Smile Recipe --- Potato Patties

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All My Dear Readers 
Dear Dietitian 
Dear Nutritionist

Dear Cafe Manager
My Dear Student Friends

My Son Has His Annual Pot Luck
Event at His Office

Last Year I Made Potato Patties
Everyone Liked That
So I am Making The Same 
This Year

Take Some Potatoes
If Big Cut Into 4 Pieces
Wash and Microwave For 5 Minutes

Peel The Potatoes after
It will Be Easy 

Now Smash with Spoon 
You Can Use Your Hands 
Properly Washed
Our Best Tools From God

Mix Some Chopped Onion
Chopped Fresh Tomatoes

Not The Juicy Ones  
It will Be Hard To Make Patties
It will be Soggy

Fresh Chopped Ginger
Chopped Garlic

Salt To Taste
Red Chili Powder
Black Pepper Powder

Tomato Paste To Give Color
Chopped Green Bell Pepper

When We Choose Colors While Cooking 
It Makes Dish Great
Because We Feel Good and
Cook with Our Heart and Soul

We are Totally Involved 
Results Into Tasty Dish
Try To use Natural Colors
From Fresh Vegetables and Herbs

It will Be Healthy and
Taste Better

Now Mix Everything
Make Small Patties

I use My Hands
You Can Use Anything
I Mean Any Spoon 

Take Frying Pan Put Some Oil 
To Stir Fry Patties
Press With Flat Spoon While Taking Out
It will Give Color Just Like Broil

Take as Snacks or For Lunch 
With Rice or Bread 
Or Sandwiches Whatever You Like


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