Sleet of Ice

Image result for frenchman's bay in winter  pictures

I am Happy for Retiree Group you got some Tips
from My Blog

To My Dear Reader
who is doing two jobs

Supervisor is busy man
don't talk about me
if he wants to talk
he can ask

My Dear Kris 
You are Not in the Driving seat
you should be
for your whole family

Set some spot in father's room
so that he can sit and enjoy
time alone not all the time
beside TV

Not good for him
Your Son comes first
otherwise he will go
to friends

I will write for your
Father separate Blog
He is My Friend

He will understand

Today is plus one temperature
snow is slipping away
we use to have an idea of snow
by looking at the garden
furniture in our backyard

The glass top of the table outside
and the BBQ counter by looking
at that we can easily judge 
what is going on and how much
snow added overnight

Because of last week rain much is
melted still I see some snow but just
couple of inches

It is sunny and bright I was getting
ready to have a walk to Tim Horton
but yesterday my son was at Frenchman's 
Bay the lake was looking great

My son wanted to take me there
it was an amazing offer
I was at the lake walking on my
favorite path which divides
the water into two sections

One side is the big lake with high tide
waves are in a playful mood
the other side looks very quiet 

Looks to me like story of Life
the journey we travel through
from our playful childhood
to the sober old age of ours

Very quiet with all the burden
which we tackle quietly
no time to play around
no fun anymore

We learned to be quiet
today there was sleet of ice
throughout the quiet side
of water surface

A serene look at the surface
but who knows what is going on
underneath of that calmness

So quiet not talking 
not sharing with anyone
I think it lost it's trust
may be talking only to God


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. Today being Friday, there are lot of locals who are here. I have bought extra biscuits as it has become a tradition in our small town that locals come here and read blog before going back to their homes or pub

  2. My Smile is awesome!! She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome adviser. She is an awesome writer. She has an awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!

    1. This was from Karen. Sorry I forgot to sign my name

  3. I lost the race to post the blog on our corporate notice boards. It was already posted when I got there. Of course, there were a fresh from SDs there with a note that "enjoy these Smile Donuts, courtesy Smile Addict"


    1. I was in early today so was able to post the blog. The box of SDs was there when I came. There was an extra donut for the person posting the blog.


    2. We had our meeting to talk about the SDs and the mystery deepened as there is no one here who is bringing the SDs. I am not sure what's going on


  4. Dear Madam Smile, you so nice. You care me and Dear Kris father and Dear Retirees and all Dear readers so much. I no go to Mr. Supervisor to talk about you blog today but I think he interested because he came to say hello me. I asked if he want know more about Madam because she write so good and he say that yes he very interested. I told him about you take care of all Dear Readers and how good you write but then he remembered that he forgot to make important phone call. I asked him if he no interested and he say yes he very interested and I can tell more about Madam Smile when he come back. I also told Mr. Supervisor that I work harder now and he say that good. I told him I can wait for him after job but he say that because I do 2 job, I no need wait, he will come again today or tomorrow. I ask him if ok if I go to pray thank as Madam write me and he say yes ok but come quickly.

    I do 2 proud job and happy that Madam write blog for me

  5. Dear Advisor, the retirees enjoyed the blog today but were were concerned about your well being that you are being able to venture out in bitter cold weather to the lake. Aside from the health risks it poses, there is always the chances of slipping on sleet of ice. Some retirees have watched documentaries about that and were very alarmed. We know that you tend to venture out and enjoy this, but we are not being able to understand it.

    Our subcommittee for health and well being continue to make good progress. They have expanded the search for walking routes and locations. To expedite, they are not walking but doing this scouting from their car.

    The subcommittee about joint family living did not meet today also as there was no new information for them to sift through. The retired social scientist and the retired computer data scientist are continuing to be part of this subcommittee. The leadership remains with the retired psychologist.

    thank you
    recent retiree

  6. I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D


    1. SWS was fantastic today. Turnout was great. We took the nature route


    2. We talked about Smile's active lifestyle during the SWN today. She is an inspiration to our coop students, let alone to the older generation.


    3. The first toastmasters meeting of 2017 was today and since this is the first meeting, it was an open agenda ie people can discuss any topic that they want but the only topic that was discussed was Smile blog. People wanted to talk about her positive attitude and her kindness to her readers.


  7. Father say that why you son take you to lake in so cold weather. He say he no understand. Father say if you want watch lake then you do on tele. He say you can watch ocean in tele too. Father say it good idea you give to Kris (me) to get tablet for him. Now father can use tablet when ad coming on tele in middle of program. Father say you give this idea to you son too. He should get tele and tablet to you too and not take you to cold lake. Father say give idea to you son that he get you soup. He say his daughter in law (me wife) should have let resolutions too as she need lot improvement. He say you give this idea to her as she no listen him. Father say you give idea to Niklas (me son) to stop play lot game on tele. He say kids should only read book or play football in field but no watch tele. Father say I write all this as this his comment and he can write what he want. He say he learning Anglais and will write his comment soon. He say it taking time because he old, almost 67

    (Father no listen to me. He no go drive yesterday. He say he get tired in drive. Father no want go to mall or go out too. He say he will go when whether better. I drive me son to library so he can play on computer with friend. He say he no like grandpa but I tell him that this wrong. He no say like that. I think it ok because he will go skool next week and Father may get bore with tablet by then. Also I will remind father about letting Niklas play. IF you can write for him it good because he no listen me or anyone only listen you)

    Kris (Germany)

  8. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing counselor. She is amazing writer. She has amazing family. She is amazingly active. She is involved in amazing activities. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  9. The blog came in really handy to start our meeting today. It was cold where I was and people were having a difficult time to get going. I used the blog to get them excited about nature and got them to look at challenges from another context ie to enjoy and cherish. It was fantastic. And when they found out that the author is not in her 30s but 70s, they could not believe it. In the end we ended up having a lot of positive conversations and have had a great outcome - all because of the blog

    Thanks Smile

    Keith Walker

  10. I have got a headache as I was banging my head against the wall. I know it is senseless but so is some of what I read every day. Kds today :-( I know, I know, Smile wants us to be nice to everyone

    Great job mrizvi. You are getting better and better every day.

  11. Caaaalmmm down Plunker. This blog is to help you live a less stressful life. Dont worry about kids, everything is fun for them

    Good work mrizvi. Hope things are well at school.

  12. This is yet another good one from Smile. I specially enjoyed the philosophical comparison of the inner self and the lake. And I quote:

    "A serene look at the surface
    but who knows what is going on
    underneath of that calmness

    So quiet not talking
    not sharing with anyone
    I think it lost it's trust
    may be talking only to God"

    This is what differentiates her from the other good writers. She does not just write well, but also has deep meaning hidden in these anecdotes. It is like Herriot is describing the scene but Deepak Chopra is describing the thought. I think they call it 2 for the price of 1 :-)

    Thank you Smile

  13. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Keith Kris Karen Boris mrizvi Linda Dave Plunker Batman Tiara
    Jimmy Brenda Cleo Jasmeet Marg Retiree Group Superwoman Newbie Greg
    Maheen Sheema Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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