Slide Show

Image result for Houses pictures in winter

Dear Tom 
Age is a number

Dear Kris I think your
Father needs some help
he is feeling insecure

He needs counseling
someone he can trust 
it can happen
when we are old but

In my honest opinion
you have to have one more TV
for the sake of your family

Not their fault so why
to suffer

It is Saturday 17 below zero
my grand kids have hockey today
after 2 weeks of Christmas and
New year break

I was looking forward to watch
my eldest is coaching Peewee
the next one is assisting
the youngest one is the actual 

He is not playing today as he
had basketball yesterday so
not in good shape

I am here with layers on to face the
cold of Arena sitting on black stool
bluish rectangle table is beside me
I am writing my Blog 

I will find the Rink # afterwards
 will walk around I also have my
Sudoku book with me

I have variety of options now

1 : Sitting down and writing my Blog
2 : Watching the hockey Game
3 : Doing Sudoku 

I can change my channels to enjoy

I feel very fortunate to be with
my family also giving them space
doing my own things

From my place to Hockey Arena
is 10 minutes journey
My eldest grandson was driving
my son was sitting next to him
in our red Caravan

I can see the hidden joy and
a sense of accomplishment 
on my son's face as if he is
feeling satisfied with the job done

The job assigned from God 
to brought up his son and keep
showing him the direction

I was sitting at the back on the next
seat was my younger grandson
I call him golden which every time
gives a glow to his face

He is very contented and a great
helper to everyone

I am happily enjoying my journey
sky is giving a picture of beautiful

A Canvas to me where Almighty
created spectacular slide show
for His people to enjoy

Clear blue sky with Dark grey 
Muddy and Milky white clouds
looks water color painting like
beautiful art work

Where as the sunlight making it visible
loud and clear by it's background
lighting effect

I am happy now who
cares about the Age


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being Sunday, there are out of town visitors too. All welcome them. The priest likes them because they increase size of his congregation. Shopkeepers like them because they shop here. Locals like them because they are our guests. One of the customer was commenting that the blog has made a lot of people happy

  2. Dear Madam Smile, You so good. Mr. Supervisor still reading blog. He came to tell work to me today and I ask if he finish reading blog and he say no. He say it very complicate so he cant read right away. I tell him that yes, she big shot. She do lot things like go hockey and write advice for Dear Kris father and for Dear Tom and for Dear Retirees. Madam also go government conference. Madam do science too. Madam no care and go when it very cold. I do 2 proud job but call sick if it too cold. He say I should no call sick if cold, it bad. Mr. Supervisor say that I only call sick when I sick. He say he need go because he need one important phone call.

  3. My Smile is awesome!! She is an awesome writer. She has awesome energy. She has awesome family. She is an awesome counsellor. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  4. Dear Advisor, The retirees continue to enjoy the blog and continue to marvel at the amazing energy that you have. We fail to comprehend that you are motivating yourself to go out in the bitter cold. We need to learn a lot from you.

    A quick word on the progress of the subcommittees. The health and physical well being sub committee has completed the analysis and have recommended that the 2 locations, one east and the other west, will be the optimum one for us. They have also concluded that we dont need to pick one over the other since they are almost the same distance from each other. We are hoping to start this as of tomorrow

    The other subcommittee regarding joint family living is continuing to meet but are not close to completing their analysis. Can you please share additional details or guidance

    recent retiree

  5. I like you blog China. I no write last days but I read

    1. I read blog France. I read but no comment all time

  6. Father say he no understand why you go out in so cold weather. He say you can ask son to record game and then watch tele. He say me that I give you this idea. He say he is following advice you give him 1 day back. He say he is watching tele and changing channel, also spending time alone too with tele and also doing crossword on tablet and also letting me son watch tele (when there are ads). He say that if you any other idea then you give to him. He say that he also has one idea for you. Like no go in cold as you can fall. Father say he very active too and go mall one time month and go walk when no cold weather. He no want go out in cold because he old almost 67 and can fall.

    (Me son not happy with his grandpa. He say that grandpa no let him do anything. Me not enough money to get new tele. Also no enough space in house too. I will try take father to drive today. He like latte from special shop so will ask him to go get there. Me thank you for you advice. Me wife no thank because she say when you give advice Father use it for more bad thing to her. Father is asking me wife and me son to do resolutions too).

    Kris (Germany)

  7. Stop! Please stop this insanity. It is driving me craaazzzzy!

    What a brilliant comment. Thank you so much mrizvi

  8. Just caaaallmm down, Plunker. R-eeeee-llll-aaaax! Remember Smile's instructions to be nice and kind

    Good job mrizvi. What a nice comment today. Thank you for letting us know that this is a good blog

  9. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Karen Kris Keith Kim mrizvi Plunker Batman Boris Linda Dave
    Superwoman Jimmy Cleo Brenda Jasmeet newbie Maheen Sheema Tiara
    Retiree Group Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone

  10. My Smile is amazing. She is an amazing psychologist. She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing advisor. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is

    PS: Sorry for writing late comment. I was not feeling well


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