Changed Scenario

Image result for Backyard with Flowers pictures

My Friend Doing 2 Jobs
You Have To Go To Your
Job Number 2

Don't Leave Your Job Because Of Your 
Co- Worker Just Ignore Her

Some People are Like That
They Love To Ruin Other People's Day

You Don't Have To Worry
Focus On Your Work

Hannah My Friend I am Worried 
About You
Take Care Of Yourself

Niklas My Dear
I Know It is Not Your Fault
But Father is Very Selfish
He Doesn't Care

You Focus On Your Game
and Your School
I Love You My Friend

It is Monday Cold Cloudy Morning with 5 Below Zero
Yesterday was Very Busy For Me -- I Had Two
Gatherings One at My Friend's Place The  Other
at Night at My Brother's Place in Aurora
Nearly One Hour away From My Place

It was Great also Nice Feast after -- I also Met My
Younger Brother and Sister in Law -- They are
Visiting From Chicago Living at Their Daughter's
Place in Markham 

It is always Good To Be Connected Though Things
Changed For Everyone -- I Mean Now They are with
Families Of Their Own so Brothers and Sisters Not 
Have The Same Connection 

On Top When They are Not Living in The Houses
Of Their Own -- Totally Changed Scenario Now
Most Of Them Living in Their Kid's Houses
Just Like You and Me

We Don't Have To Expect Much From Each Other
Still When We Meet It Reminds us Of The Days
We Spent Together More Than Half a Century Back 

But We Have To Keep in Mind We Both Have
Limitations Of Living in Joint Family So While
Meeting We Don't Have To Disturb Peace and Harmony
Of The Members Of Our Family Who Have
No Interest in Our Brothers and Sisters

It is Not Their Fault They Have Distant Relation and
In Case Of Our Daughter / Son in Law -- It will Be None
So Take It Easy and Be Realistic 

Have a Brief Meeting Or Meet Somewhere Outside
Place Some Coffee House -- I usually Do That
While Meeting My Friends

Immediate Family Always Comes First which is Your
Kids and Their Families Then Come Sisters and Brothers
They are Your Blood But 

So Much Changed Now For Everyone We All are Old
and Live in Kid's Houses Still Have To Avail Whatever
Moments We Can Share 


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner

  2. I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D


    1. SWS was great. We decided to go on the nature route. As usual, we talked about today's blog


    2. SWN was fun too. The participants were from all lobbies.


  3. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome friend to readers family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  4. I read your past blogs again to see what advice you included for me but I didn't see anything. Can you please write something for me because I read every day.


  5. I lost the race to post the blog in our corporate notice boards.


    1. I was in early so was able to post the blog. There was a box of SDs there but no donut for poster today


    2. I wait 45 min and miss breakfast and miss 1 hour job 2 but I no able get donut. I sorry. I get fresh donut only because this Smile Donut

      Smile Addict

  6. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I so hapy that you write for me. I go job 2 boss and I say him you no need fire Dear me because my Madam tell me I no need fire. She say what you mean. I say I need focus work only and no need talk. She say but this ofice team environment and Job worker 2 is in your team. I say but I will ignore her and no talk her but I will work. She say ok we will deal with situation later. I then tell her that I need go prey my Madam. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  7. Dear Advisor,

    Your blog was an eye opener for us. Many of the retirees were very concerned after they read your blog. We had a small discussion among ourselves. The discussion was led by the retired family conucillor. She pointed out that you have described the situation very realistically. She said that you have been very direct but it is a true reflection of the changes that the retirees need to make. As the retirees were getting more and more concerned, she reminded us of your previous blogs in which you have identified the positives of joint family living. She also reminded us that you wrote about the process of give and take.

    After the meeting was over, several retirees called each other because they were very nervous and could not deal with the reality. They were also concerned that they wont be able to sleep at night. The retirees are wondering if you can please provide more guidance.

    thank you
    recent retiree

  8. Dear Author,

    The students read your blog at the Smile Research Center. The students are still not allowed to visit the Smile Garden as the decorations for the New Year are still ongoing. The Smile Army volunteers have also got some of the senior professors involved however they are not allowing the Dean and us to go there. We are starting to get annoyed. The Dean however is asking us to take it easy and respect the wishes of the Smile Army. The bookstore manager is helping out. The students from the local school are also there.

    Our parents are asking us to be very careful with money. They dont realize that we are already doing our best but we do need to spend something. They are threatening to cancel our phone and internet again. We are somewhat concerned

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  9. Another fresh new blog with fresh new concept. How does Smile do it?

    cool Kyle

    1. Smile is a class act. Thats why she has such a vast and diverse readership. Just enjoy


  10. My Smile is amazing. She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing counsellor. She is an amazing advisor. What an amazing person my Smile

  11. Father say you yell father lot today. Father say he yes mind. Father say father take care Hannah lot because Hannah sick. Father say Hannah feel very better because father help. Father say father help Niklas lot to. Father say father old almost 67

    (Hannah say she want thank because you rite about Hannah and say her that she take care. Hannah say she tire today because she no eat. Hannah say you please no wory. Niklas say grandpapa yell Niklas lot and say Niklas that grandpapa help Niklas because he yell to remind Niklas homework. Niklas say grandpapa no need remind because Niklas no homework. Me tell father no bother Hannah today but father no let Hannah eat all day and say that he take care Hannah. Father say me that when father sick then doctor no alow father eat so that why father no alow Hannah eat. Me tell father that Hannah need eat because she no fat and get sick but father take plate Hannah when Hannah try eat. Hannah sick. Niklas sad. Father hapy. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  12. Replies
    1. Man. I guess the lunacy will never stop. Kids today. Will they ever learn

      Thanks mrizvi. Jolly good comment

    2. You know Plunker that kids will be kids. Why worry about them. Some are worse than others. And I guess we are dealing with one of the bad one

      Fantastic job mrizvi for informing us that this is a good blog. Much appreciated

  13. Hello Readers family
    Thanks Linda Dave Boris Batman Keith Literature Fellow Retiree Group Jimmy Brenda mrizvi Tiara Kim Cleo Plunker Smile Addict N Kyle Newbie Kris Craig Marg Karen Superwoman Jasmeet Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone


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