Before Too Late

Image result for pictures of house in snow

My Dear Kris Father
I am very sad as you
my friend not reading
My Blog

Please don't do that to me
You know you are very
important member of
Readers Family

I was so happy that you
were planning to learn English
a foreign language for
My Blog to read

I will hate to let you go
please leave TV and
take Tablet so that you
read Blog and write 
comment to me

Don't you worry about
language it is just a carrier
to deliver thoughts

Please start doing your own
things be happy and give
happiness to everyone

We all love you 
God never wants any of
His Creature to be sad

Keep in mind that you
are doing it to make
God Happy

I don't see much snow
just on sides still very cold
20 below zero

Weekends are hockey games for
my grand kids so I feel fortunate
to get out it is 11 in the morning

I am sitting in Don Beer Arena
writing my Blog which to me
like talking to my Readers Family

I already jotted down their jersey
number as 2 of them are playing
at the same time in different Rinks

Rink # 1 the youngest one
      jersey # 6  color red and black

Rink # 3 the middle one
       jersey # 3 color orange

The eldest will be coaching in Rink # 1

This is very important data for me
I can not recognize them running
around speeding on ice with
all the gadgets on

I keep in mind to enjoy each and
every opportunity every moment
which God keeps on providing

These will be like memories to
cherish when couple of years
after they will be gone leaving
the Nest Empty

When we have something we don't 
see the value until it is gone
same is our health make use of
everything you have before it 
is too late

Never stop thanking God
who makes sure to keep us
in good shape to move around
and to enjoy


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being Sunday, almost all customers go to the church. There are also out of town people who come for church in our small town. The congregation is now quite big. The priest again said that he knows that he knows that why people are actually coming here. He also is starting to set up the sermon on themes from the blog eg mercy, forgiveness etc. After the sermon, the customers come to Smile Corner and read blog. The out of towm customers read blog from the entire week. It is like a festival here.

  2. I really admire how you seek enjoyment in all the little aspects in life, it is really a great quality which all of us should try to adopt

  3. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome grandmother. She is an awesome councillor. She is an an awesome psychiatrist. She is an awesome friend. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  4. Dear Madam Smile, You write so good. You care about all Dear readers too. You rite about me. You write about Dear Kris Father. You take care so many people. You care son sons too. You take them to hockey and watch game too. I do 2 proud job and no go hockey but read blog

  5. Dear Advisor, The retirees enjoyed the blog today. We decided to go for the walk. It was a long walk, under 10 mins. One we got to the cafe, we did a joint reading of the blog. It was led by the retired author.

    The retired social scientist is continuing with gathering details and observations regarding the case of Mr. Kris's father. Based on the interest, the retired psychologist and retired social councillor have joined them. They are sharing the details with their colleagues who are not retired yet. They are curiously watching the developments and your handling of a very sensitive family situation. As the information being shared is in a public forum, they are assuming that it is not a concern for Mr. Kris as well

    Thank you
    recent retiree

  6. I like you blog in China.

    1. I enjoy your blog in Russia. I read with family

    2. This is good blog. I read France. No comment but read all time

  7. Father say thank you to write me blog but you say no watch tele and no take tablet. Me no no suduko and crosses word. Me read paper. He say Hannah (me wife) bad because she daughter law. He say he no care her sorry. He say why you no tell her make resolution. He say he old but no want to say almost 67

    (Me very sad because me love father. Me no what do. He no read blog, no soup , no tele, no tablet. Nicklas sad too and Hannah sad too. We no no what do. Can you help?)

    Kris (Germany)

  8. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing advisor, She is an amazing therapist. She is an amazing writer. She has amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  9. Smile continue to amaze everyone. She is extremely active and full of life. She is doing a great job to inspire us. She is also doing quite well to help take care of her readers. She really treats us all as family

    thank you Smile

  10. Replies
    1. Will this craziness ever going to stop. I know, I know, Smile wants me to be kind to everyone but my blood boils when I see this.

      Great work mrizvi. You guessed correctly today also. Thank you

    2. Caaaaalllmmm down Plunker. Just reeeeellaaax. No need to get yourself all worked up over kids. They are not serious about anything

      Brilliant comment mrizvi. Appreciate you writing to let us know that this is a good blog

  11. Is this brilliant or what. The blog has amazing literary value, but look at the deep philosophy.

    "When we have something we don't
    see the value until it is gone
    same is our health make use of
    everything you have before it
    is too late"

    I wake up early to read the blog and it is definitely worth it.

    thank you Smile

  12. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Karen Kris Keith Kim Linda Dave Jimmy Sheema Plunker Batman mrizvi
    Boris Brenda Cleo Jasmeet Newbie Retiree Group Superwoman Marg Tiara
    Fellow Writer Xin Happy Reader Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual
    Readers Thanks Everyone


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