incroyable! continuer à écrire, de vos fans français.


  14. I really enjoyed reading this :)

  15. Smile has brought the scenery to life. It is beautiful.

    @recent retirees: I hope you guys your advice, again.

    @mrizvi: you did not read again

    @Batman: Thanks for your advice to me yesterday. I will try my best not to say anything about Smile's only son.

  16. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Karen Linda Dave Fellow Writer Newbie Keith Retiree Group Boris Sheema Jimmy mrizvi
    Xin Plunker Batman Maheen Jeanine Brenda Superwoman My Irish French Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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