Just Your +ve Attitude -- Your Smile

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Today Please also Read
My Recipe Blog
Thank You

To Dear Teachers

It is Friday Morning Mixed Sunny and
Cloudy Day with 8 Degrees -- I am Sitting
in The Library Premises in 15 Minutes
I will Go To My Office Cubicle 

I am Working Full Time Today -- My Weekend will Be
Very Busy as I Have Three Invitations Each For 
Saturday as Well as For Sunday 

Now No More Trips To Hockey Arena Like It used To Be
In The Past Years -- My Eldest Gone To University
My Youngest Now Totally Involved into Basket Ball

He used To Be a Very Good Player But Now Lost His Interest
in Ice Hockey -- As I Mentioned in My Earlier Blogs That
Teacher and Coach Has All The Power To Take
Their Students To Any Road They Want

I Think They are Not Aware of Their Power --
Their Strength That Even Their Body Language
Can Impart a Big Difference Enough To Deviate
and Change The Whole Career Of Their Students 

Any Teacher or Coach Has Great Responsibility
Has Full Power -- Full Control Like a Switch Button
To Make or Break The Future Of His Students

He is Like a Commander -- I am Talking about
Any Teacher Any Coach -- I Believe Kindergarten
is The Stage Where Students are More Vulnerable 

Please Realize and Understand Your Power --
Your Strength -- You are a Role Model -- An Icon
For The Young Ones Whom You Teach --
They Believe in You Try To Fulfill Their Trust

Take Everyone Of Them Very Seriously Like Your Own Kid
Build a Trust -- This will Flourish into a Life Long Bond
To Make Your Own Life To Be Proud Of

This is Not Demanding -- very Simple To Accomplish
Needs Just  Your Smile -- Your Positive Attitude
Your Body Language -- Enough To Make Their Day

Their Career -- Their Future -- Ultimately 
To Make This World a Beautiful Place To Live


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile's Corner. Customers are asking for one extra copy of today's blog to take home. Priest made mushroom omelette and was giving to everyone who say Morning Smile

  2. I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D


    1. SWS was a great. We decided to go on the nature route. As usual, we talked about today's blog, specially the recipe


    2. SWN was fun too. We also talked about the recipe. It is a big hit here


    3. I hosted the toastmasters meeting today as Kim is off sick. Everyone wanted to talk about recipes! You are right Cleo, it is a huge hit


  3. I read this blog every day. It is my lifeline


  4. My Smile is awesome! She has an awesome writer! She is an awesome councillor. She has an awesome grandson. She is an awesome friend to readers family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  5. I lost the race to post the blog in our corporate notice boards.


    1. I was in early so was able to post the blog. There was a box of SDs there but no donut for poster today


    2. I sorry. I wait 45 min but no able get more donut. I tell baker that I give you 2 blog so you give more donut but he say he big order. He say that he only give box donut to me because blog. He do holesale so big order only.


  6. We discussed this blog at length during our cabinet meeting today. We have also asked our senior managers to review their interactions with staff in the light of this blog

    thank you
    Keith Walker

  7. Dear Madam Smile, You so good, you write good to. I go job worker with video kid and say her how you. She say I busy and no time to talk blog. I say I no want talk blog I want ask how commander for video kid? She say what you talk. I say video kid go school, right? She say yes he go jk. I say so his teacher like commander. If commander good then it good, if commander no good then it no good. I think she remember joke and go. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  8. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees did not go for our walk today as we were too tired from our walk from yesterday. Our walks though very long for us, is nothing as compared to the walks that you take. The retirees instead went to the reading of your blog

    The retired principal, the retired school administrator and the retired professional sports coach led the reading of your blog. The retired chef and the retired nutritionist led the reading of your recipe blog. They all went gaga over it. The cafe manager was so much enthused by the recipe that he immediately offered that as part of the menu. The hospital administrator who always attend the blog readings on Thursdays as they look forward to the recipes wanted to thank you for the new options that you are able to create every week.The patients love these recipes. They are served the food and also given a copy of the blog to keep them entertained

    thank you
    recent retiree

  9. Dear Author,

    We read your blog at the Smile Garden. Though your blog always create a huge interest but today's blog had mega interest. We first gathered to read the blog at the SRC but there was no way that all can fit in there so we had to move to the Smile Garden. The students completely agreed with what you wrote. The professors were not sure so Dean asked us to raise our hands if we were influenced by our coach or one of our teachers in the choice of our major, and all students raised the hands. The professors were surprised. It appeared to us that they are not convinced. If you can please write more about this as this is an important topic for us. Jokingly we called the Dean Commander in chief. He said that it is actually Smile who is the Commander in Chief, he is just a sepoy in her army

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  10. Father say you forget yell father today. Father say he joke, please no mind. Father say you no rite that coach like main person, father say he main. Father say he tell nabor but nabor no believe and keep say that Smile rite . Father say he tell nabor to listen father and father prove. Father say he go skool in brake time and then tel kid no listen teacher and father give smoke. Father say father rite and kid no listen . Father say he then give smoke. Father say he plan go futbal tomorow Father say he will give bier to kid. Father say he no say he old almost 67

    (Hannah say she like you recipe lot. She say she make recipe and give nabor and Niklas. She say they both like. Hannah say she will give father tomorow. Niklas say you rite in blog. Teacher and coach very important. ME take father see lot place like mall and like library and like see and like station. Father no get out kar becasue he say he can fall. Father want go more place but I need do lot work. Father no listen. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  11. My Smile is amazing. She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing author. She is an amazing counsellor. She has an amazing family. What an amazing my Smile is!!

  12. Oh my God! What is going on here. Stop this madness please. I know, I know ....

    Great work mrizvi. You made my day. Thank you

  13. Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmm down Plunker. caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllmmmmmmmm ddddddddddoooooooowwwwwwwn
    Yes we do need to be kind

    Brilliant comment mrizvi. You did well kiddo

  14. This blog is a manifesto for all teachers and all coaches. They should print it out and frame it. Please!! Just look at what Smile wrote. Can Herriot, Hemingway, Wodehouse, Maugham or anyone else match this?:

    "Any Teacher or Coach Has Great Responsibility
    Has Full Power -- Full Control Like a Switch Button
    To Make or Break The Future Of His Students"

    Absolutely brilliant!!

  15. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Boris Linda Dave Keith Literature Fellow Retiree Group Batman mrizvi Jimmy Brenda N Kyle Newbie Plunker Karen Superwoman Jasmeet Brian Smile Addict Kim Tiara Craig Marg Kris Cleo Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone


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