Done is Done Just Move On

Image result for garden pictures with flowers

It is Friday Bright Cold Sunny Morning
with 2 Degrees Feels Like 4 Below Zero
It is 9.30 I am in My Office Cubicle
Writing My Blog

Today I am Working Full Time Playing Darts and
Also Carpet Bowling -- I Started Thinking about
The Incidence at The University

I Admire Role Of My Friend Dean Who Always
Comes Forward To Handle The Situation
He Acts Like Buffer To Neutralize Emotions

I Like To Appreciate The Role Of Police Personals 
For Coming in Ordinary Clothes Not in Uniform
They Didn't Come Forward To Take Any Action

I Highly Appreciate Their Patience It is Not Easy
Not To use Power When You Have That

Now My Friends Smile Army Volunteers 
This is The Second Incidence One was Couple Of
Months Back in Cafeteria when Meat Dishes were
Thrown away and Now This

Patience is Virtue My Dear -- I Know It is Your Age
Full Of Emotions -- It Happens Please Learn To
Cap Your Emotions

Remember For Every Action There is Always a Reaction
Whatever We Do To Others We Have To Be Ready For
Their Reaction It Creates Nuisance So Why To Go For That
Think Before Any Action Please

Done is Done There is Always a Next Time
Life is a Learning Process Throughout
So Don't Feel Bad 

Now Book Store Owner My Friend -- On Behalf Of
Smile Army Volunteers I Apologize To You My Dear
From Bottom Of My Heart -- Please Forgive Them 

To Err is Human and God Loves Those Who Forgive
Other's Mistakes Now I want To Make One Request
My Friend Dean Made Payment For All Of Your Cards
Not Fair To Him To Pay All That

Can You Please Give Him Money Back and Display
Cards at Your Store For Sale -- Please Do That
I will Be Highly Thankful To You My Dear
I Hope You Understand My Point Thanks Again

Now Everyone Just Forget Everything and Move On
Things Happen -- Start Getting Ready To Celebrate
Whatever You People Want 

Things Happen Not a Big Deal Done is Done
I Love You All Anyway


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This is market day but customers are coming to my shop in waves. They come here to read the blog first before going to the market. We have lots of people from out of town who come to read blog and then do shopping. They are talking about Smile's blogs on parenting. They also talking about her son not taking good care of her and making her go out in freezing weather. Priest is here too and giving out veggie omelette to anyone who say Morning Smile.

  2. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome author. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  3. I read your blog every day. It is my lifeline. I try reading comments from readers but I dont like them because they dont write for me.


  4. I read blog in France. I so emotion read blog because you nice

    1. You blog good. Me English no good. Russian good

    2. This good. I no Anglais but Spanish good

    3. I like you blog in China. It very very good

    4. You blog good. I read Italy

  5. It is a good thing that you wrote to my mother in law last week. You must be a really good write because she is not the smartest but you made her understand that what time I wake up and what I watch is not her business. She has not been bugging me about it anymore. If you can also write to her that she does not need to worry about how often I clean the house, how I take care of my kids and other basic things.

    Happy Reader

  6. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. Job worker 2 come and say me how you. I say I happy but I no want talk you because you say bad thing. She say why you happy. I say because so many people listen to my Madam and she so good that she write for all to. And she write so nice to. She say, did she write for you? I say not today because she need write Dear Smile Army volunteer start doing bad thing so she no time. She say that strange because you make time for her but she no able make time for you. I say she write for me to and she remind me that you no good. She say that make me feel awful but you Madam suppose to make me Smile. I say I need go. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  7. Dear Author,

    We read your blog at the SRC today because the Smile garden is being decorated. We are calling it New Year celebrations. The Smile Army was very embarrassed and ashamed of their acts after reading your blog. The Dean told them to forget it. He told them that this is what you have instructed them to do so also. The bookstore manager came and returned all the money to the Dean. He also said that he will contribute 50% from the sales of the cards to the New Year decoration project. He was originally insisting to donate all proceeds from the sales but the Dean forced him to keep 50%.. The bookstore owner has never contributed anything for any cause, so Prof George was very surprised. Prof George knows him for many years as he is a very senior professor.

    Your blog about using gadgets as weapons had a very positive impact on many of the parents. They have returned the phones (along with the internet) to the students. Everyone is very thankful to YOU

    Thank you for writing your blogs
    Literature Fellow

  8. Dear Advisor,

    The retired child psychologist led the reading of your blog. He was very appreciative of the way you handled the Smile Army situation. He pointed out that this was a very explosive situation and you handled it very aptly. The retire negotiator who has been involved in handling conflict resolutions in serious multi-party situation pointed out that this is unique because both parties appear to be satisfied with what you suggested and how you resolved the situation. He said that it is never the case as at least one party is upset at the negotiator. He said that it will be good if you can write some more about guidelines for negotiations as this will be a learning for negotiators who do this for a living. The retired negotiator was a key figure and lead negotiator in dispute resolution between the government vs student unions, teacher unions, labour unions etc. He was also a resident expert who was often called upon resolution of personal disputes as well as family and divorce councilling. In other words, he was at the top of his game.

    thank you
    recent retiree

  9. Father say you no yell father again today. Father say he scare because you yell lot tomorrow. Father say he joke, please no mind. Father say he yell Hannah lot because Hannah scare go give food rabit. Father say yell help because Hannah go. Father say father lock door for back garden when Hannah outside so she make friend with rabit and no scare. Father say he no say he old almost 67

    (Father lock Hannah in back garden. Hannah wake before son to give brakfast father and tell father she no want go in back garden before son because she scare rat. Father yell him lot and tell him go. So she go. When she go out father lock patio door. Hannah cry because she very scare. Me wake up and me open side door so she able come in. Father laff but Niklas say he no want talk grandpapa. Hannah no able write comment. Niklas no want write comment. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  10. My Smile is amazing. She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing counsellor. She has an amazing family. What an amazing my Smile is!!

  11. Same old. Same crazy talk. I was hoping that it will be a good day today. Perhaps was asking for too much. After all, why should it be any different? I know, I know...

    Great job mrizvi. Your comment is right on.

  12. Dont worry about it Plunker. You know that kids consider everything to be fun these days. I guess it is the new era. No wonder we have interesting elections in the world these days. And yes, we must be kind

    Brilliant comment mrizvi. Hope you are reading your assignments before completing them kiddo

  13. Another new blog today. How is it possible that Smile writes on so many different topics.

    cool Kyle

  14. Smile is a factory of ideas. You can expect to hear a different one tomorrow. And the next day. And the next day. And so on


  15. We have been fixated by the transformation of your dissertations. Instead of being just a literary art form, this has become a mecca for all and sundry. You use this as a clinic where you dispense your therapeutic and sagacious advice to all your readers. We have been particularly amazed with the cool headedness that you have demonstrated in dealing with your younger audiences. This includes the young scholars as well as the young gentleman of the Kris clan. Your practical advice is both poignant and poised at the same time. How you are able to achieve that is beyond our comprehension.

    We have a small multi national concern and we often have been asking our colleagues to enjoy your blogs and also to seek guidance from it. As baffling as it may appear to be, we have been able to increase our profitability by incorporating some of your sagacious guidance.

    thank you
    Dave and Linda

  16. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Linda Dave Boris Batman Keith Literature Fellow Retiree Group Jimmy Brenda Cleo mrizvi Kim Tiara N Kyle Newbie Craig Plunker Karen Superwoman Marg Happy Reader Kris Jasmeet Smile Addict Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone


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