Beauty Of Celebration

Image result for backyard with flowers pictures

Kris My Dear
Father Has To Keep Away From Hannah and Niklas

Father Making Their Life a Hell
Ask Him To Keep Away
That will Be Great Help

It is Tuesday Beautiful Bright Morning with 6 Degrees
Not Below Zero -- Sun is Shining in Full Bloom
Amazing -- I Have To Avail This Opportunity
I am Not Working Today It is 9.30 I am Ready
For My Walk

I am Walking On Whites Road It is Early Morning
Very Busy Lots Of Traffic -- I Can Hear Some
Birds Calling Each Other To Celebrate

I Started Early For My Walk as Some Of My Friends
Arranged Sort Of Brunch at 1 pm at One Of
My Friend's Place I Have To Go There Too

I am at Tim Horton It is 10 am I am Enjoying My Small
Coffee with Two Parts Water No Raisin Biscuit Today
I am Done with My Breakfast a While Ago
Too Early To Have Anything I Wont Enjoy That

I Always Listen To My Body Otherwise It Wont Listen
To Me -- Coffee House Not So Busy Still People are
Around It is Mix Crowd 

Some Young Faces with Computers May Be Having
Business Meeting Some Old Faces Like Mine --
I am Busy Writing My Blog Thinking about
My Readers Family 

My Friend Doing 2 Jobs Please Don't Quit Your Job
We Have To Face All Sort Of People in Our Life
Doesn't Mean We Have To Quit -- You are Dealing Her
Nicely -- Don't  Listen To Her Just Focus On Your Job

Now I Have To Talk To My Dear Smile Army Volunteers
One Thing Which I Noticed ThroughoutThat You People
Have Lots Of Emotions Which is Not a Bad Thing Not at All
But Sometimes It Can Misguide You

Our Emotions Direct us To Take Immediate Actions
Which will Not Be Appropriate in Most Cases as These
Actions Taken Out Of Our Intense Emotions Not
Based On The Real Picture Of The Situation

These Actions Can Flare up The People Around
We Have To Keep in Mind That Any Of Our Action
Not To Hurt People Around 

But Our Emotions Stop us From Thinking with a
Broader Vision and Limit Our Scope -- we Take Quick
Decisions and Implement Right Away

We are Blindfolded By Our Emotions which Give us
False Signal and We Start Believing That We are Right
To Do Whatever We Want -- we Think By Default That
We Have Very Clear Vision Of Everything which is
Not Correct

To Do Anything Beyond Our Jurisdiction Has Some
Work Ethics To Be Followed That is  No Matter What
We Have To Include Everyone Around 

I Trust Your Motto Still I Believe It is Everyone's Right
To Participate in The Process Of New Year Decoration
If Someone Bring Some Christmas Decorations
Please Don't Just Flare up 

We Have To Respect Everyone's Emotions 
This is The Beauty Of Celebration
I Love All Of You


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. There are lots of customers here. I am running out of supplies. The priest is giving free veggie omelette to all who say Morning Smile.

  2. I lost the race to post the blog in our corporate notice boards.


    1. I was in early so was able to post the blog. There was a box of SDs there but no donut for poster today


    2. Me sory. I wait 55 min morning and miss brakfast and miss 1 hour pay and tell baker give fresh blog for post but he say it hole sale so no 1 donut. Me only want get fresh donut because it smile donut. Me will try again tonmorrow


  3. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome friend to readers family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  4. I read your back blogs and I cant find anything good. You are a big author so you only talk to university Dean and others. I gave food to bird but they are not my pets. They eat food and they fly away. I have stopped giving food to them. Why should I ?


