To My Dear Readers with Love

Image result for flower shop pictures

I Never Said
I Don't Eat Meat

I am 74 Years Of Age So
Take Small Portions
Of Everything

Literature Fellow My Friend

I Am Not Feeling Good Because The Way You people are
Behaving with Your Fellow Students -- This is Really 
Rude To Snatch Anything From Anyone

Throwing Away Food From Cafeteria -- Asking Them
To Sell The Menu Of Your Choice -- I Don't Think
It is Fair To Anyone

We Have To Behave Like a Civilized Being 
To Be Polite and Kind To All Creatures Of God
Make Their Life Beautiful Not To Create Problems 
And To Make Their Life Difficult

Please Be Co-operative and Respect Others
It is Everybody's Right To Choose Whatever 
They Like To Eat Or Do Whatever They Want 
So Please Be Considerate

Retirees My Friends 

I Mentioned Many Times That Everyone is Different
Everyone Has Right To Choose Whatever He / She 
Likes To Eat and Likes To Do 

Everyone's Body Acts Differently So Don't You Worry
What You Take If It is Working For You People
It Is Fine Go with That

I Go To Tim Horton Take One Third Of Small Cup Of
Coffee Mix Two Third Of Hot Water with Two Cream
One Sugar -- When I am Home I Don't Drink Coffee

I Take Tea But Not Full Cup as I Mentioned 
Just Some Tea Leaves With Quarter Cup Of Water
What I Do It Doesn't Bother Me So You Do 
Whatever Suits Your Body

My Dear Friend Doing 2 Jobs 

I Never Said I Don't Eat Any Meat -- I take Less Meat
I Mentioned in My Earlier Blogs That I Take Small
Portions Of Food -- It Doesn't Mean You Have To Do That

I Am an Old Person Of 74 Years Of Age 
My Body Doesn't Need That Much Food as Of Yours 
You are Young You Have To Do 2 Jobs So
Your Body Needs More Food Than Mine

Please Keep These Things in Mind While Reading
My Blogs -- No One Has To Exactly Copy 
My Habits as Everyone's Life is Different

Kris My Friend 

Father Started Doing The Same -- I Mean Making Everyone's 
Life A Hell -- Giving Smoke and Beer To Young Kids
He Feels Good And Finds Happiness Out Of These 
Things -- I Don't Know What To Do 


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being Sunday, there are out of town visitors too. Our town people looks forward to Sunday as so many people come here from other places. They used to go to church but because the blog is posted in the morning, they instead come to Smile Corner.

  2. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome letter writer. She is an awesome blogger! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome dart player. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  3. I read this blog every day but you write to everyone but dont write for me.


  4. This good blog. I like in Russia

    1. I am also from Russia and a teacher. I use your blog as teaching material for English as Second Language to kids. We used to reference Hardy, Dickens, Herriot but now use the blog as primary material as kids enjoy this better

    2. I like blog. I no good Anglais but French good

    3. I enjoy blog. It very good. I read China

    4. I read you blog Italy

    5. I read this blog in Greece. I dont read everyday as I dont get a chance but I read whenever I can. Thank you

    6. Just wanted to let you know that you have followers in Latvia also


  5. My daughter in law does not know anything else to cook so we had beef gravy with potato again today.

    Mother in law of the Happy Reader

  6. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I go job worker in job 2 and say her you always say that my Madam no write for me but she write for me. She say that good what she say. I say her that my Madam tell me that I need eat lot and eat all. She say so she want you get fat. I say no because I do 2 job so need eat lot, you no eat lot because you no do 2 job. My Madam eat little because she 74 but she work lot to like she go walk Tim Horton because she son very bad and no drop her there. And she go office and she go play dart and she do lot thing. I think she get head pain and go away. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  7. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees did not go for our long walk today. We are still very tired from our previous walks. This walk, though very long for us, is nothing compared to the walks that you have. The retirees instead went straight to the reading of your blog

    The retirees were very appreciative of your blog. The retired dietician and retired nutritionist again wanted to read the reading of your blog but we reminded them that since reading of the blog is the highest honour, they need to earn it. The retired chef was instead given the honour to read the blog. The cafe manager also joined in the reading. We thought that he will be busy because he has customers to take care of but he mentioned that this is a significant honour and he will prefer to read the blog then anything else

    After the clarifications that you provided so well, the retirees have again gone back to the regular beverages that we used to drink. However most of the retirees want to drink the same recipe that you take because it is an honour for us. Thank you so much for this.

    thank you
    recent retiree

  8. Dear Author,

    Your blog made the Smile Army realize how immature they were in their actions. They apologized to the student whose chicken burrito they snatched yesterday. Also they went to the cafeteria and told the supervisor there, not to pull meat off the menu. They were very sorry for their rash actions. They confided to one of us, that they feel sad that they caused hurt to YOU. This made us very angry and upset . We told them that they are not allowed to come to the SRC again for a week as punishment for their actions. They were too down to fight back. The Dean was here and told us that we are all acting like this because of the pressure of the exams. He asked to read your blog again from the last few days in which you advised us that this too shall pass. After reading this, we decided to ban them for 3 days. This is because of the hurt that they caused YOU

    They asked me to specially write that "We are very very sorry"

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  9. Father say you start yell father lot. Father say he try make futbal kid play better and win that why he give award to kids. Father say that father no futbal lot and father no that all futbal team give reward to player. Father say if father do rong then all futbal team rong. Father say he need yel Hannah because she no doctor tell father eat well and get xercise so that why father need eat lot and go see see before son. Father say he give more fresh fruit to rabit and more brown rabit come. Father say he say he old almost 67

    (Hannah say father little upset today because he think Hannah no give food but Hannah no want father sick. Hannah say you rite lot letter to lot reader today. She say you please take easie and no wory. Niklas say grandpapa try give more bier candy but coach find out and no alow. Me wake early to take father see see but father change mind last minute. Father thro lot food for rat and me fair that nabor will find and complain. Father no listen. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  10. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing councillor. She has amazing friends. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  11. I was hoping that this is the end of the week so we will have a different outcome. But ...... Yes I know, I know

    Great comment mrizvi. You are simply brilliant kiddo

  12. Plunker. Just Caaaaaaaaaaalllllllmmmmmmmmmmm down. No need to waste your health and time on this

    You guessed correctly mrizvi. Way to go

  13. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Boris Keith Batman Linda Dave Literature Fellow Retiree Group Plunker mrizvi Jimmy Brenda Smile Addict N Kyle Newbie Cleo Karen Superwoman Craig Marg Jasmeet Kim Tiara Kris Happy Reader and Mother in Law Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone


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