Pot Luck

Image result for houses front yard in winter pictures

Dear Kris if possible
please read some of
My Blogs which
I have written for Father

He will be Happy that
I do care for him I am
not only Hannah's friend

It is 11 in the morning
was rain last night it looks
everything had morning 
shower to get started

It is Thursday so will be Pot Luck
at my Club at 12 after that will be
Bingo in other room will be Golf
at the same time

So many choices to make
being senior it will be tough
to decide between the two
as I don't want to skip any

I decided I will go for golf
something to move around
something physical

One of my friend called me earlier
to save a seat for her as she wants
to sit next to me

I am in the library for a while
sitting beside big glass panel
conservation area is all beside
me the whole grass is green

I have to go now to next room
for Pot Luck to enjoy the
company I am not a good eater
so food is not important to me

I am enjoying the indoor golf
it is from 1 to 2 pm I will be
having good time for a while 

I am excited to go home to check
Comments from my Readers
Family and Messages from my
daughters on Face book

What a beautiful day to celebrate
something to do whole day busy
I love that I mean Day Tight

Try to keep yourself busy to get
going and also stay away from
all the negative thoughts

It will spoil your day and
start spoiling your health
your relationship

Try not to lose your Family
and friends at the cost of
all this not worth it

Have faith in yourself
trust in God and please
keep smiling


  1. I was in early so was able to post the blog in the corporate noticeboard. There was a box of SDs there plus one donut which I took :-)


    1. Good job. I thought you don't like donuts


    2. I don't but since it is a gift from SA, I don't want to turn it down


  2. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome writer. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  3. I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D


    1. SWN was great. We discussed Smile's blog from yesterday and today.


    2. SWS was good too. since Smile blog is now required reference material for all new hires in lobby B, there is a lot more participants from lobby B who show up. They are genuinely interested in the blog which is surprising because usually people run away from education but not for these blogs.


    3. I was asked to provide training to the new hires in lobby B on the blog Smile wrote about writing. The new hires were already aware of Smile as Jimmy post the blogs every day. Some are her fans already. That's why we are starting to see more participants in Smile Walks


  4. I read you blog China. I read family

    1. I like blog. I no English but Spanish good

  5. I posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being Friday, customers are coming to read the blog after work before going to their homes or pubs. Some customers stay here to read the blogs from the last few days too. Some take copies of the blog to discuss with their families. For the last few weeks, the priest comes here too and quietly read the blog and also make notes. Some customers are saying hello to him and smiling secretly.

  6. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You play golf but no eat. You play casino and teach hockey coaching to son son and write very good blog. You also go government conference. You teach Dear Kris and Dear Kris father what to do. You big government scientist. You big shot. I no big shot. I write but no tell Mr. Supervisor. I do 2 proud job and work hard.

  7. Dear Advisor,

    the retirees did not go for the walk as some have not recovered from the long and tiring walk from this week. We did meet and read the blog as a group. The retired author led the reading. The retirees notes that you play golf too. Playing golf is quite a tiring activity. The retired professional athlete was surprised that you are doing so many different things. The retired nutritionist pointed out that eating less is not a bad thing. He indicated that this helps in keeping a lot of problems away. He was wondering if you do it as a habit or as a precaution. He was also asking if you have any tips as he will like to introduce this to the retirees as some of our members are having some weight challenges

    thank you
    recent retiree

  8. Father say he no no that you say so good thing in you blogs for him. He listen last blogs and cry. He say you his friend too. He fight nabor. Father say nabor tell wrong thing him. Nabor say he sorry but he no do on purpose but his Anglais no very good. Nabor also listen blog and very like. Nabor say to father that he also want listen blog to as it very good. Father say go hell. He say he no want talk nabor because he made father think about you. Nabor say sorry many time but father say he no care.

    (Me read all blog from last days to father. Father happy now. He watch tele. He say tablet with Hannah like you said. He say to Niklas watch tele if you want or play game. Father no talk Hannah but Hannah no feel bad. She say if father happy that good. Hannah made special soup and tell me to take to him. Father like soup lot but no say thank Hannah. He say she make resolution)

    Kris (Germany)

    1. Smile is really nice. She solved my problem too. She solves everyones problems. I read her blog every day as they are so fun and also have great advice

      Thank you Smile

      Happy Daugther in Law

  9. God help us! This is ridiculous. Same old,same old. It never changes. Yes, yes, I remember - need to be kind

    Thank you mrizvi. This is a fantastic comment. Brilliant

  10. Reeeeeellaaax. Just caaaaaaaaalllmmmm down. Kids are just having fun.

    Great guess mrizvi. You are right, this is a good blog. Thanks for letting us know

  11. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing advisor, She is an amazing therapist. She is an amazing writer. She has amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  12. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Karen Jimmy Brenda Linda Dave Superwoman Keith Kris Kim Cleo Xin
    Retiree Group Newbie mrizvi Plunker Batman Boris Jasmeet Sheema Maheen
    Happy Reader Fellow Writer Marg Tiara Thanks All My Anonymous and
    Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone


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