Have To Do Damage Control


Sunday -- Beautiful mixed sunny cloudy morning of late October. It is cold zero degree. After having breakfast I was at my deck to have a feel of the outside atmosphere. I was not dressed up for that much cold so decided to enjoy my tea in my room. We have to be careful for our health, specially at our age. Not good to be burden for our kids.

A night before, I had very disturbed sleep. I was able to have some sleep after three in the morning and woke up at six. Anyway things happen. We are Humans not robot. It is normal, we will have some ups and downs, while  passing through the cycle of our life.. 

My youngest sister is in Retirement home in Chicago. She is not doing well, not even picking phone calls for long. Her daughter messaged me that she might be shifted to Nursing home. 

We Humans are full of emotions. What is going around, affect our routine life. Our Brain works like power house, keeps on controlling checks and balances of all the emotional accounts to maintain our physical well being. But some emotional damages work like drastic turmoil. Our emotional equilibrium goes off. Things get out of control, our routine gets disturbed. 

I think my brain was not able to handle all that. It is going to be a big shift in my sister's life and for her health situation. She is my baby sister. So many related matters got stuck in the back of mind. I was not able to get out of all that. It takes time to settle down emotional turmoil. 

This is life. Travelling through the unpaved path of our life, we come across various events, have to face unavoidable situations too. We have to carry on our journey anyway. I went to lake, got coffee and banana nuts muffin for damage control. We have to balance things out. 

It is 10.15, I am in my room. My computer is on, my daughter, the middle one is here, on video call, from Grimsby. These are rare moments. She usually make audio calls. I also prefer Audio calls. We can do multitasking while picking calls. But sometimes it is good to have face to face. You can enjoy the body language and also able to relate to what is going on, at the other end. 

My daughter had to go. It is already afternoon at her place, in England. She has plans to do some gardening and after that dinner preparation. We have to value whatever time our kids be able to spend with we parents. They have their own family matters to get busy. We have to appreciate and admire them. It  matters a lot. We can make or break our relationships. We have to choose our words and have to be careful with our gestures, while talking to the person at the other end.

It is beautiful view from my window. Trees dressed up in various shades of yellow and orange costumes, looking great. It is quiet and still atmosphere. No activity on my front garden. Looks sort of portrait picture from God for we humans, to admire the beauty and glamour of Nature. Life is good. No complaints.

Dear Readers, I got your comments today after weeks. 

My Friends in Ireland, you have to follow the directives. Priest is not right. Have to maintain distancing and wear Mask. Follow the rules of law. It is a must. Thanks.

My Dear Friend "N", please listen to the Carers. They are trying to help you out, to feel better. Please do it to make me happy. You are always in my thoughts. Please don't stop reading my Blogs. I will be sad. I love you.

My Multilingual Friends, I am happy to see comments from you people. Thanks for reading my Blogs. It means a lot to me. 

Dear Happy Reader, I know things are not easy in this difficult time of Covid. Everyone is stuck at home. People are under stress so things get flared up. Please have patience. Patience is virtue. Wins in all circumstances.

Dear Friends, Kyle, Newbie, Karen, Dave, Linda, Superwoman, mrizvi, Batman, Plunker, Boris and all my Friends at work places. Thanks for reading my Blogs and for your comments. I love all my Readers Family Members. Comments from you people, matters lot to me. These are like driving force, make me to write my Blogs. 

Dear Reader who was doing 2 Jobs before. I am not happy. I told you so many times. You always have to listen to my friend, the Supervisor. Why you go on reading Blogs at your work place. Go say sorry to him. He is nice person. Don't talk back and listen to him. Do whatever he says. What was in my Blog was not for Work Places. It was about your family and private life. Please focus on your work. 

Dear Retiree Friends. I am not happy with the situation at your end. I strictly asked that these Indian people have to go back seat. I don't want them to hijack the Reading Sessions of my Blogs. I don't like their attitude. I want to see comments in your writings like before. Why they are questioning Hijab Lady and her Temple people.

Please do the way it used to be before they entered and poisoned the peaceful atmosphere. I strongly condemn to bracket me with any caste and creed. I don't like people to be divided into groups and classes. I strongly believe that we all belong to the same Human Family and Creatures of the same God. 

Stop the activities of the Indian people right away. I don't like to overrule the feelings and emotions of everyone else. All are welcome in my Blog Reading sessions. Make sure that you are writing comment like before. 

No pictures of any political figure. No Religious discussions please. Let everyone enjoy the atmosphere. I will be highly thankful to each and everyone of you for having patience and showing tolerance to respect other's emotions. 

Regarding Smile with Smile program, please strictly follow the directives. Follow the law and rules. It is very important. Trust and do what government is asking for.

For Joint family living, I think, people are losing their patience. So many people are stuck together for such a long period of time, not many places to go in this Covid time. Please show some tolerance. Don't expect things to do from others. Hello is not so important to put the peace of household, at stake. 

We have to let go things to streamline the harmony of the place we live in. Try to get busy with your own things to do, so that you can distract yourself from such petty matters. Try to keep your focus away from your kids and grand kids. Leave every alone and just try to focus on your own self. We can not change anyone else. We can only change our own self. 

Dear Student friends, I request you to have patience. I know you are facing tough time. Not many places to go out. You are stuck but my dear so is everyone else in your house. Parents are also facing this difficult time of Covid. People are losing jobs, businesses not in good shape. Everyone has to be more realistic and more tolerant to deal with all this. There is always light at the end of tunnel. Just relax. This too shall pass.

Kris Dear, I am not happy with what Hannah and Nikals going through. You are cutting Niklas Net and his play time. I will ask them to go back to Hannah's parents place. Ask Father to cool down and let everyone enjoy their time. Father is making everyone's life miserable. 


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