Face with Grace

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My Retiree Group Readers
please don't push yourself
to go for a  long walk

You can enjoy 
taking some Moments alone
by just doing " Nothing "
it will be amazing

Today's Blog

One of my school friend lives in Sydney
we are connected by writing our
daily Messages she lives with her
Daughter now going to her son in Perth

Her husband is old so all the old age
problems hearing and with Eyes
when we are old every body Part
needs repair and help

Her Son has also family she is
worried with lots of changes in her
Life by shifting from her Daughter's
to her Son's Place

With age not be easy to make
adjustments in their Lives in
accordance with one Family
to another one in a new City

Perth and Sydney are I think
2 to 3 Hours Air travel
she has loving children still
with Old age Travel also not easy

We can not share things most of
the time with anyone as no one
can understand the problems
the situations which we have to face

She asked advice and Prayers
we all Seniors and Retirees can
visualize the gravity and the
circumstances in our Lives
everybody has to face in
Day to Day Life

I think that we have to deal Everything
with Grace keeping our Eyes
open and mouth Shut
with Love and patience
and of course keeping in mind
that God is always there
we are never alone


  1. Dear Madam Smile, This is so nice blog. I do 2 job and need to face so many things. I will try to do it more nicely. Thank you

    @mrizvi: Please read this blog. It is some difficult for you but if you read it 2 times you will be understand. I read it 3 times

  2. This is a very realistic view of life. With a single stroke of your pen, you woke us up. It made us reflect on life and take stock of it. Thank you for writing this and making us evaluate from a cold facts perspective

    Dave and Linda

  3. I was able to post the blog on our corporate notice board. Yay!! I came in early to do so. Usually, someone posts it by 9am as it is a popular blog in our company


  4. I posted the blog in Smile Corner at my shop.

  5. My Smile is so awesome! She writes amazing blogs! She likes nature! She has travelled the world. She has so many amazing friends. She provides awesome advice to the retirees!! What an awesome person my Smile is!!

    @mrizvi: Please start reading my Smile's blogs


  6. very positive advise and as we all know that life is all about facing new challenges.

  7. I have posted the blog on our corporate notice boards in lobbies A and B.


    1. We will be discussing the blogs in the Toastmasters meeting. Cleo will be leading the efforts along with Kim. Kim is the new title holder of the Smile addict club


    2. I am also going to be talking about a Walk with Smile club in the meeting. Lets see if there is interest


  8. I enjoy this blog. It provides me with good information and entertainment also. It is fun to read. I usually read with my family just before dinner and it provides good topics for dinner conversation with family

    I used to write comments in my Chinese language but writing in English as Smile requested

  9. Dear Advisor,

    We read your advice to us with a lot of interest. There was a lot of activity this morning as our members were contacting me and each other to talk about the advice. We will be having a teleconference later in the day to go through your comments in more details.

    @mrizvi: A no. of the members did not understand why you are not being able to read these blogs. They are a quick and easy read. More importantly, they are very helpful

    recent retiree

  10. My Smile is so amazing! She is an amazing scientist! Has amazing friends! Is an amazing writer! Is an amazing advisor! What an amazing person my Smile is!!

    @mrizvi: You need to start reading these amazing blogs!

  11. A very good advice

  12. I was so sad after reading today's blog. I feel that Smile is going through so much. She is talking about her friend but I am wondering if our Smile can actually count on her only son. Smile I am talking about is generous, loving, intelligent, knowledgeable, energetic, hard working, fun loving, positive, optimistic, friendly and so much more.

    Her only son on the other hand is just the opposite. Trust is me that I am very pained to say this but I think I must. What can say about someone who takes a 70 year old lady, let alone his own mother, to a beach in a late September in Canada. What can I say about someone who asks her mother to walk to the bank to get money for himself, even though she just came from a long trip. What can I say about someone who asks a 70 year old lady, let alone his own mother, to feed his kids, buy grocery for his kids from her money, does not drops her off to her library club, does not even get her a decent computer. And there is so much more.

    I cant write because I am getting more and more upset as I am thinking about Smile. And Smile, she lives through all this and does not even complain. In fact, she tries to defend him whenever she can

    1. I tend to agree with Plunker. I read the blog this morning as I usually do and could not even complete reading it as I was so depressed. I went to work early today so I can distract myself. Even my colleagues noticed that there is something wrong with me.

      I just wish that Smile's only son can treat her better

      @mrizvi: Will you start reading please

  13. I also have the same depressing feeling as Plunker and Boris described. It is so sad that Smile's only son is juicing Smile

    @mrizvi: And you are juicing our patience. Please stop this act and start reading

  14. Hello Readers Family
    My Irish Readers Retiree Group mrizvi Karen Plunker Keith Xin Maheen Boris Dave Linda
    Sheema Batman Newbie Beena Jimmy Brenda Tiara Cleo Superwoman Mike Sam Ed Carly Kim
    My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone

  15. A good approach to life! from Mona


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