Celebrate Today

Image result for winter lude in montreal pictures

In the  morning I was waiting for
Bus # 120 just two days back it
was 28 and sunny I had to take
shelter behind the electric pole
from the scorching Sun

In Canada sun rays come direct
because of Ozone Hole and it is
burning and uncomfortable
in hot summer days

It is 19 and cloudy today so
I am taking the shelter behind
that electric pole to escape
the wind and cold weather

How quickly things change
same like our Life 
Kids grow so fast finish their
schooling and Nest is empty

We have to value each and every
Moment to drain it out to
our utmost satisfaction

What goes around comes around
but I think not true for everything
like our age which moves on

We have to celebrate whatever
time left and use it with our
full capacity by using all the
means we have in our power so
let us Celebrate Our Today


  1. Dear Madam Smile, thank you for blog. You write so good and always have message. I learn so much from you. Also you write so well

    @mrizvi: you can learn too

  2. Posted the blog on our corporate noticeboards in lobby A and B


    1. Craig, Sam, Cleo and ran a game to see who remembers the most from all the messages that Smile has written. They were not allowed to peak at the past blogs to "cheat". Guess what, Cleo, the self proclaimed addict, could only come up with 21. I did slightly worse at 18. Paula the quiet one, won the completion, she remembered 31 messages. She has been invited to the Toastmasters meeting so she can share that with others


    2. I was running late for my meeting and therefore I stopped at 21. Regardless, I love these blogs


  3. Dear Advisor,

    Thank you for continuing to write every day. Our members can relate to your comments about empty nest.

    @mrizvi: Our members feel that you can enjoy and learn from these blogs

    recent retiree

  4. My Smile is so awesome! She is so active and independent. She is interested in nature. And in travel. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  5. I again lost the race to post the blog on our noticeboard. It was already posted when I got there


  6. Reading your blog is part of our morning routine. As always, we enjoyed it with our morning coffee. We found it to be inspirational. There is a lot of time that we waste and this was a reminder on what is important.

    Thank you for making our days brighter

    Dave and Linda

  7. Very motivational words. A good reminder of clock is ticking

    Keith Walker

  8. I have been missing in action for a couple of days and no one in the readers' family noticed?!! :-)

    I have been reading the blogs but did not have enough internet connectivity to write comments.

    Thank you Smile for writing them daily

    @mrizvi: looks like nothing has changed as you are still not reading


  9. My Smile is so amazing!! She likes nature. She is very active and travels on her own by bus! She makes use of every single hour! What an amazing person my Smile is!!

    @mrizvi: Please read the blogs

  10. The way I was reading the blog is as a reminder as to what is important and make use of my time effectively

    @mrizvi: you can also use this lesson

  11. I know most of you read this and were inspired by Smile. I was also motivated by this. But my motivation was to call out Smile's only son. He cant be asking Smile to keep taking the bus in hot and cold weather. It is just not right.

    @mrizvi: Please read the blog. It will help with you with your school work and broaden your mind

  12. Inspirierende Worte. Vielen Dank für jeden Tag zu schreiben

  13. Mar bhall de do léitheoirí Éireannacha teaghlaigh, beidh mhaith liom buíochas a rá go raibh maith agat.

  14. 你的话鼓舞人心的,但更重要的是你是鼓舞人心的自己。 非常感谢

    @mrizvi: 请阅读

  15. J'ai aimé le message de motivation

  16. phost mé an bhlag i mo siopa inniu. Tá tú ag leanúint de bheith an-tóir ar ár mbaile beag.

  17. Reading the blog is something that I enjoy every day. It is part of my breakfast as it helps me provide direction for my day

    @mrizvi: Please read these blogs. You will find it quite interesting

  18. I absolutely loved the inspirational notes in the blog


  19. Very true, we should value and enjoy all the little things in our busy lives before everything gets over.

  20. Hello Readers Family
    Karen Keith mrizvi Dave Linda Sam Craig Newbie Sheema Cleo Paula Superwoman
    Fellow Writer Retiree Group Kiara Ian Maheen Jimmy Tiara Boris Plunker Batman
    Brenda Mike My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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