Office Cubicle

Image result for front yard pictures in snow

My Dear Kris
Father is in depression Mode

He himself has to try
to get out of that phase
He will

You people saying sorry
and going to him again
and again making him
Self pity

Behave like you normally do
try to treat him like before

Don't talk about watching TV
stay for some time in his room
and watch some show on Tablet

Use these tactics
don't push it
He will be back
needs some time

Tomorrow I will write for Him
please make him read

My Dear Retiree
My Blogs are public
you can share with anyone

It is 17 below zero no snow
sun is shining everything
clear and clean because
of rain 2 days back

It is Friday today one more
week is passing and reminding me 
that time flies

Today I am working full time
I mean Darts and Carpet bowling
it is 9.40 am I am sitting in a cubicle
sort of place in the library

Computer is beside me on small bluish
grey working desk with comfortable
black revolving chair

These working counter tables are
separated by 2 ft wooden panel
to keep focus and for privacy

I feel like I am really at work
writing my Blog giving an effect that
I am in some office cubicle busy with
my office work

I have the same experience it means
we can take our brain to anywhere
to feel good 

We can distract and divert
to positive things let's do it


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being weekend, customers are staying longer. They usually read blog before going for the weekly shopping in the market. A no. of them are asking for copies of the blog from past week. I already make lots of copies but I still end up short as some customers prefer to take the blog with them to their homes or workplace. Father was here again today, and the customers gave him seat. Some ask him about how the preparation for tomorrow's sermon is coming and he said fine. Customer smiled but didnt say anything

  2. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome advisor. She is an advisor councillor. She is an awesome dart player. She is an awesome bowler. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  3. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You play hockey. You teach son son hockey coaching. You give food son sons. You also go watch son basketball. You go Casino. You do dart. You tell Dear Kris what do with Dear Father. You also tell me write but no tell Mr. Supervisor. He came today to give work and say how writing. I tell him I no show him because my Madam tell me no show. He say it ok he time but I say no. I no permission. I rite more like I got up. I do breakfast. I get ready go 1 job. I look for cat but no find it. Then I see bird. It flying fast. I go 2 job but hungry so eat too. I read Madam blog. I read blog again because it very nice. I do 2 job and proud and rite too. My Madam so good that she make me riter

  4. Dear Advisor, The retirees appreciate your blog. We have some additional members and they noted that you are very engaged and active. This helps provide a lot of inspiration to us all. We were thinking of going for the walk again today but could not do that as some members are still suffering from cramps because of the long walk that we did earlier this week

    The subcommittee for joint family living is continuing its work. The retired computer data scientist is the one doing most of the heavy lifting at this time. Once he is done then the results will be analyzed. You have given them a lot of material. They are also trying to glaze information from the advice that you share with Mr. Kris regarding his family situation.

    PS: The retired social scientist is going to proceed with sharing information about the blog as you have provided the approval. A big thank you for your approval

    thank you
    recent retiree

  5. I read you blog China. I read family

    1. I read blog Russia. I no read with family. I read alone and then talk

    2. I like blog and read in France. I like to read alone because it is good English literature

    3. I enjoy blog. I no good English but good Spanish

    4. I enjoy blog Ukraine

  6. Father say he no understand why you write me (Kris) so many thing. Father say he no child, no like Niklas (me son). Father say he old, but say me no write 67 because you no like age no. He say you big shot so you no understand his problem. He say you go mall in Christmas and Boxing Day. He say you play game too. He say he no think that you 70+, he say he you 30 and Hannah (me wife) friend.

    (Father very sad. He say he trust you but you me wife friend and me wife tell you tell me to take tele and tablet from father. He say that no good. He say he no soup too. He only come down eat and no take tele remote too)

    Kris (Germany)

  7. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing player. She is amazingly active. She is an amazing advisor. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  8. Well well well. Here we go again. Another day, same thing. I wish Smile has not asked us to be so civil.

    Thanks mrizvi. Fantastic comment

  9. Caaaaalllmmmmm down Plunker. Yes Smile has asked us to be nice, so be considerate

    Great comment mrizvi. Good job

  10. Dear Plunker, why you always say Madam Smile no letting you say what you want. Madam always ask us to be nice because she nice. She nice to everyone even mrizvi and even her son. It no bad thing, it good thing but you say as if it bad. That no good. I do 2 job and Madam help me too.

  11. Smile writing is so descriptive and vivid that the reader can see all the scene through her eyes. I mean look at the following and tell me if I am mistaken

    "Computer is beside me on small bluish
    grey small working desk with comfortable
    black revolving chair

    These working counter tables are
    separated by 2 ft wooden panel
    to keep focus and for privacy"

    Absolutely crystal clear ! As if there is a video camera sending pictures from the library

  12. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Karen Superwoman Kris Plunker Batman mrizvi Retiree Group Boris
    Newbie Linda Dave Brenda Jimmy Kim Cleo Jasmeet Marg Sheema Maheen
    Happy Reader Xin Fellow Writer Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual
    Readers Thanks Everyone


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