Keep Away From Negative Thoughts

Image result for snow fall pictures

Kris My Friend
Why Father
Telling Niklas Marks To All Kids

All Over School and Football
Please Ask Father To Keep away 
From Niklas and Leave Him alone

It is Monday Cold Cloudy Morning with 2 Degrees
Feels Like 4 Below Zero -- Last Night There were
Flurries -- It Started after 11 pm 

I was Coming Back Visiting My Younger Brother
He is Here From Chicago Staying at His Daughter's Place
in Markham 25 Minutes Away From Pickering

It was 11.30 Night -- Flurries were Giving Beautiful Look
Through The Wind Screen From Our Car -- Looks Like
Fire Work Touching The Wind Screen and after That
Showering Silver Glow It was Amazing

I live in Canada Still Can Not Figure Out That
How Many Types of Snow We Have Every Year
Like Wet Snow -- Flurries -- Flakes -- Black Ice
Pellets -- Hales -- Snow and Snow Storm

I Get Really Confused When They Talk about The Type
Of Snow on Weather Channel -- Talking about Weather
is Favorite Pass Time For We Canadians

It is Monday Morning Snow is Shining On The Top of
Our Red Dodge Van and also On Our Silver Jetta
Grass at Our Front Garden All Covered up with
White Powder -- 

Thin Sheet Of Snow is Shining On Top of The Glass Table
Which is Lying in My Back Yard -- This Table Works For
Me as an Equipment To Have an Idea Of The Amount
of Snow Specially Works Well in Days To Come
I Mean Now are The Snowing Months

It is 9.10 am I am in The Billiard Room Of The Library
Sitting On Olive Green Sofa Writing My Blog
Started Thinking about My Friend " N "

She wants Me To Write The Whole Blog For Her
No Compromise For Anything Less -- My Dear " N "
We All are Readers Family and When We are Family
We Have To Think For Everyone

We Have To Be Connected I Write For Everyone
Please Start Feeling as a Family It will Make You Happy
When We Feel Connected It Gives an Amazing Feel
We Start Feeling For Everyone 

It Keeps us away From Loneliness From
Negative Thoughts Please Start Doing That
For Your own Good

Now My Friend Happy Reader's Mother in Law
I am Sorry To Say Please Leave Your Daughter in Law
Alone -- It is None of Your Business when She is Waking up
What Time She Goes To Bed  and What She Watching

Please Focus On Yourself Find Your Own Hobbies
Things To Do To Make You Happy and Get Busy
To Keep Yourself Away From Negative Thoughts
Things will Be Settled Down

Keep in Mind Please That I am Not Taking Sides
I Just want To See You Living in a Happy Family 
I am Your Friend


  1. I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D


    1. SWS was fantastic. We talked about the Smile's blog today. Lots and lots and lots of discussion. Many people are taking print outs of the blog home


    2. SWN was fun as well. Guess which topic that we covered. Yes the same that you guys talked about. Smile knows how to write relevant blogs


    3. Sorry I am new here. What is SWS and SWN that you guys talk about?


    4. SWS is Smile Walk South and SWN is Smile Walk North. We have it every day from the reception of Lobby B. The huge no. of people that are assembled there every day is for this walk. It used to be too many people, so that's why we had to have 2 walks every day. Cleo and Tiara takes care of them


  2. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome psychologist! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  3. It is nice that you think about me. The readers don't write for me. I only read your blog and don't read comments. I read this blog all the time. It is my lifeline


  4. I lost the race to post the blog on our corporate notice boards. It was already posted when I got there. Of course, there was also a box of fresh SDs with a note from SA


    1. I was in early today and posted the blog. Of course the SDs were already there. Plus one additional donut for the poster


  5. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. Job worker 2 come and say how you. I say her I busy and no time talk you because you bad. She say me why you Madam no write you.I say what you mean. She say she write for Dear N but how come she no write Dear you. I say she no write Dear me because I no problem. She only write when Dear someone has problem because she got lot reader and she no able write Dear all. She say but dear you read blog all time. I say I need go because you talk bad. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  6. Dear Advisor,

    The new retirees who have recently joined us in the reading of this blog are amazed on a regular basis at your active lifestyle. Many of them expressed surprise that you went to meet your brother in such a cold temperature and at such an hour too. Most of the retirees are in bed by 8pm though some of us night owls tend to stay very late like 8:15 and sometimes 8:30pm too.

    The Smile with Smile program are asking for some advice in how to deal with teen issues. They have been updating their collateral on a regular basis. One of the biggest challenge they are facing is the lack of physical activity. If you can please write something about it when you get a chance

    thank you
    recent retiree

  7. Dear Author,

    We read your blog today at the Smile Garden. The Smile Army came prepared to decorate the garden for Christmas but the Great Friends and the Dean asked them to hold on because you have not provided your instructions yet. The Smile Army volunteers responded that there is no way they will proceed without your approval. When the Dean asked why they brought in decorations they responded that this is only in the event that you give your approval.

    The arts faculty was here today. One of their professors asked them to draw the landscape just by hearing your blog. They were able to draw it and were pleased . The senior Art prof said that this is the difference between a student and a professional. A student does not know that Smile does not paint a picture only, she also creates personality in her blogs. When they asked for clarification, he responded that you can make the entire scene come alive. It is like you take your reader in a drone and very softly drops the reader in the middle of the scene. Not just that, she wraps the reader in a warm blanket using your folksy style

    The students are still without phones as they still dont have access to internet. The parents are still very upset and think that we are spending a lot

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  8. Another new blog today. How is it possible that Smile writes on so many different topics.

    cool Kyle

    1. Smile is a factory of ideas. You can expect to hear a different one tomorrow. And the next day. And the next day. And so on


  9. Father say you yell father little today. Father say you may be take brake. Father say he joke please no mind. Father say father need tell mark to all so all no that Niklas mark no good so they help Niklas. Father say father care Niklases so warn them so they no go bad. Father say he no no why you go so many type sno. Father say you no supose walk when cold because driveway freeze and you can fall. Father say he no want you thank father because he give you tip. Father say he no say he old almost 67

    (Hannah say you please take care and no go so place. Hannah say you wory lot. Please take easiiie. Hannah say she wake before son so father get fresh brakfast. Hannah say she need wake 1 our early because she need cut 5 fruit and make fresh oat meal and make yogurt smoothie and make veggie omellette. Hannah say she give food to rabit and bird Hannah say she hapy all get fresh food. Hannah say you take lot care Niklas. Hannah say thank. Niklas say he no alow write coment as grandpapa tel Niklas that Niklas need work al time. Me go talk Niklas teacher and she say he good but lot stress. Me tel teacher that me no no why he stress because me give him phone, good clothe, good shoo, take him futbal and take him vacation. She say me need think because Niklas lot stress. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  10. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing psychologist. She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing councillor. She has amazing friends. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  11. Come on! Give me a break. Same old insanity. It makes my blood boil! I know, I know ....

    Thanks mrizvi. Brilliant comment

  12. Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmmm down Plunker. Just reeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaxxxxxxxxxxxx. Go for a walk. Take a cold shower or just read Smile's blog again. You are right, we must be kind........

    Good job mrizvi. You guessed it correctly, kiddo. It is a good blog

  13. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Toni Boris Keith Linda Dave Literature Fellow Retiree Group Batman Cleo mrizvi Jimmy Brenda Kim Tiara Jasmeet Craig Plunker Marg Smile Addict Karen Superwoman Kris N Kyle Newbie Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone


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