Snow is Back

Image result for houses front yard in winter pictures

Dear Retirees I am Happy
that you got some Tips
from My Blog

Kris Dear Niklas is fine 
just give direction
once a while that's it

Snow is back everything is
covered under 2 cm white sheet
trees look like having small
cottony white flowers

My Daughter in law was busy
so I got the grocery list she dropped
and picked me up after from the
store Freshco

I love doing groceries it has so
much positive I feel good
that I am helping my Family

Beside enjoying all the variety
of food items I have chance to
make choices to pick and drop
between all this

Pick for my Grand kids and also
picking some for myself
don't forget having exercise
walking around

I picked chocolate biscuits for
my club I don't like chocolate
but everyone loves so for them

I was happy got a chance to
get out for 2 hours I was back
at 3 pm and have to go out again
at 3.30 for my grandson game

My youngest grandson playing
Basket ball game he was happy 
had a chance to play for longer
time than before

Today I am sitting in the library
back to my office cubicle with computer
beside me but I am with pen and
paper writing my Blog 

In 5 minutes I will go to the next
room for Darts I am happy will be
Bowling too at 1 pm

I will be busy whole day
I am happy don't need anything
Thank You God


  1. I posted the blog in Smile Corner. Customers are flocking in to read the blog after work before going to their homes or pubs. There is no room to sit but they are standing and having fun. I am almost out of supplies. The priest is here too and taking notes. Some customers said hello to him and smiled secretly. It is a fun atmosphere thanks to Smile blogs

  2. I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D


    1. SWN was fantastic. We again went on the nature trail.


    2. SWS was great too. We talked about Smile blog. There are a few managers who are starting to be regulars for these walks


    3. Though it is Friday, some employees told me that they don't like weekends now because they are so hooked on these blogs. They said, it is as if you are watching your favourite show and then for 2 days you cant watch it


  3. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You very busy schedule. You do grocery for daughter law. You give food to son son and watch basketball game too. Son son play good because you teach him. You also teach hockey coaching to other son son.You give money to son too. You give advice to Dear Retiree and Dear Kris and Dear Niklas and Dear Kris Father and me too. You big shot. You go government conference. You science. I do 2 proud job and read blog

  4. I won the race to post the blog on our corporate notice boards. I was early today and posted it. Of course, there was also a box of fresh SDs with a note from SA


    1. You were able to beat Jasmeet by 1 minute. I think he was at the printer when you were posting it


    2. I know. I think he saw me there and let me post it as courtesy.

      We have all become less competitive and more friendly because of Smile blogs


  5. My Smile is awesome! She has an awesome schedule She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  6. We started our meeting today by discussing this blog and it provided a perfect icebreaker. There were some people complaining about tight schedules and deadlines, but after going through the blog they realized that being busy is a good thing and not bad. At the end, we had a great session, thanks to Smile's blog!

    Smile is great!!

    Keith Walker

  7. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees enjoyed your blog today. We don't understand how you can go through all the things and not get tired. We also tried to follow your example and decided to go for our walk. Some members were feeling tired but your blog inspired them. The retirees were also interested in the joint reading of the blog ie our lollipop.

    The retired nutrionist, the retired psychologist, the retired dietician and the retired social scientist are continuing their research on your blog about nutrition. Due to your comments about mental health, they have also asked some experts in this field to provide their views on the blog. I hope you don't mind. We did white marked any names so as to protect confidentiality. They have asked for some additional insights from you regarding this subject.

    recent retiree

  8. Father say why you get grocery for daughter in law. He say daughter law very bad, they watch tele (I no want rite but Father say it my comment so you rite what father tell). He say you do lot thing. You should watch tele and soup. Let son make soup because daughter law burn soup. He say why you say Niklas fine. Father say Niklas no need direction but need yell and spank. Father say he tell Niklas, if he no work hard father will no give tele him and no let go for football. Father say he old and almost 67.

    (Niklas say he thank you that you understand. He say he work hard and get good mark too. He say he no understand why Papa and GrandPapa so hard. He need watch tele and play football. Me also angry Niklas but write his comment because he ask. Me angry because he play too much. He no help Hannah too. He like you lot. He no listen me but you. Can you help)

    Kris (Germany)

  9. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing scheduler, She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing writer. She has amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  10. I like you blog China

    1. This blog good. I no good Anglais. French good


    2. I use your blog to teach school kids in Russia. Thank you

    3. This good blog. I read family in Italy

  11. Replies
    1. I was hoping that this is the start of the weekend so we will have a different outcome. But ...... Yes I know, I know

      Great comment mrizvi. You are simply brilliant kiddo

    2. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllaaaaaaaxxxxxx Plunker. Just Caaaaaaaaaaalllllllmmmmmmmmmmm down. No need to waste your health and time on this

      You guessed correctly mrizvi. Way to go

  12. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Linda Dave Plunker Batman Karen Superwoman mrizvi Kim Brenda Jimmy Jasmeet Cleo Tiara Craig Marg Newbie Keith Boris Sheema Retiree Group
    Fellow Writer Xin Happy Reader Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual
    Readers Thanks Everyone


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