  5. I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D


    1. SWS was a great. We decided to go on the nature route. As usual, we talked about today's blog.


    2. SWN was fun too. We also talked about the blog. Participants could not believe that Smile has so contrasting personality traits that she goes for walk in freezing cold weather and can connect with teenagers


  6. Dear Madam Smile, you so good You write good to. Job worker 2 come and ask me about work. I no listen her. She say why you ignore me because I no talk blog I only come talk work. I no say anything her. She go complain job worker 2 supervisor. Job worker 2 supervisor come and say how you. I say I ok. She say why you no listen job worker 2. I say I need ignore her because that what my Madam say. She say but she in you team so you need work with her. I say but she say bad thing about my Madam and I no like because my Madam explain that she very negative. She say then how can you work. I say I dont know. She say i will need to think because this problem. I say yes. It very big problem but my Madam know lot. She go government conference. She do science. She do search. She give food to grandbabies. She give money to her son. She big shot. Supervisor then say she need go. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  7. Dear Advisor

    The retirees are still not being able to sleep. We are very nervous as an after effect of your blog yesterday. We could not imagine that our entire life has changed so drastically after the marriages of our children. We were living through this but it is like you have held a mirror to us and showed us the real picture. Some retirees were saying that they have been living in a fool's paradise. They were of the view that having access to their grandkids, and their kids is good but we did not realize how bad it is until you explained the details to us.

    Some of the seniors were there today and listened to the discussion. Their kids are about to be married and they were happy but now they have decided to rethink the plans

    thank you
    recent retiree

  8. Dear Author,

    We read your blog at the SRC today. The Smile Army invited us and the Dean to the Smile Garden and apologized to us however the Dean asked us to not go and respect the wishes of the Smile Army and others. The Smile Army clarified to us that they consider us and the Dean to be the true representatives of you and thats why wanted to invite us as VIPs and Special Individuals.

    The bookstore manager was again seen doling out money and equipment for the New Years festival. The students as well as the great friends are there too. There is a lot of arrangement being made.

    Our parents have started to freeze our bank accounts for some of us. In some cases, they are started to plan "visits" to give us a talk. We are dreading that. We are hoping you can write something for them

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  9. Father say you yell father lot today. Father say he yes mind. Father say he no no say why you say Kris keep away father Hannah and Niklas. Father say father help Hannah and no let Hannah eat. Father say when father sick Hannah need do same. Father say he no it no eassiee but that how she get gooder. Father say Niklas need grow big and not be baby. Father say father yell Kris because Kris tell father that Hannah need eat. Father say father no lot than Kris. Father say father go coach team to. Futbal kid like father lot. Father say father old almost 67

    (Hannah say you please no wory. Hannah say it only Niklas fever so Hannah feel gooder soon. Hannah say she wake late like 30 min before son and no able give brakfast father again. Hannah say she only give father 5 cut fruit and oatmeal and yogurt smoothie and fry egg. Hannah say she give fresh food rabit and bird. Hannah say she skare go in back garden and it very black so Hannah take mobile for lite. Niklas say grandpapa go teach futbal but he no no how play futbal. Niklas say he give al kid smoke and coach anger Niklas. Me tell father let Hannah eat but he no alow. Hannah get tire and get more fever. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  10. Yet another new blog today!! These blogs are full of variety

    cool Kyle

    1. Of course. These are Smile blogs. She is full of new ideas. Just learn and enjoy


  11. My Smile is amazing. She is an amazing teenage advisor. She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing counsellor. What an amazing person my Smile is !!

  12. Replies
    1. Man. I guess the lunacy will never stop. I am afraid that there are others who are starting to show same behaviour

      Thanks mrizvi. Jolly good comment

    2. You know Plunker that kids will be kids. Why worry about them. Some are worse than others. And I guess we are dealing with the bad ones

      Fantastic job mrizvi for informing us that this is a good blog. Much appreciated

  13. For those researchers in philosophy and psychology who spend their lifetime looking for the best piece need not look any further. Dont believe me, well ... have a look:

    "We are Blindfolded By Our Emotions which Give us
    False Signal and We Start Believing That We are Right
    To Do Whatever We Want -- we Think By Default That
    We Have Very Clear Vision Of Everything which is
    Not Correct

    To Do Anything Beyond Our Jurisdiction Has Some
    Work Ethics To Be Followed That is No Matter What
    We Have To Include Everyone Around "


  14. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Boris Linda Dave Keith Batman Karen Superwoman Literature Fellow Retiree Group mrizvi Smile Addict Jimmy Brenda Plunker Tiara Kim N Kyle Newbie Craig Jasmeet Kris Marg Cleo Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone


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