Maroon Sweater and my Woolen Cap

Sunday -- Beautiful sunny morning of late November, with 8 C. It is 9.45, I am done with my breakfast, enjoying my tea at my deck. I wont stay here long as it is cold and I am not dressed up for this single digit temperature. We, at our age, have to be careful. It wont be good, to be a burden for our kids. They are busy with their own family matters, with their work and doing things for us, we parents too. We have to realize and have to appreciate all that. It is a quiet atmosphere in my back garden. It is still a garden as grass is still green and not all the trees are transformed into skeletons. Some trees are still green, look confident to face, whatever is there. One of the trees, in front looking beautiful, with full of Bronze. The body of another one, on my right, is all covered with Copper. I am enjoying their beauty. The Glass top of my garden table looks blank, showing no Data. I think waiting for weather update, to let me know. I trus...