
Image result for Wild vegetation pictures

It is 10 in the morning 13 and
cloudy still not chilly I am at
Don Beer Hockey Arena with
My Son and all 3 Grand kids

My elder one is in Grade 12
Today he will be the Head Coach
the next one who is in Grade 10
will be Assisting and the 3rd one
is playing

When there are all 3 Teenagers
together in House League
you have to keep an eye anything
could happen My Son will be having
a watch

I am watching them coaching 
first time in their Life and also
walking around between the Rinks
in the Arena also writing my Blog

Now I am walking outside in the
Woods for a while it is cold as
wind started blowing but not too hard

I love the wild a different Aroma
here you not only watching so
close to Nature like touching and
can have a Real Feel for Everything

I can see all variety of Wild
vegetation the untouched beauty
very Raw it is such a contrast form
the atmosphere inside the Arena

So quiet and still just the sigh of
bushes who bravely facing the blow
of wind lashing out 

Game is done so I have to go inside
the Arena I think time to leave now


  1. It is a blessing if you can really feel and love nature.
    Keep on enjoying, I am happy for you

    1. @ Sheema, you are writing about nature, but the blog is really about Smile's grandson getting the head coach job.

      Smile, this is great news. Congrats

      #mrizvi: Please read Smile's blog before commenting


    2. Congratulations Smile

      @ Plunker: Sheema must have read this. There is no way he would have been able to know that Smile loves nature if he would not have been reading these blogs. I also enjoyed the piece that Smile wrote about nature. She used her words to paint the picture. It was so clear in my mind that I felt that I can touch those bushes

      @mrizvi: please read and you will enjoy these things too

    3. Thank you Plunker

    4. I mean Batman, not Plunker

  2. Dear Madam Smile, It is so good that you grandson is coach for hockey. I do 2 job and dont know about hockey. You went o help your son and grandkids. That is so nice

  3. Dear Advisor,

    This is great news. I am getting emails from my retiree club members congratulating you for this.

    Also, a selfish request. We will be meeting on Tuesday to review and discuss the list that our retired corporate executive put together of your suggestions. We have already decided that there is no way we can even do most of the things that you do. It will be very helpful, if you can suggest one or two things that we can do.

    @mrizvi: Please read these blogs

    recent retiree

    1. Congrats Smile

      @ recent retiree:how many times will you be asking Smile for advice. She has already shared so much with you guys already


  4. This is thrilling news! Congratulations. IT appears to us that your grandkids feel quite close to you. This is somewhat unusual as our experience based on the various social interactions is that it typically the other way around ie grand parents doting on the grandkids, but these feelings are not usually reciprocated. We made this observation based on your close relationships with them when you visited them in Grimsby, London (ie both the wedding and when you were at Throton Heath) and also in Toronto.

    Dave and Linda

  5. My Smile is so awesome! Her grand son is a hockey coach!! Her grandkids love her in England and in Canada. What an awesome person my Smile is!

    @mrizvi: Please start reading these blogs


  6. Congratulations from your Irish readers. Somehow we think, that you have something to do with it

  7. Congratulations Smile.

    Keith Walker

  8. It is such a great news.

    PS: I really enjoyed the description of wild nature ie tall bushes facing the wild lashing of the winds. Masterclass


  9. congratulations Smile. This is good news

    I enjoy the descriptive pictures that you paint with your words. Like some others, i also thought that the comments about the tall bushes fighting against the wind were very real

  10. My Smile is amazing! She has amazing grandkids. She takes her son out to dinner. What an amazing person my Smile is!

  11. Herzliche Glückwünsche

  12. 祝贺。所以,竭诚为你服务

  13. कौनसा शुभ समाचार है! बधाई

  14. C'est une bonne nouvelle. Félicitations à vous et votre petit-fils

  15. Goed nieuws

  16. Dear Smile,
    I am sorry I haven't read your blogs in a while, 8 have been sick from my jet lag. In times like these, I think you are Wonder Woman to recover so quickly. I have been down for the week. Is there something you eat in your diet which makes you so strong?
    Congratulations to your grandson. I'm sure he is proud his grandma is watching him from afar.

    Xin Miller

  17. Smile, your grandson must be so happy that he could share this first huge step in his life with you. Thanks for another great post.
    Always reading,
    Fellow Writer

  18. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Karen Dave Linda Sheema Batman Maheen Plunker mrizvi Boris Tiara Jimmy Xin
    Craig Superwoman Fellow Writer Keith Newbie Fellow Retiree Group Brenda Brandon Mike
    Maheen Rita Hina Kate Michelle Sam Pete My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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