Fresh Delivery

Image result for front yard pictures in snow

My Dear Fellow Writer
nice to hear from you
I know your are reading

My Dear Hina 
you are part of
Readers Family

Dear Kris 
don't you worry
Father needs som
time alone

He will be fine
spend some time
with Him

That's it
He will find His options
after a while

My Dear Retiree Friends
I am happy for you

It is great idea to go to
Coffee shop and have
group meeting

Don't worry about

It is 17 below zero Today

It is 1st Thursday of the month
so today is My Club Meeting
I go for everything to get out

I am early to sit down and enjoy
in library which is like second
home to me after Meeting
I will play Bingo at 2 pm

I am sitting by the large glass panel
facing the conservation site on my
left side I can see Kingston Road
with lots of traffic

Beside me is the whole green area
very quiet not much snow left
because of last week rain
no wind so everything is still now

In the morning I was watching
2nd episode of Miss Marple
" A Murder Announced " 

Scenic beautiful countryside life
the crockery and English tea all
looks like I am turning the pages
of decade

I was also enjoying the view
of my backyard through the
big glass window sitting on
my brown recliner sofa seat

A black squirrel had courage to
get out in 17 below zero
was playing around the
wooden fence 

If we keep open our eyes
there is always so much
to behold so much to enjoy

Every day every moment
brings new experience 
new bundle of joy 

A fresh delivery from
God Almighty
don't forget to say
Thank You God


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner

  2. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


    1. I was in early today and posted the blog. Of course the SDs were already there. Plus one additional donut for the poster


    2. Sorry Karen. Meant to post this comment in response to Brenda. My apologies


    3. No worries. Any comment for My Smile is welcome :-)


  3. I lost the race to post the blog on our corporate notice boards. It was already posted when I got there. Of course, there was also a box of fresh SDs with a note from SA


  4. Dear Madam Smile, You so good. You write so good. My English no good but I read famous English book and you write like that. I enjoy blog because I get advise and also because you write good. I tell Mr. Supervisor that but he still no done. He busy man. I tell him that Dear Madam tell me not bother you and he say your Madam very smart. He say he interested but no time. I do 2 proud job and work hard too

  5. I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D


    1. SWN was fantastic. We took the nature trail today. It looks like these walks are very popular as we keep getting more people


    2. SWS was fun too. As always, we talked about the Smile blog. She is a fantastic writer


  6. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees went for our first walk today. It was tiring for a no. of us, as it was a very long walk, perhaps a little bit ambitious. It took us just under 10 mins of walking. At the end of the walk we did a reading of your blog. The retired author led this exercise.

    As we were tired today, we did not meet for the joint family subcommittee

    thank you for providing us guidance and help to get us started on walking

    recent retiree

  7. Father say he thought you friend but you friend me wife and no him. He say he old, but say me that no write almost 67 as you no want talk age.

    (Father very upset. He no talk anyone. He no take soup too. Father no read blog too. I no understand what do. I tell him he go watch tele but he say no.)

    Kris (Germany)

  8. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing councillor. She has amazing friends. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  9. I like you blog in China. I no write 2 day but read all time

    1. I enjoy your blog in France. Good read

    2. I read Russia

  10. We have been enjoying the harvest of your mesmerizing online periodical. It not only quenches our literary thirst but also fan the fire our interest in nature and generosity to others.

    We noticed that your work is being used in sermons by priests and also for the upbringing of young families by others. It also is being used by some to help enhance their commercial and business pursuits. We have been using it as part of our family gatherings to create brightness and warmth.

    thank you for writing
    Dave and Linda

  11. Man. I guess the lunacy will never stop. Kids today. Will they ever learn

    Thanks mrizvi. Jolly good comment

  12. You know Plunker that kids will be kids. Why worry about them. Some are worse than others. And I guess we are dealing with one of the bad one

    Fantastic job mrizvi for informing us that this is a good blog. Much appreciated

  13. These blogs provide more than inspiration. They highlight beauty and courage. Dont take my word for it, read this for yourself

    "A black squirrel had courage to
    get out in 17 below zero
    was playing around the
    wooden fence

    If we keep open our eyes
    there is always so much
    to behold so much to enjoy"

    Now, tell me if I am exaggerating it. Who else but Smile could have picturized the scene of a squirrel in -17C so beuautifully

  14. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Karen Keith Kris Kim Linda Dave mrizvi Jimmy Brenda Plunker Boris
    Batman Superwoman Marg Jasmeet Newbie Retiree Group Happy Reader
    Sheema Tiara Maheen Hina Fellow Writer Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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