Looks Like Skeleton


Friday -- Beautiful sunny morning of late October. Surprisingly it is 10 C, not so cold, will be 23 later in the afternoon. I am done with my breakfast, walking on my deck, enjoying my morning tea. It is foggy around and wet on the side path of my back garden. I think might be raining last night or may be it is morning dew. Whatever is there, looking great, beautiful. 

I am enjoying my tea and also the scenic view. Trees looking great, displaying beautiful colors of Copper, Gold, Coffee, Brick Red and different shades of Orange. What a beauty to behold, to cherish.

Schools in England are closed for this week so my daughters are home. They messaged me to call when I am done with my breakfast. It is 9.30, now they messaged to call later, for now they are busy with things in their household. 

We parents don't have to push our kids, don't have to put pressure. Have to leave them alone to tackle their matters. First priority is their own family. We can wait. We are more mature, more experienced, can handle things on our own. We don't have to look to our kids, all the times. Have to learn to give them space. Find our own hobbies to get busy, to enjoy time on our own.

Look back, turn the pages of your life. We didn't have much time to be with our parents. Nothing wrong with our kids. Things look different if we try to put ourselves in other's shoes. Living together with our kid's family or living outside of their household. We have to give them space, to let them enjoy their own family life.

Have to avoid to interfere in other's personal matters and try to respect others privacy. It works for smooth running in all relationships. Let others do whatever they want. Try to focus on your own self to have good time and to spread happiness around. 

Kids are adults now, we are done with our duty. They know what they doing. We don't have to take advantage of being parents. We don't have to give them dictations for the rest of their life. Don't have to set the mode of our choice for them to decide the route of their life. Not fair to them. 

It is 10.30, I am in my room. My computer is switched on. I am browsing Facebook messages and also enjoying the beautiful view of my front garden through the window. The tree in front, looks great with beautiful scarlet red leaves. Black Squirrel enjoying his morning snacks under the Magnolia tree on the left of my garden. 

Red wooden bench on the right, adding up the beauty of my garden. Magnolia tree is full of leaves, displaying all shades of orange, yellow and green. Some tree on the side, started losing his strength, now looks like skeleton. Things change. So is our life. Time flies. Value your moments in hand. Try to make use of your moments, which go on slipping from our lives.


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being Saturday, lots of customers are in my shop today to read blog. They come here to read blog from today and also the past week. There is no room inside, and people are waiting outside. I am running low on supplies. It has become a tradition that they come here to Smile Corner and then go to the market for their shopping. The councillor is also here today, she is saying that the coronavirus cases are increasing and I should enforce social distancing but the priest is saying that I should not worry because if there is a problem, Smile will take care of it. The Councillor is not happy and said that it is not right, people can get sick, also the judge will not be lenient if I knowingly break the rules. She also is saying that I need to be careful with the Priest, it could be his trick to get the Smile Corner shutdown but the Priest says that have confidence in Smile. I think the Priest has a lot of confidence in you.

  2. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome philosopher. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  3. I am not well. The carers are saying that I need to eat, take my medicine and talk on phone but I dont take food, dont take medicine and dont talk to anyone, not even my kids. There is no point. I think I will stop reading blog too


  4. I like you blog in China. It very very good

    1. This good. I no Anglais. French good

    2. This good blog. I read Russia and use for teaching material for kids who are studying English

    3. I enjoy you blog. I no good Anglais but French good

    4. I read blog Poland. It very good. I read with family

  5. My mother in law is always on my case. Why I woke up too late, why I am doing this, that. Does not give me a break! I wish she is like you. You are the best mother in law in the world. I wish all mother in laws are like you.

    Happy Reader

  6. Yet another new blog today. Smile always creates a new blog every day

    cool Kyle

    1. Yes Smile always serves the readers a new set of ideas every day.


  7. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. Mr Supervisor come and say how you. I say I ok He say you finish all work I give 2 day ago. I say no. He say what happen? I say sorry to say but this is not good question. He say what you talk? I your supervisor, I suppose to know what you doing. I say my Madam explain this in blog. I then take blog out from pocket and tell him that We have to avoid to interfere in other's personal matters and try to respect others privacy. It works for smooth running in all relationships. Let others do whatever they want. I think he get sick because his face become red with fever and voice also become bad and loud. I say you sick? You need go hospital. He didnt answer but say he fire me and go quick. I do 1 proud job and always read blog

  8. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees did not go for our walk today as it was extremely cold. The temp was almost 15C. Our walk though very long for us, is nothing as compared to the walks that you have. We went straight to the reading of the blog

    The retirees are having a challenging time on a no. of issues. Those living in joint family situations are having a lot of difficulties with their in law kids. These in law kids dont treat us with the respect that we deserve. In some cases they dont even say hello to us in the morning and they dont even talk to us. Of course we yell at them and this causes unnecessary problems at him which they can avoid by being nice.

