Bring It On

Image result for houses front yard in winter pictures

My Dear Retiree Friend
who is in hospital

I will be praying for you
You will be Home soon

Thanks My Retiree Group
you are there for your
friend say My thanks to Dear
Retired Author

Please say Hello from 
my side and my Wishes 
to My Friend who is
in hospital to get well soon

You people do walking just
once a week and visit Coffee shop
by car for your Meeting 
twice a week

It will help you to exchange
views and table talk
to feel good

I hope this Blog will be
helpful to have some Tips 
to brighten your routine 
it does mine

Kris My friend
if Father wants TV 
sit down with Him
and set timings

Not full time TV
Everyone has to share
make sure

Important to make
everybody Happy

Tablet will go to Hannah 
and Niklas

Father will understand
He is very reasonable
and considerate
I trust He will

It is Tuesday so my Club
is off and not much clothes
to do laundry

It is zero degree and rain
weather forecast is for freezing rain
I can not see Sun sky is cloudy
muddy and grey

I have to switch on light in my
room have to do something to
switch on my mood too

I mean to elevate I had a shower
with hot water went downstairs
to watch TV for a while

Now in my room 
on computer playing
scrabble and Card game 
side by side

Checking my face book Messages
from my daughters and my friends
also keeping track of Comments
from my Readers Family 

I opened so many windows
so many Lookouts now who
cares about cloudy sky

I am ready to face anything
just bring it on 

Thank you God giving me
ability to think and do my
things please keep watching
over me Thank You


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner

  2. I lost the race to post the blog on our corporate notice boards. It was already posted when I got there. Of course, there was also a box of fresh SDs with a note from SA.

    We should solve this mystery of Smile Donuts


    1. I was in early today and posted the blog. The SDs were already there. As usual, there was one extra donut for the poster

      I agree we should find out about the SDs but I don't know how


    2. We will go for a Smile Walk in a day or so and we can check with everyone again about the SDs

      The suspense is killing me and also everyone else


  3. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome writer. She is awesome with facebook and new technology. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  4. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You tell Dear Mr Kris what do. You also tell Dear Retiree what do. You take care Dear Kris and Dear Kris Father and Dear Retiree who is sick and Dear Retiree who no sick. You give food son sons and give money son and give grocery to daughter law. I write every day because you tell me. I no tell anyone what I rite. I write like I wake up and I tired. I go do shower quickly because I late job. I eat bread in breakfast. I go out and no Mr. sun. It dark and I no can see. Then Mr. sun some out. It like gold. I see bird fly. It fly fast. I go 1 job and say hello Mr. Supervisor. I no ask about blog because my Madam say no ask. I then go 2 job and no talk anything but work hard because my Madam say so. I then go home and rite blog. I then read Madam blog that she write me. I do 2 proud job but always read blog

  5. I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D


    1. SWN was fantastic. We had a long walk. It was little bit of rain so we did not take the nature walk


    2. SWS was good but we ended up going for a shorter walk because of rain. We went to the cafeteria and discussed the blog.


  6. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees appreciate your kind words for us. The retired member with the health scare is now back at home and has instructed me to thank you for your concern about her. She mentioned that your positive words were a big contributor to her recovery.

    With things back to normal, we did our version of Smile Walk and walked to the coffee shop. The retirees were very tired but we did read the blog as no one wanted to leave without it. The retirees view is as their reward, just like kids view lollipops or sweet candies as their reward for good behaviour.

    PS: We have taken note of your instructions to us yesterday. We will not be sharing any communication about Mr. Kris to the social scientists. We have also requested the social scientist to destroy and shred the information that we have previously shared with them. The retired social scientist has asked me to apologize to you, Mr. Kris and all concerned about the misunderstanding. He has also given assurances that all previous communication has been deleted and removed from all data sources at the disposal of the subcommittee. Based on this latest developments, we have suspended the operation of the subcommittee for joint family living. On a personal note, I will also like to submit my apologies to you.

    Thank you again for continuing to write

    recent retiree

  7. Father say that he sorry. He say he thought that you no want Father watch any tele. He say that he mistake that he watch to much tele. He say he only watch tele because he no go walk in winter because it too cold, like 15C. He say he still no believe you 70+ because you no care weather. He say Hannah (me wife) no care wether so that why father say that you his friend. He say he old almost 67

    (Me read blog loud to father in his room. He understand now. He was asking nabor to read blog last days and nabor Anglais no good. Nabor told father rong translation. Father misunderstand. Now father undertand. Hd no in room now. He back downstairs. He now talk me son and also talk me. He no talk Hannah because he no like him. Hannah made special soup him and ask me that me take that. Father happy. He say I no need resolution now. He watch tele now. Thank you for advice. Niklas is happy too. Hannah say thank you you to. She say father right, you her friend to. She say she like blog to)

    Kris (Germany)

  8. Courtesy our mobile gizmos, we have been luxuriating in your enthralling blogs often during the course of a day. We not only read the fresh daily ones, but have also bookmarked our favourites. All in all, they are very belletristic.

    We noticed, but were not surprised that your positive words were a source of recuperation and healing for a member of the retirees club. We have also benefited often from them.

    It is also worth pointing out that your kindness and empathy to Mr. Kris and his domiciliary is anything but exemplary.

    Thank you for making our days brighter

    Dave and Linda

  9. This blog is another example of how much Smile cares about the readers' family. At times, I get the impression that she cares about this family as much as she cares about her family.

    thank you Smile

  10. I used this blog as an icebreaker for one of our meetings today. And boy was that a dynamite. Smile's concern for her fellow readers created a big dialogue and got the meeting started on the right track.

    Thank you Smile
    Keith Walker

  11. My Smile is amazing . She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing psychiatrist. She is an amazing blogger. She is an amazing friend to the readers family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  12. I like blog. English no good but Spanish good

    1. I enjoy your writing in France

  13. This is not working out. Really. Every day, every single day, same old thing. Come on. Can we at least have sanity and common sense for one day only? I know, I know, Smile wants me to be kind. And I will. But only for Smile.

    Thank you mrizvi. You write brilliant comments every day

  14. Caaaaaaaalllmmmm down Plunker. Reeeeeellaaax. Dont kill yourself. Kids cant change that easily but good job trying

    Great work mrizvi. You guessed right, it is a good post

  15. This is simply brilliant. Smile's post include prosaic description, great imagery and underpinning all that is deep philosophical thinking. Just look at it:

    "I opened so many windows
    so many Lookouts now who
    cares about cloudy sky

    I am ready to face anything
    just bring it on "

    Need I say any more?

  16. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Keith Kim Kris Karen Boris Brenda Linda Dave Jimmy mrizvi Newbie
    Retiree Group Superwoman Cleo Marg Tiara Jasmeet Plunker Batman Maheen
    Sheema Happy Reader Xin Fellow Writer Hina Thanks All My Anonymous and
    Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone


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