Have To Offer Our Shoulder
Friday -- Beautiful cold sunny morning with 2 C. It was raining last night so deck in my backyard is all wet. I stepped out to have a feel of the atmosphere outside. Rain drops are looking great, sparkling under bright sunlight, like pearls scattered on the green of my lawn. My garden fence has to be replaced so workers are busy with that.
I checked my table calendar. It is time for my hair wash. I have to do hair color too. At this age, I don't have much hair left so I take small portion from the color tube and the mixing bottle, mix in small bowl and save the rest for next times. One pack is enough for months. I usually color my hair twice a month.
I also have to do my laundry but my daughter, who lives in Kent, just messaged that her mother in law's niece lost her husband. He had heart attack. I have to make some calls for that, to share their grief. That is more important. My laundry can wait. I will do that tomorrow. Family always comes first. No matter what.
It is 11.30, I am done with my calls and also with my hair color. It is time to make milk shake for my son and for myself too. We have to chalk out our daily calendar, have to fill up all the time slots, to get busy and to live in day tight compartment. We don't have to leave any open slot for negative thoughts to enter.
I have to call my younger brother, who lives with his daughter in Whitby. I talk to him every day. Nothing important just to have chit chat, to connect. I also call to my sister in law, she lives in aurora. Her sister is not well, facing health issues. We have to be there for people, in their difficult moments.
Sharing helps to downsize the intensity of the grief. It helps to dilute the gravity of problems, faced by the people at the other end. It makes people to believe that they are not alone to face their difficult moments. Someone is there for them.
Calls are like giving your shoulder to the person in distress. It provides them time to take an exit, to take some time off. These are like offering them break time, to distract from the existing issues. Keep in mind that while making calls, we have to track the tone of the person at the other end.
Our calls have to be brief and have to coordinate with the mood of the person at the other end. It has to be a welcome call not like sort of an obligation and burden for that person. Our motto to make calls is to share their moments not to add up their misery.
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