    Other problem is relating to the Smile with Smile program. The schools are open and the covid cases are rising. The parents are asking the Smile with Smile committee about your suggestions. The parents have a lot of faith and trust in you. They dont trust the government though. The committee has asked me for your advice previously but I think you are not getting the messages because of the technical issue. I apologize if you are getting this request again but the Smile with Smile Committee is getting a lot of requests from the parents

    Your Indian compatriots have taken complete responsibility of the blog reading sessions. We start with the Indian anthem. As per your advice, they have made the sessions very open. Instead of pictures and posters of Kamala Harris, they have started bringing posters of Niki Haley, Indira Gandhi, Narendra Modi, Mahatma Gandhi as well as many other leaders. Also your blog is now brought in a folder wrapped in the 3 colours of the Indian flag. They have also asked me to stop writing the comment and instead it will be Ms. Neetika Dev who will be writing this. The retired priest is helping them. The hijab lady and the temple people are allowed to attend the readings but they often skip as they are often asked questions which they are not comfortable eg the civil war between police and the army in one of their cities. Some of the readers are not comfortable but they respect your compatriots because of you. Since its my last blog, I will like to express my thanks to you for putting up with me and my mistakes

    Thank you
    Recent retiree

  9. Dear Author,

    We read your blog at the Smile Garden today. Prof George and some of the other senior Professors of the English Literature department were simply ecstatic after the reading. They pointed out that this is among one of the masterpieces that you have created. They are thinking of using the material for one of the upcoming classes. One of the junior professor asked the Dean for his opinion and he simply smiled and said that you are asking the wrong person. The junior professor is new to the uni, and didnt understand. A senior professor jumped in and said, Smile is Dean’s favourite. The Smile Army heard that and started raising slogans for you

    We are having a lot of challenges with our parents. May be its because of Covid, but one parent is thinking of giving only 90% of the education fund that is saved to the student. The student does not understand it because it is 100% for the student. The parent is unemployed right now so may be thats the reason but its not fair anyways. If he wants help, he should give 100% of the money to the student and then the student can give 10% as loan. It is like robbery. What the hell is that!

    Thank you
    Literature Fellow

  10. We will be remiss if we do not raise a glass to you and your artistic magic. Your depiction of the chromaticity, the hues, tinge, luminosity and iridescence is a masterclass which brought the autumn spectacle to life. We also will like to commend your active and buoyant persona which you are employing to keep, not just yourself but all around you,cheerier and livelier. This is a much needed attribute that is needed in these unordinary times. We have been doing our best to use this behavoural attribute in our messaging for the covid 19 communications committee. Our aspirations is that this will alleviate the demeanour of multitudes of populace

    Thank you for making our days brighter
    Dave and Linda

  11. Father say father yell Kris because he no get red bench for father. Father say father yell Hannah because Hannah nake caffee in morning and no make tea. Father say father very act and fo lot place like you. Father say father old almost 67

    (Hannah say Hannah no no if you get comment so Hannah sorry that Hannah keep write same comment every day. Hannah say Hannah thank you that you give advice Hannah and tell Hannah do what Hannah want. Hannah say Hannah no want brake family so Hannah go back. Hannah say Hannah no care Hannah but Hannah care niklas Niklas because Niklas no kris and no want Niklas personality to become bad when Niklas become Kris. Father yell me and say me get red bench but me no no where to get. Father then say he want go out so me tell Niklas stop play video and come. Niklas say ok he will come in 10 min after video game done. Me yell Niklas and say he need come right now. Niklas say that grandpapa only go in car so no need 2 people to go with him but me no like because Niklas talk so me cut internet. Niklas cry and say he will lose. Me say me no care. Niklas sad. Hannah sad. Father anger. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  12. My Smile is amazing!! She is an amazing psychologist. She is an amazing councillor. She is an amazing therapist. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  13. Replies
    1. Come on! Give me a break. This is getting ridiculous. It makes my blood pressure go really high. I know, I know .....

      Good job mrizvi. You made my day. Thanks

    2. Caaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm down Plunker. Just Calm down. Take it eaasssssssssssssssyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Yes we need to be kind

      Great work mrizvi. You guessed it right kiddo

  14. Is Smile an author? Is she a psychologist? May be she is a philosopher? Or an artist? She is all of that. Actually she is a magician. Dont believe that this is possible? Have a look

    “Red wooden bench on the right, adding up the beauty of my garden. Magnolia tree is full of leaves, displaying all shades of orange, yellow and green. Some tree on the side, started losing his strength, now looks like skeleton. Things change. So is our life.”

    Now tell me if I am wrong!



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